PMP Exam Prep

  1. A piece of the project that must be completed (performed); sometimes called a "task"; can be divided into smaller pieces; typically has an assigned resource, cost amount, and expected duration
  2. A detailed list of activities that project team members use to know what work on the project they are responsible for completing
    Activity List (Output/Input)
  3. A network diagramming method in which activities are shown on arrows and connected at nodes to show the sequence of activities. Also known as ADM, AOL
    Activity-on-Arrow (AOA)
  4. A network diagramming method in which activities are shown on the boxes or circles of the network diagram and connected via arrows. Also known as PDM
  5. A network diagramming method that calculates the late start (LS) and late finish (LF) dates for each activity
    Backward Pass
  6. A chart that shows a time relationship between the activities of the project; also commonly called a Gantt chart
    Bar Chart (Tool)
  7. A model for parallel programs with ingoing (inclusive) and outgoing (exclusive) links
  8. The separation (or divergence) of activities on a network diagram from a central node
  9. The smallest time unit used in project schedules such as minutes, hours, shifts, day, weeks, months, quarters
    Calendar Unit
  10. The process of monitoring and updating the progress of the project and managing changes to scope
    Control Schedule
  11. A duration compression technique in which more people are added to critical path activities to shorten the duration of the critical path or other impacted areas of the schedule
  12. A schedule technique used to evaluate the amount of float of the network paths; used to determine the minimum overall duration of the diagram
    Critical Chain Method (Technique)
  13. The series of activities that shows the overall duration of the project; can change as the project evolves
    Critical Path
  14. A network analysis method used to calculate total project duration
    Critical Path Method (CPM) (Technique)
  15. The identification of appropriate activities to complete the project deliverable
    Define Activities
  16. A relationship between activities represented in the way activities are sequenced
  17. The process of using activity sequences, duration estimates, and resources to create the schedule
    Develop Schedule
  18. A dependency in which the Project Manager (or other decision maker) can choose to allow it to be a dependency or not, depending upon the needs of the project (e.g., Buying a plane ticket before booking a hotel reservation)
    Discretionary Dependency (Soft Logic)
  19. A zero duration activity used in the arrow diagramming method (ADM) to show a logical relationship; appears graphically with an arrow having a dashed line
    Dummy Activities
  20. The overall amount of time on a project or activity
  21. The earliest time an activity can finish based on the network logic
    Early Finish Date (EF)
  22. The earliest time an activity can start based on the network logic
    Early Start Date (ES)
  23. The amount of labor needed to complete an activity or work package; typically measured in hours, days, or weeks
  24. A logical, educated prediction of some project component; typically included a tolerance of accuracy
    Estimate (Output/Input)
  25. The process of estimating the number of work periods (hours, days, weeks) to accomplish the activity
    Estimate Activity Durations
  26. Determination of resources (people, material, equipment) needed for a project, including the determination of when (or how much of) the resources are needed
    Estimate Activity Resources
  27. A dependency that lies outside the control of the project team
    External Dependency
  28. A schedule compression technique in which the main focus is to find activities that can be done in parallel and to adjust the activity sequences to reflect this adjustment
    Fast Tracking
  29. A dependency used on project scheduling in which one activity cannot finish until the activity it is dependent upon finishes (Activity B cannot finish until Activity A finishes.)
    Finish-to-Finish Dependency (FF)
  30. The default dependency type (with most project scheduling software) in which one activity cannot start until the one it is dependent upon finishes. (Activity B cannot start until Activity A finishes)
    Finish-to-Start Dependency (FS)
  31. The amount of time an activity can be delayed (slip) without causing a delay to the successor(s) activities, or the finish date of the project
  32. A network diagram technique that calculates the early start (ES) and early finish (EF) dates for each activity
    Forward Pass
  33. The amount of time an activity can be delayed without causing slippage (delay) to the early start of any subsequent activities
    Free Slack (Free Float)
  34. The horizontal bar chart used in project management to show a time relationship between activities. Also called a bar chart
    Gantt Chart
  35. A fixed date for an activity or milestone
    Imposed Date
  36. A delay to a successor activity from the predecessor (e.g., Activity A finishes then has a three-day wait before Activity B can begin)
  37. The latest time an activity can be finished without delaying the project finish date
    Late Finish Date (LF)
  38. The latest time an activity can start without delaying the project finish date
    Late Start Date (LS)
  39. Acceleration to a successor from the predecessor (e.g., Activity A finishes. But with a three-day head start, Activity B can begin three days before Activity A finishes.)
  40. A logical relationship between two or more components of a project schedule
    Logical Relationship
  41. A required dependency on a project; cannot be ignored (e.g., You must pour the foundation of a house before you can begin framing it.)
    Mandatory Dependency (Hard Logic)
  42. A high level schedule which displays summary information associated with activities, deliverables, milestones, and WBS components
    Master Schedule (Tool)
  43. A coming together (Convergence) of activities on a network diagram
  44. A high level schedule which displays summary information associated with activities and milestones
    Milestone Schedule (Tool)
  45. A schematic of logical relationships that make up the flow of activities on the project; always drawn from left to right
    Network Diagram
  46. The connecting of activities on the network diagram to establish the structure of the network diagram
    Network Logic
  47. A non-stop series of activities from the start to the finish of the network diagram
    Network Path
  48. A point in a schedule network
  49. A burst on the network diagram where the output of an activity goes to more than one activity
    Path Divergence
  50. An estimating technique used to take the pessimistic, optimistic, and realistic (most likely) estimates to achieve a cumulative estimate
    PERT Weighted Average
  51. A network diagramming process in which activities are represented in boxes
    Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
  52. The logical relationship between activities as depicted in a precedence diagram
    Precedence Relationship
  53. An activity that determines when its successor activity can begin
    Predecessor Activity
  54. A project management estimation technique used when estimates for individual activities are questionable
    Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
  55. A calendar that indicates working and non-working dates and shifts for the project
    Project Calendar
  56. A view of the logicial relationship (sequencing) of project activities
    Project Network Diagram
  57. The document that lists the dates for performing project activities and meeting project milestones
    Project Schedule
  58. A graphical representation of the logical relationships between project activities
    Project Schedule Network Diagram
  59. The processes associated with an attempt to complete the project on time
    Project Time Management
  60. A calendar in the project managment plan and schedule that shows working and non-working days
    Resource Calendar
  61. A progressive elaboration approach to managing a schedule where the initial phases are defined at a detailed level with the remaining work at a high level - As the initial phases are done, the remaining phases are planned
    Rolling Wave Planning (Technique)
  62. The planned dates, sequencing, resources, and durations for activities and milestones on a project
  63. A schedule version over a specific time period that is used as the basis for scheduled activities comparison
    Schedule Baseline
  64. The process of shortening the project schedule without modifying the scope of the project (e.g., crashing and fast tracking)
    Schedule Compression (Technique)
  65. Document that decomposes work packages, establishes the network diagram, determines required resources, determines activity durations, integrates activity components into a schedule, and deals with schedule changes and updates
    Schedule Management Plan
  66. A major event in the project schedule; typically involves the start or completion of a major component of the project
    Schedule Milestone
  67. A model used in schedule network analysis to create the project schedule
    Schedule Model
  68. A technique used to determine early and late start dates and early and late finish dates of project activities
    Schedule Network Analysis
  69. The planned finish date for an activity, work package, or other piece of the schedule
    Scheduled Finish Date
  70. The planned start date for an activity, work package, or other piece of the schedule
    Scheduled Start Date
  71. The process of determining and documenting the logical relationships between activities on the project
    Sequence Activities
  72. Data associated with the completion of work on the project; can include deliverable status, actions associated with preventative and corrective measures, and change requests
    Work Performance Information (Output/Input)
  73. The amount of time an activity can be delayed (slip) without causing a delay to the successor(s) activities, or the final finish date of the project
    Slack (Float)
  74. A dependency used on project scheduling in which one activity cannot finish until the activity it is dependent on starts (e.g., Activity B cannot finish until Activity A starts)
    Start-to-Finish Dependency (SF)
  75. A dependency used on project scheduling in which one activity cannot start until the activity it is dependent on start (Activity B cannot start until Activity A starts)
    Start-to-Start Dependency (SS)
  76. A section of a network diagram; can be associated with a work package or some other type of logical decomposition
  77. An activity that follows an activity logically connected to it
  78. An activity that sums up the detailed activities underneath it; typically used to evaluate work packages and facilitate executive reporting
    Summary Activity
  79. A requested project completion date that can be a constraint for the project
    Target Completion Date (TC)
  80. The date that the project (or activity) is anticipated to be completed
    Target Finish Date (TF)
  81. A preliminary schedule that can be used during initial stages of Planning; could differ from the baseline schedule at the conclusion of Planning
    Target Schedule
  82. The planned start date of the project or activity
    Target Start Date (TS)
  83. An activity to be completed on the project
  84. An estimating technique that can be applied to schedule or budget; uses three estimateds for each activity; uses an optimistic, pessimistic, and realistic (most likely) estimate
    Three Point Estimate (Technique)
  85. The maximum amount of time an activity can slip without causing a delay to the project finish date
    Total Float (TF) also called Total Slack
  86. The amount of time an activity can slip (be delayed) from its early start date without delaying the overall finish date
    Total Slack (Total Float)
  87. A result that is outside of the expected result
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PMP Exam Prep
Time Terminology