Every item in the Federal Supply Catalog is identified by?
A NSN 13-digit stock number
A National Stock Number consist of?
4 digit federal supply class and a 9 NIIN
The NIIN national item identification number consist of?
A 2 digit National Codification Bureau NCB and 7 digits to identify each NSN item in the federal supply distribution system
Cognizance symbols consist of what two parts?
one numeric and alphabetic character
what letter is use when an item must be kept frozen for preservation?
what letter is use when alcohol, alcoholic beverages, precious metals, or other substances requiring vault storage and Schedule II?
DD Form 1348
is used as a requisition;requisition follow-up, modification, or cancellation;and tracer request on overdue shipments sent by insured, registered, or certified mail
DD Form 1149
Requisition and Invoice/Shipping Document use this form to procure GSA contract items such as medical books, journals
How many Force/Activity Designator (F/AD) are there?
6 numbered in roman numeral
DD Form 1348-6 is use for?
Non-NSN Requisition
A bulkhead-to-bulkhead inventory of a specific storeroom is conducted when?
a random sampling of that storeroom fails to meet the inventory accuracy rate of 90 percent
What is the NAVSUP 1220/2?
Allowance of change
Who approves revisions for AMALs and ADALS?
Who must approved higher stock lvl quantities above allowance of controlled medicinals?
Type Commanders TYCOMS
Who distribute, coordinates, reviews, manages amals and adals?
NAVMEDLOGCOM naval medical logistics command
What established the min quantity of medical and dental equipment and consumables that fleet and FMF units must maintain?
when must CNO approve revisions to amals/adals?
when cummulative cost is over $100000.
Amal and adal replacement equipment costinng less than $5000 must be paid by which fund?
What is the min supply an amal and adal must have? In days?
60 days