Advantages/Disadvantages of med routes

  1. Advantage of oral route
    Safe, inexpensive, easy and convenient
  2. Disadvantage of oral route
    • Oral meds highly variable absorption
    • Must be cooperative and conscious
    • contradictions include nausea and vomitting
  3. Advantages of subq/IM routes
    • Oral meds highly variable absorption
    • Must be cooperative and conscious
    • contradictions include nausea and vomitting
  4. Disadvantages of subq/IM routes
    • higher cost
    • Inconvinient
    • pain w/ risk for local tissue/nerve damage
    • risk for infection
  5. Advantages of IV
    • - Onset is rapid, and absorption of med into the blood is immediate.
    • - Allows control over precise amount of meds.
    • - Allows administration of lg volumes of fluid Irritating med can be given w/ free-flowing IV fluid
    • - Less discomfort after initial insertion. - Maintains constant therapeutic blood levels.
    • Less irritation to subQ and muscle tissue
  6. Disadvantages of IV
    • higher cost
    • inconvenient
    • dangerous
    • increased risk for infection or embolism
    • circulatory fluid overload is possible if the infusion is large and/or too rapid
    • immediate absorption leaves no time to correct errors
    • IV administration can cause irritation to the lining of the vein
    • failure to maintain surgical asepsis can lead to local infection and septicemia
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Advantages/Disadvantages of med routes
Advantages/Disadvantages of med routes