Exam 1 Study Guide

  1. Environmental Science is a?
    • systematic approach learning about the environment
    • systematic study of our environment and out place in it
  2. Which of the following is not a molecule?
    Carbon: a molecule is made up of more than two atoms
  3. There is/are usually _____ tolerance limits responsible for limiting the number and location of species, hoever some organisms have _________________ that limits thier distribution.
    • many
    • a specific critical factor
  4. Malthus and Marx:
    disagreed about the root causes of overpopulation poverty

    Thomas Malthus (1798): human populations will outstrip thier food supply and collapse into starvation, crime, and misery.

    Karl Marx: populatoin growth resulted from poverty, resource depletion, pollution, and other social ills.
  5. The location of specific biomes can be predicted based on...
    precipitation and temperature
  6. In the normal I=PAT, which of the following would be representative of the A?
    I=PAT A is the affluence leve

    in the example, A means driving an SUV
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. Name the Biomes
    • Tropical Rainforest
    • Tropical Savannah
    • Desert
    • Temperate Grassland
    • Temperate Forest
    • Boreal Forest
    • Tundra
    • Temperate Rainforest
  12. Name the biome with lots of water falls
    • Tropical Rainforest
    • occur where rainfall is abundant-more than 200 cm (80 in) per year
  13. What land is submerged?
    • wetland, swamp
    • Wetlands are shallow ecosystems in which the land surface is saturated or submerged at least part of the year
  14. Name the biome with high latitude, few trees, and low species.
    • Tundra
    • Compared to other biomes, tundra has relatively low diversity
    • Temperatures are below freezing most of the year , making water unavailable to plants
    • Tundra occurs at high latitudes or on mountaintops
  15. Warm and areas with low temperature
    • Desert
    • Deserts occur where precipitation is uncommon and slight, usually with less than 30 cm of rain per year
  16. Name the biome that is 50-60 degrees with low temperature and has slow growing vegetation.
  17. Name the biome that is hot year round.
  18. Name what 3/4 of the planet is defined by salt water
    Marine Environment
  19. Name the biome that has mid-latitude, very high precipitation, and supports living.
    Temperate Rainforest
  20. Name the biome with rich soils.
    • Temperate Grassland
    • As in tropical latitudes, temperate (midlatitude) grasslands occur where there is enough rain to support abundant grass but not enough for forests
  21. Ideally Science?
    Methodical and logical
  22. What is the difference from extinction now and in the past?
    in the past it was a set rate and now it is due to human influence
  23. Define Species:
    • interbred with each other and capable of offspring
    • species are distinct organisms that persist because they can produce fertile offpsring
  24. What is one selected pressure on animals in the desert environment?
    Drought, sunlight
  25. Energy is the ability to what?
    • Both move an object and transfer heat from one object to another
    • Energy is the ability to do work such as moving matter over a distance or causing a heat transfer between two objects at different temperatures
  26. What is symbiosis?
    • When animals can coexist with one another
    • Symbiosis is a process where two or more species live intimately together.
    • There are three major types of symbiotic relationships: Mutualism, Commensalism, and Parasitism.
  27. What is the P in I=PAT?
  28. What is the sympatric specification?
    • When two species interact with each other
    • Species arise in the same location as the ancestor species
  29. Especially effective strategy for reducing intra specific competition is?
    different ecological niches for juveniles and adults
  30. What is the shape of the human growth curve in the past 800 years?
    J curve
  31. What is the difference between a K-selected and an R-selected species?
    • R-selected is having many offspring but a short life span
    • K-selected is having a small number of offspring with a long life span taking care of them
  32. Describe how photosynthesis works?
    • CO2 plus Hco sunligh C6H1206 produces sugar molecules and energy
    • Photosynthesis converts radiant energy into useful, high-quality chemical energy in the bonds that hold together organic molecules
    • Animals eat plants-or other animals that have eaten plants-and break down the organic molecules in their food through cellular respiration to obtain energy
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Exam 1 Study Guide
Environmental Science Chapters 1 thru 5 Review