B230, Module II, Cognitive Development, Piaget, DDST

  1. What is the chronology of Stage 1 of Piaget's infant development?

    What does that stage encompass?
    Birth to one month.

    It encompasses:

    • modification of reflexes;
    • the infant in this stage practices and perfects the reflexes that are present at birth

    The sucking reflex becomes more refined and voluntary, for example
  2. What is the chronology of Stage 2 of Piaget's infant development?

    What does this stage encompass?
    One month to 4 months.

    It encompasses:

    Primary circular reactions; repeats behavior that previous led to an interesting event.

    Only the infants body is involved in activities.
  3. What is the chronology of Stage 3 of Piaget's infant development?

    What does this stage encompass?
    4 months - 10 months

    It encompasses:

    the beginning of secondary circular reaction

    repetitions involve events or objects in the external world; the infant appears to perform actions with a purpose.

    Hand-eye coordination
  4. What is the chronology of Stage 4 of Piaget's infant development?

    What does this stage encompass?
    10 months - 12 months

    It encompasses:

    Coordination of secondary reactions; requires two or more previous strategies to obtain a goal
  5. What is the chronology of Stage 5 of Piaget's infant development?

    What does this stage encompass?
    12 months - 18 months

    It encompasses:

    tertiary circular reactions; uses active experimentation to achieve previoulsy unattainable goals

    The infant purposely varies movements to observe results
  6. What is the Denver Developmental Screening Test II and what are its three (3) purposes?
    The DDST II is a standarized tool that screens for developmental problems in children from birth to six years of age.

    • Three purposes are:
    • 1. screening apparently healthy infants for developmental problems

    2. validating intuitive concerns about an infant's development with an objective test

    3. monitoring high-risk children for developmental problems
  7. What are the four areas of development screened for the DDST II?
    1. gross motor

    2. fine motor - adaptive

    3. language

    4. personal - social
  8. What are the unique features of the DDST II?
    This tests has sophisticated standardization, and it incorporates inclusions of norms for various subgroups based on place of residence, ethnicity, and mother's level of education.
  9. Why is height and weight in an infant important to chart at each office visit?
    It is a valid health indicator and an infant who is growing properly is at low risk for developing a chronic disease.
  10. How is the growth index determined?
    By length and weight of the infant
Card Set
B230, Module II, Cognitive Development, Piaget, DDST
B 230, Cognitive development, piaget, five stages of infant development, DDST