Africa Test

  1. Why is Africa called the "plateau continent"?
    High elevation
  2. What are the names of the four main rivers in Africa?
    Nile, Congo, Niger, and Zambezi
  3. Why is it impossible to sail from Africa's interior to the sea?
  4. A large, mostly flat area that rises above the surrounding land is a:
  5. A physical feature that makes travel difficult is a:
    Transportation barrier
  6. The the major factors that influence climate in Africa are:
    • 1. Distance from large bodies of water
    • 2. Major landforms
    • 3. Elevation
    • 4. Distance from Equator
  7. The three primary types of vegetation regions in Africa are:
    • 1. Tropical rainforest
    • 2. Tropical savannas
    • 3. Deserts
  8. In very dry lands, farmers ___________ their crops.
  9. People who travel from place to place to make a living are called ____________.
  10. In much of Africa, ____________________ mine the resources and take the profits.
    Foreign companies
  11. Africa has few _________ to make products from its own raw materials.
  12. Raising just enough crops to support one's family is called:
    Subsistence farming
  13. Crops raised to sell are called:
    Cash crops
  14. How did Africa's first people obtain food?
    Hunting and gathering
  15. What civilizations grew up along the Nile?
    Egypt in 4000 BC and Nubia in 6000 BC
  16. What were some effects of the Bantu Migrations?
    farming, herding, iron tools, and Bantu languages
  17. To adapt wild plants and animals for humans is to:
  18. A society with cities, a government, social classes, art, and architecture is a:
  19. A group that shares a language, and religion, and customs is an:
    Ethnic group
  20. What items were traded between West African kingdoms and North Africa?
    Salt and gold
  21. What helped the East African city-states develope?
    Taxes and trade
  22. Swahili is a mix of:
    Arabic and Bantu languages
  23. What were the results of European contact on the people of Africa?
    They were enslaved and forced to work in mines
  24. What were the results of European contact on the resources of Africa?
    The Europeans mined them and took the profit
  25. What were the results of European contact on the government of Africa?
    Africans were denied the right to participate and ethnic groups were forced together
  26. What were the results of European contact on the land of Africa?
    Europeans took the best land to farm on
  27. What was the effect of WWII on the Africans to fought?
    They wanted the freedom they fought for
  28. Why was it difficult for some independent African countries to govern themselves?
    The leaders had little or no experience
  29. The movement that stressed African unity and cooperation was known as:
  30. Some African countries have had a long history of ________, in which the government is controlled by the people.
  31. The largest ethnic groups in North Africa are:
    Arabs and Berbers
  32. Ideas move with:
    Travel and trade
  33. True or false: West Africans often live with their extended family and share common ancestors.
  34. True or false: Many African families do not have kinship ties with others in a clan.
  35. Kinship
    A family relationship
  36. Nuclear family
    Parents and children
  37. Extended family:
    Includes relatives other than nuclear family
  38. A lineage:
    Shares a common ancestor
  39. A clan:
    Is a group of lineages with a common ancestor
  40. Africans thought this about the land before Europeans-
    Nobody owned land
  41. Who introduced the idea of privately owned land to Africa?
  42. East Africans believe there home is:
    The land where they grew up
  43. The British set up ______ in East Africa.
  44. A migrant worker:
    Moves from place to place to find work
  45. What landforms make up most of the Sahara?
    Plateaus and plains
  46. Where does the water in the desert come from?
  47. What kinds of jobs are there for the people of the Sahara?
    Farming, herding, and oil and gas businesses
  48. Where are the Rainforests located in Africa?
    Central and Western Africa

    Congo, Gabon, Cameroon, Nigeria, D.R. Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, and Madagascar
  49. What is the climate of the rainforest?
    Humid, hot, and rainy
  50. How do plants adapt to the rainforests?
    They adapt to the amount of light and moisture their layer receives
  51. How is the rainforest a habitat for many animals?
    • Provides food and shelter
    • Has layers
  52. What are Savannas?
    Flat, sunny plains covered in grass and scattered bushes and trees
  53. What types of animals live in the savanna?
    Grazing and leaf-eating animals, predators, and scavengers
  54. Where do many of the wild animals now live? Why?
    • Game reserves
    • Ranches
  55. Were blacks allowed to work in South Africa in the 1940's?
  56. What is apartheid?
    A form of racial segregation in which blacks are not given basic rights
  57. Mandela believes that freedom's most powerful weapon is:
  58. Was there peace after Mandela's release from prison?
    No, there was violence
  59. True or False: Mandela decided that after prison, he would spend the rest of his life providing support for those who need it, thanking people that had helped him, and responding to those that need help.
  60. How did Mandela keep up with world events while in prison?
    Getting newspapers from a garbage dump
  61. True or False: Mandela believes that one of the greatest qualities of a leader is humility.
Card Set
Africa Test
For test on 2/12/10.