
  1. what is usedin in combination with oxygen for conscious sedation?
    nitrous oxide
  2. what are four effects of N2O/O2 ?
    • pt remains conscious
    • protective reflexes are intact
    • releif of anxiety
    • analgesia
  3. light sedation to relax the patient who can respond to situations and questions
    conscious sedation
  4. gereralized, reversible depression of the central nervous system characterized by loss of consciousness, amnesia and immobility but not necessarily complete anesthesia
    gerneral anesthesia
  5. the formation of blood or blood cells in the living body
  6. nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen
  7. t/f every patient must use 50% nitrous and 50% oxygen combination
    FALSE! dose of the gas comination for conscious sedation is variable according to pt response
  8. what is the recommended maximum nitrous oxide limit in dental?
    60% nitrous 40% oxygen
  9. what is the highest the nitrous machine will allow for nitrous to go?
    70% nitrous/ 30% oxygen
  10. what is it called withn there is rapid movement of large amounts of nitrous oxide from circulation into the lungs and may dilute the oxygen in the lungs?
    diffusion hypoxia
  11. how do you prevent diffusion hpoxia?
    administer 100% oxygen for the time needed to clear the nitrous oxide from the lungs
  12. how do you terminate the nitrous effects?
  13. general anesthetic is a potent _____ depressant
  14. general anesthetics produce a _______ loss of consciousness and insensitivity to ______ stimuli
    • reversible
    • pain
  15. N2O/O2 is considered an ________ anesthetic
  16. what is stage I of anesthesia?
  17. in what stage is a pt if on nitrous?
    stage I
  18. t/f in stage one the pt is unconscious
    false pt remains conscious and can still respond to command
  19. what is associated with stage II
    involuntary movement and excitement
  20. what is stage II of anestesia
    delirium or excitement
  21. in what stage is most surgery performed?
    stage II
  22. whathappens during stage IV
    respiratory and medullary paralysis. pt DIES
Card Set
ch 11 conscious sedation and general anesthesia