Middle East and North Africa Questions

  1. The separation of the Arabian plate from the African plate created the __________.
    Red Sea
  2. The __________ were formed as a result of contact between the African, Arabian, and Eurasianplates at the center of the region.
    Zagros Mountains
  3. Where are the Atlas Mountains located?
    the northwest of Africa
  4. One source of the Nile is located in Ethiopia, the other source flows from __________.
    Lake Victoria
  5. The Blue Nile flows __________ across the Sahara Desert.
  6. In North Africa, this is a tunnel well, dug into the base of a mountain.
  7. What type of precipitation occurs in the winter and spring storms in the coastal areas of the Mediterranean Sea?
    orographic precipitation
  8. When did the domestication of plants occur?
    7000 to 9000 B.C.
  9. Unlike most of the Middle East, this country has no areas of desert.
  10. Which of the following religions is the oldest?
  11. The Ottoman empire was based on the Anatolian Plateau in modern __________.
  12. After being part of the Ottoman Empire, Algeria became a possession of this country.
  13. The Balfour Declaration was a __________ British mandate that required the establishment of aJewish homeland.
  14. __________ is the process by which domestic producers provide goods or services that wereformerly brought from foreign producers.
    Import Substitution
  15. The __________ is a set of practical guidelines to behavior for Muslims.
  16. Which Muslim faction argued Muhammadʹs son-in-law Ali should succeed him?
  17. Most Muslims in Iran are:
  18. Transhumance is the movement of herds according to __________.
    seasonal rhythms
  19. Which of the following is defined as a loose, usually black robe worn by Muslim women thatcovers the body including the face, from head to toe?
  20. In which Middle Eastern society would women have the least freedom to appear in public?
  21. The political and economic problems of the Middle East and North Africa region are__________.
    due to the drawing of artificial boundaries
  22. Cultural differences are some of the reasons for the tensions between Iraq and Iran, becausemost Iraqis are __________, while most Iranians are __________.
  23. The Berbers are mostly found in __________.
    Morocco and Algeria
  24. Most of the guest workers employed in the Middle East and North Africa are working in:
    the Persian Gulf region
  25. What are gecekondu?
    informal housing in Turkish cities
  26. What is true of the worldʹs Kurds?
    • They are non-Arabic
    • They do not have an independent political identity
    • They are mostly Sunni Muslims
  27. Zionism represents the world political movement for:
    the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Israel
  28. The violent uprising of Palestinians against the Israeli occupation is called:
    the intifada
  29. This is the richest country in the Middle East and North Africa.
  30. After the first Arab-Israeli War, Israel was able to expand to the __________.
    western sector of Jerusalem
  31. __________ activities are largely centered in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
  32. True or False: The ultimate destination for the Tigris and Euphrates rivers is the Persian Gulf.
  33. True or False: Dry farming is an arable farming technique that allows the cultivation of crops withoutirrigation in regions with plenty of moisture.
  34. True or False: Compared to other world regions, the populations in the Middle East and North Africa are relatively youthful.
  35. True or False: The political and social movement called Islamism seeks to modernize the Middle East byadopting Western technologies and culture.
  36. True or False: Jihad can mean both a personal struggle and the struggle of a community.
  37. True or False: The transition to food producing minisystems in the Middle East and North Africa allowedhigher population densities.
  38. True or False: After WWII, Syria was controlled by the French.
  39. True or False: The ʺnationalization of economic developmentʺ involves the conversion of key industries fromgovernmental operation and control to private operation.
  40. True or False: The best description of the transition from traditional relationships with the environment inthe Middle East and North Africa to modern times is ʺfrom overexploitation to adaptation.ʺ
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Middle East and North Africa Questions
Middle East and North Africa Ch. 3 Quiz