Canine Shu-Mu & Core

  1. Total number of lung acupoints?
    11 total acupoints
  2. Total number of large intestine acupoints?
    20 total acupoints
  3. Total number of stomach acupoints?
    45 total acupoints
  4. Total number of spleen acupoints?
    21 total acupoints
  5. Total number of heart acupoints?
    9 total acupoints
  6. Total number of small intestine acupoints?
    19 total acupoints
  7. Total number of bladder acupoints?
    67 total acupoints
  8. Total number of kidney acupoints?
    27 total acupoints
  9. Total number of pericardium acupoints?
    9 total acupoints
  10. Total number of triple heater acupoints?
    23 total acupoints
  11. Total number of gallbladder acupoints?
    44 total acupoints
  12. Total number of liver acupoints?
    14 total acupoints
  13. Total number of governor vessel acupoints? Number of
    28 total acupoints
  14. Total number of conception vessel acupoints?
    24 total acupoints
  15. Where does the lung channel start and end?
    LU-1 is on the chest, medial to the greater tubercle of the humerus, in the 1st intercostal space. Ends at radial nail angle of 1st digit LU-11
  16. LU-1 association, location, innervation, indications
    • On
    • mu lung
    • the chest, medial to the greater tubercle of the humerus, in the 1st intercostal space.
    • radial n, pectoral n
    • resp dz, shoulder injury, local pain
  17. CV-17 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu pericardium
    • On the ventral midline, at the level of the 4th ICS
    • T2-T3 spinal n segments
    • anxiety, cardiac dz, resp dz
  18. CV-14 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu heart
    • 1/2 way between CV-12 and the xiphisternal synchondrosis on midline. (CV-12 is 1/2 way between the umbilicus (CV-8) and the xiphisternal synchondrosis on midline.)
    • T8-T9 spinal n segment
    • anxiety, cardiac issues upsetting the stomach
  19. LR-14 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu liver
    • On the mammary line at the level of the 8th ICS
    • T7-T8 spinal n segment
    • digestive dz
  20. GB-24 association, location, innervation, indications
    • Mu gallbladder
    • In a depression ventral to the costochondral junction at the 9th ICS caudodorsal to LR-14 (LR-14 is on the mammary line at the level of the 8th ICS)
    • T8-T10 spinal n segment
    • hepatobiliary dz, regional pain
  21. LR-13 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu spleen
    • On the lateral side of the abdomen just ventral and cranial to the tip of the 12th rib
    • T10-T11 spinal n segment
    • digestive dz
  22. CV-12 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu stomach
    • 1/2 way between the umbilicus (CV-8) and the xiphisternal synchondrosis on midline
    • T9-T10 spinal n segment
    • abdominal dz
  23. CV-5 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu triple heater
    • 2 cun caudal to the umbilicus (CV-8), 3 cun cranial to the pubic symphysis on midline
    • genitofemoral n (L3-L4)
    • iliohypogastric n (L1-L2)
    • caudal abdominal pain, ascites
  24. GB-25 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu kidney
    • On the lateral abdomen at the tip of the 13th rib
    • T12-T13 spinal n segment
    • kidney dz, regional pain
  25. ST-25 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu large intestine
    • Level with the umbilicus (CV-8) between the linea alba and the linea semilunaris
    • L1 spinal n segment, ventral br
    • abdominal dz
  26. CV-4 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu small intestine
    • 3 cun caudal to the umbilicus (CV-8) or 2 cun cranial to the pubic symphysis on midline
    • genitofemoral n (L3-L4)
    • iliohypogastric n (L1-L2)
    • uterine dz
  27. CV-3 association, location, innervation, indications
    • mu bladder
    • 4 cun caudal to the umbilicus (CV-8) or 1 cun cranial to the pubic symphysis on midline
    • genitofemoral (L3-L4) iliohypogastric (L1-L2)
    • genitourinary dz
  28. Mu Urinary Bladder
  29. Mu Small Intestine
  30. Mu large intestine
  31. Mu kidney
  32. Mu lung
  33. Mu Pericardium
  34. Mu heart
  35. Mu Liver
  36. Mu Gallbladder
  37. Mu Spleen
  38. Mu Stomach
  39. Mu Triple Heater
  40. BL-13 assication, location, innervation, indications
    • shu lung
    • Lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of T3
    • T2-T3 spinal n segment
    • lung dz, local pain
  41. BL-14 association, location, innervation, indications
    • s
    • shu pericardium
    • Lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of T4
    • T2-T4 spinal n segments
    • heart dz, local pain
  42. BL-15 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu heart
    • Lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of T5
    • T3-T5 spinal n segments
    • heart dz, local pain, anxiety
  43. BL-18 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu liver
    • 1.5 cun lateral to T10
    • T8-T10 spinal n segments
    • liver dz, local pain
  44. BL-19 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu gallbladder
    • 1.5 cun lateral to T11
    • T9-T11 spinal n segments
    • hepatobiliary dz, local pain
  45. BL-20 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu spleen
    • 1.5 cun lateral to T12
    • T10-T12 spinal n segments
    • digestive dz
  46. BL-21 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu stomach
    • 1.5 cun lateral to T13
    • T11-T13 spinal n segements
    • digestive dz
  47. BL-22 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu triple heater
    • 1.5 cun lateral to L1
    • T12-L1 spinal n segments
    • abdominal distention, adrenal dz
  48. BL-23 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu kidney
    • 1.5 cun lateral to L2
    • T12-L2 spinal n segments
    • kidney dz, genitourinary dz, lumbar/ pelvic pain, local pain
  49. BL-25 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu large intestine
    • 1.5 cun lateral to L5
    • L2-L4 spinal n segments
    • intestinal dz
  50. BL-27 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu small intestine
    • Lateral to the 1st sacral foramen between the medial border of the cranial dorsal iliac spine and the sacrum
    • L6-S1 spinal n segments
    • genitourinary dz, si dz
  51. BL-28 association, location, innervation, indications
    • shu bladder
    • Lateral to the 2nd sacral foramen between the medial border of the cranial dorsal iliac spine and the sacrum
    • L6-S1 spinal n segment
    • genitourinary dz, si dz
  52. Vertebral formula
    • "7373"
    • 7C, 13T, 7L, 3S
  53. Where does the large intestine channel start and end? Paired with what other channel?
    • Starts that the medial aspect of the fore paw (LI-4 is midway between MC2), end at the lateral aspect of the nare (LI-20)
    • Paired with Lung
  54. Where does the stomach channel start and end? Paired with what other channel?
    • Starts on the face, near the eye (ST-2 at infraorbital canal), extends down the neck, lateral to midline along the abdomen, then over the lateral aspect of the hind limb, ending with ST-45
    • Paired with spleen
  55. Where does the spleen channel start and end? Paired with what other channel?
    • Starts on the medial aspect of the hind limb, along the ventral abdomen, lateral to midline to the axilla, then tracking dorsocaudally
    • Paired with stomach
  56. where does the heart channel start and end? Paired with what other channel?
    • Starts in the axillary region, ends HT-9 nail bed of 5th (lateral) digit.
    • paired with small intestine
  57. where does the small intestine channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • Starts on the lateral aspect of the fore paw, ending at SI-19 (depression cranial to the ear, dorsal to the mandible condyle, and caudal to the mandibular border)
    • paired with heart
  58. where does the bladder channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • BL-1 begins just dorsal to the medial canthus of the eye, ends BL-67 on the lateral aspect of the nail bed of the 5th (lateral) digit.
    • Paired with kidney
  59. where does the kidney channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • KI-1 is under the medial foot pad, channel extends up the medial aspect of the hind limb, encircles the medial malleolus, continues medially on the limb to the ventral abdomen, lateral to midline to the level of the sternum
    • paired with bladder
  60. where does the pericardium channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • Starts in the axillary region, PC-3 is medial to the biceps brachii tendon, extends medially to the medial palmar food pad (PC-8)
    • paired with triple heater
  61. where does the triple heater channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • Begins on the dorsal aspect of the lateral foot, ends TH-23 lateral to the zygomatic process of the frontal bone
    • paired with pericardium
  62. where does the gallbladder channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • Begins at the lateral canthus of the eye (GB-1), ends down lateral aspect of the hind limb
    • paired with liver
  63. where does the liver channel begin and end? paired with what other channel?
    • Begins at the medial aspect of the hind limb (LR-2 between the 2nd & 3rd digit, distal to the MCPJ) extending proximomedially to the ventral abdomen, lateral to midline
    • paired with gallbladder
  64. where does the conception vessel channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • CV-1 is in the depression between the anus and caudal scrotum or caudal labia. channel extends cranially along ventral midline.
    • paired with govenor vessel
  65. where does govenor vessel channel start and end? paired with what other channel?
    • GV-1 is is the depression between the anus and the base of the tail. channel extends cranially on dorsal midline.
    • paired with conception vessel
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Canine Shu-Mu & Core
canine shu-mu and core acupoints