clin path hematology

  1. clinical pathology
    the use of lab tests to evaluate the health of a patient
  2. accuracy
    how closely your results agree with the true quantitative value of the constituent
  3. precision
    the magnitude of random errors and the reproductivity of measurements
  4. reliability
    the ability of a method to be both accurate and precise
  5. heparin, EDTA and sodium floride
  6. Lipemia
    excessive fat in blood, will make the fluid portion of blood look cloudy or milky
  7. hematology
    the study of blood and the blood forming tissues
  8. 5mls or 1ml/4lbs
    how much blood to collect
  9. animal or owners name
    species and breed
    age and sex
    date collected
    how collected (under stress, anesthetic)
    id of blood samples
  10. skipocyte
    a cell you can't identify, should be 1/100
  11. smudge cell
    created by the mechanical spreading of blood during the creation of the slide.
  12. ammonium oxalate or acetic acid
    diluting fluid that lyses RBC's in unopette
  13. 10,000/ul
    normal WBC count
  14. average of two sides + 10% x 100 = mm3
    hemocytomer WBC formula
  15. total WBC x 100/ 100 + %NRBC's
    if more than 5 NRBC's use correction formula...
  16. leukocytosis
    an increased number of WBC
  17. leukopenia
    a decreased number of WBC
  18. leukemia
    neoplastic cells in the blood or bone marrow
  19. neutrophilia
    an increase in the number of neutrophils
  20. neutropenia
    a decreased number of neutrophils
  21. lymphocytosis
    increase in the number of lymphocytes
  22. monocytosis
    increase in the number of monocytes
  23. eosinophilia
    increase in the number of eosinophils, heartworm or vaccinations could be the cause
  24. eosinopenia
    a decrease in the number of eosinophils
  25. basophilia
    an increase in the number of basophils
  26. increase in # of band cells in peripheral blood
    shift to the left
  27. increase in bands and leukocytosis
  28. increase in bands and leukopenia, hard to diagnose because total WBC count appears normal
  29. erythrocytes
    transport and protect hemoglobin, the oxygen carrying pigment
  30. erythron
    total mass of circulating RBC's and erythopoietic tissue of bone marrow.
  31. erythrocyte
    red blood cell that is produced and becomes mature in the bone marrow
  32. polycythemia
    an increase in production of RBC's
  33. anemia
    a condition in which there is a reduced number of circulatin RBC's, reduced PVC or a reduced concentraion of hemoglobin
  34. normocytic
    RBC's of normal size, normal size of a canine RBC is 7 microns.
  35. macrocytic
    RBC's that are larger than normal
  36. microcytic
    RBC's smaller than normal
  37. normochromatic
    normal hemoglobin concentration
  38. hypochromatic
    low concentration of hemoglobin (reticulocytes)
  39. % of whole blood
    Packed Cell Volume
  40. 5 min at 10-13,000 RPM
    centrifuge time and speed
  41. NRBC's, WBC's and platelets
    buffy coat
  42. icteric
    yellow plasma, usually liver problems
  43. 40-45% and 37-40%
    normal PCV for dog and cat
  44. hemoconcentration - increased PCV
    a sign of dehydration
  45. hemodilution - causes a decreased PVC
    excessive IV fluids
  46. 12-15 g/dl
    hemoglobin (Hg or Hb) normal value
  47. PCV/3 = g/dl
    hemoglobin rough estimate
  48. PCV/6 =
    RBC rough estimate
  49. PCV x 10/RBC Count = fl
    MCV, Mean Corpuscular Volume
  50. Hb x 10/RBC
    MCH, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin
  51. Hb x 100/PCV
    MCHC, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration
  52. rouleaux
    RBC's stacked coin clump, common in horses
  53. anisocytosis
    a variation in the size of RBC's. could be regenerative or iron deficiency anemia
  54. poikilocytosis
    RBC with abnormal shape
  55. acanthocytes, spur, burr cells
    irregular projectons from the surface, regularly spaced rounded projections. Kidney and liver disease
  56. echinocytes, creanated
    blunt projections evenly distributed, slow drying of the smear. renal disease, lymphosarcoma, snakebites, exercise in horses
  57. spherocytes
    dense spherical canine erythrocytes that appear to be smaller than normal RBC's
  58. leptocytes
    thin RBC with increased membrane and decreased amount of volume, target cell and folded cell.
  59. target cell, codocyte
    contain a central, round portion of hemoglobin inside the area of central parlor
  60. schistocyte, helmet cells
    fragmented RBC's caused by mechanical damage
  61. normochromic
    a mature cell that stains pink in color with an area of central parlor
  62. polychromasia
    cells that have a bluish tint
  63. hypochromic
    lack of or decrease in staining intensity, due to decrease hemoglobin.
  64. reticulocytes
    young, large RBC that contains blue reticulum
  65. basophilic stippling, punctate basophilia
    contain abnormal aggregation of RNA. Lead poisoning and non regenerative anemias
  66. howel jolly bodies
    round nuclear remnants observed in young erythrocytes (dots). splenic diseases and regenerative anemias
  67. nucleated RBC, metarubricytes
    has a large nucleus, poisonings and anemias
  68. heinz bodies
    refractile inclusions of denatured hemoglobin protein, cats 2-3%, bumps.
  69. hemolytic anemia
    ruptured or destroyed RBC's. blood parasites, some bacterias and viruses, self allergy (autoimmune disease)
  70. hemostasis
    the body process that halts hemorrhage
  71. vascular factors, thromobocytes, clotting mechanisms (fibrin clot)
    three factors of hemostasis
  72. hemostatic plug
    role of a platelet to form a plug and they stick to an injured cell wall.
  73. clot retraction
    whole blood clots and after time the clot decreases and the serum is released
  74. fibrinolysis
    breakdown of fibrin clot or clotting process
  75. 2-10 minutes
    normal coagulation time
  76. 65%
    normal segs
  77. 1-2%
    normal bands
  78. 4-5%
    normal eosinophils
  79. less than 1%
    normal basophils
  80. 25%
    lymphocytes normal
  81. 2-4%
    normal monocytes
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clin path hematology
clin path hematology