Head, Neck, Lymph Chpt 11

  1. Skull
    provides a surface of attachment for the muscles that help with chewing and facial expressions
  2. Cranial bones of the skull are connected by immovable joints called
    sutures or "cracks" in the skull
  3. The junction of the coronal and sgittal sutures in the skull
  4. Atlas in neck
    the 1st vertebra articulates occiptal chndyles to support and balance the head
  5. The 2nd vertebra in the neck. Allows the head to pivot and the head is turned from side to side
    Axis of the neck
  6. Each of the vertebreas has a long "extension" spinous process. This serves as a landmark during physical assessments
    vertebra prominens
  7. Sternocleidomastoid Muscle in neck allows
    the head to bend, rotate, flex, extend
  8. anterior triangle in neck
    formed by mandible, trachea and sternocleidomastoid.
  9. Posterior triangle in neck
    sternocleidomastoid, trazpezius and clavical
  10. Trapezii muscle in neck allows
    shoulders and scapula to move up and down
  11. Thyroid
    butterflyshaped, secretes T4 & T3, regulates cellular metabolism. Made of 2 lobes connected in the middle by an isthmus.
  12. Lymph node function
    filter and sequester pathogens and other harmful substances
  13. Preauricular
    anterior cervical chain
    posterior cervical chain
    • Preauricular: face, auditory canal
    • postauricular: scalp, auditory canal
    • occipital: scalp
    • submandibular: face, oral cavity
    • submental: lower face, front of mouth
    • tonsillar: tonsils, pharynx
    • anterior cervial chain: scalp, throat, face
    • posterior cervical chain: back of scalp, ear, skin on back of neck
    • supraclavicular: abdomen, thorax, arm, breast
  14. Risk factors for Migraine headaches
    raynauds syndrome, hx of motion sickness in childhood, estrogen supplementation, tyramine, MSG, sulfites, nitrate consumption, sleep problems, birthcontrol
  15. Enlargement of the head with out enlargement of the facial structures
  16. abnormal enlargement of skull, wider nose, gapped teeth, large lips
  17. craniotabes
    softening of skull
  18. wide distance between the eyes, congenital anomaly
  19. Craniosynostosis
    abnormal shape of the skull. Caused by premature closure of one or more sutures of the skull befor brain growth is complete
  20. Collagen disease of the skin as well as visceral organs
  21. face is thin with sharply defined features and prominent eyes. As in Graves Disease. Big Bulging eyes. Due to increased circulating levels of T3 and T4
  22. Hypothyroidism
    round, swollen face with periorbital edema. Dry and dull skin
  23. Cachexia
    state of wasting away of vital tissues. Associated with cancer, malnutrition adn severe chronic illnesses
  24. Allergic facies or Allergic gap
    chronic allergies cause dark circles under the eyes "shiners" and a open mouth due to mouth breathing
  25. Nasal Salute
    crease across the nose
  26. Cushings Syndrome
    due to prolong steroid ingestion or increased production of ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone. "moon face" with red cheeks and excess hair on the jaw and upper lip
  27. Torticollis
    individuals neck is not even. There is a deviation favoring one side over the other
  28. Thyroid Goiters
    visible enlarged thyroid
  29. hyperthyroidism
    Graves Disease "bulging eyes"
  30. Enlarged postauricular: ear infection, Enlarged anterior and posterior cervical chain: seen in mononucleosis. anterior cervical nodes: streptococcal pharyngitis enlarged lymph node in supraclavicular area: (Virchows node): malignancy in abdominal or thoracic area
    cervical lymph nodes are easily palapable in Hodgkins disease, AIDS, TB, chronic illnesses, blood transfusions
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Head, Neck, Lymph Chpt 11
Head, Neck, Lymph Chpt 11