Chapter 1 Freedom, Order, or Equality?

  1. What is the definition of government?
    The legitimate use of force to control human behavior; also, the organization or agency authorized to exercise that force.
  2. What is national sovereignty?
    Meaning each national government has the right to govern its people as it wishes, with-out interference from other nations.
  3. What is order?
    Established ways of social behavior. Maintaining order is the oldest purpose of government.
  4. What 3 concepts represent a democratic government tries to do?
    Have Freedom, Order, and Equality
  5. What is liberalism?
    The belief that states should leave individuals free to follow their individual pursuit. (different from the word liberal)
  6. What is communism?
    A political system in which, in theory, ownership of all land and productive facilities is in the hands of the people, and all goods are equally shared.
  7. What are public goods?
    Benefits and services, such as parks and sanitation, that benefits all citizens but are not likely to be produced voluntarily by individuals.
  8. What is political equality?
    Equality in political decision making:one vote per person, with all votes counted equally
  9. What is social equality?
    Equality in wealth, education, and status
  10. What is the Equality of Opportunity?
    The idea that each person is guaranteed the same chance to succeed in life.
  11. What is the Equality of Outcome?
    he concept that society must ensure that people are equal, and government must design policies to redistribute wealth and status so that economic and social equality is actually achieved
  12. What are rights?
    The benefits of government to which every citizen is entitled
  13. What is a Totalitarian?
    Believes in total government control, over business,labor, education, religion, sports, and arts.
  14. What is a Socialist?
    Believe that government would control basic industries but leave room for some private ownership of productive capacities and for the operation of civil liberties.
  15. What are Capitalist?
    Favor private ownership of the means of productive and no government interference with business
  16. What are Libertarianis?
    oppose the government action except where absolutely necessary to protect life and property
  17. What is a Anarchist?
    Oppose all government
  18. How do Liberals and Conservatives wish to scope the government?
    Liberals favor generous government support for education, wildlife protection, public transportation and a whole range of social programs/more equality

    Conservatives believe in smaller government action and fewer social programs/more order
  19. What ways has Globalization affected government and society in the U.S.?
    Principles of national sovereignty: each nation has the right to govern its people as it wishes, without and interference from other nations

    Increasing Globalization has eroded nations sovereignty
  20. What is Freedom of?
    An absence of contraints on behavior, as in freedom of speech or freedom of religion
  21. What is Freedom From?
    Immunity, as in freedom from want
  22. What is Police Power?
    Te authority of a government to maintain order and safe-gaurd citizens' health,morals,safety, and welfare
  23. What is political equality?
    Equality in political decision making: one vote per person, with all votes counted equally
  24. What is Social Equality?
    Equality in wealth, education, and status
  25. What is Equality of Opportunity?
    The idea that each person in gauranteed the same chance to succeed in life
  26. What is Equality of Outcome?
    The concept that society must ensured that people are equal, and governments must design policies to redistribute wealth and status so that economic and social equality is actually achieved
  27. What is Political Ideology?
    A consistent set of values and beliefs about the proper purpose and scope of government
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Chapter 1 Freedom, Order, or Equality?
Chapter 1 Freedom, Order, or Equality?