
  1. Symmetrical joint pain. Firm nodules. Joints tender and warm. No fever. Morning stiffness and fatigue. Multiple joints affected.
    Rheumatoid Factor; Rheumatoid Arthritis; NSAIDS/Muscle strengthening excercises/
  2. Joint pain in knees, HIP, or DIP. Not symmetrical. History or trauma. Hebernden's nodes (DIP) or Bouchard's nodes (PIP).
    clinical dx; Osteoarthritis;NSAIDS/weight reduction
  3. Joint pain in DIP of big tow. Older man. Sudden onset. Swollen hot, red tender. Fever.
    Synovial fluid analysis (find sodium urate crystals); Gout; NSAIDS
  4. All over pain in shoulders and back. Morning fatigue and sleep problems. No swelling and no limited ROM.
    Clinical dx; Fibromyalgia; NSAIDS
  5. Symmetrical joint pain in hip or shoulder girdle. Fast onset. Fever, weight loss, loss of apetite, and fever. Not warm or red.
    Polymyalgia Rheumatic
  6. substernal or L. ant. pressing/squeezing chest pain. Radiates to L. arm and jaw. Less than 20 minutes duration. relieved by rest. Extra heart sounds and ST elevation/depressions.
    ECG; Angina pectoris or Chronic Angina
  7. substernal or L. ant. squieezing chest pain. Radiates to L. arm and jaw. Longer duration than 20 minutes. SOB, nausea, sweating. Extra heart sounds, ST elevation/depression.
    ECG and Cardiac enzymes; MI
  8. Ripping, anterior chest pain. Radiates to back neck abdomen. Sudden onset. Syncopy (fainting). 10/10 intensity. History of hypertension. Paralysis or weakness
    CT scan; Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm
  9. Sharp presistent chest pain. Fever and chills associated. Aggravated by breathing.
    CXR; Pneumonia
  10. Stabbing/dull ache. straining of muscles or ligaments. Aggravated by movement.
    Clinical and CXR; Chest wall pain
  11. sharp knifelike chest pain. No fever or chills. Aggravated by breathing, changing positions, coughing, lying down. Relieved by sitting forward.
  12. Burning chest pain in upper sternum of both sides. Relieved by lying down. Aggravated by coughing
  13. Burning chest pain in retrosternal area that radiates to the back. Assocated with dysphagia and regurgitation. Relieved by antacids. Aggravated by large meals and lying down.
    Reflux Esophagus (GERD)
  14. Tightness in chest with wheezing cough dyspnea. Thick mucoid sputum. H/o allergies. Triggered cold air.
    Asthma; B2 antagonist or long acting B2 antagonist/Glucocorticoids
  15. Dry cough with hoarseness. Fever.
  16. Cough and discharge from posterior pharynx. With or w/o sinusitis. Mucoid or mucopurulent sputum
    Post Nasal Drip
  17. Chronic cough, dyspnea, and wheezing. History of smoking. Mucoid and hemoptysis.
    Chronic bronchitis
  18. Chronic cough. Fever and poor dental hygiene. Impaired concsciousness (drunk). Purulent sputum.
    Lung Abscess
  19. Unilateral backpain. Fever, shaking, chills, and diarrhea. Risk increased with pregnancy, diabetes, catheter.
    urinalysis and culture; Pyelonephritis; Antibiotics
  20. Dull local pain. No radiation.
    Clinical; Mechanical Low Back Pain (muscle spasm)
  21. Shooting pain that radiates down the leg.
    Clinical; Radicular Low Back Pain (lumbar disk herniation)
  22. Back pain that radiates to flank. History of hypertension. Atherosclerosis (fat)
    CT scan; AAA
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ECR Diseases