Subtitle: Disease Conditions
Disease processes that affect urine elimination affect changes in urine volume or quality or ______________,
the act of urine elimination, or both.
renal function
Subtitle: Disease Condititons
How are renal functions categorized?
Changes in urine volume and quality are categorized as prerenal, renal or postrenal.
Subtitle: Disease Conditions
What is the definition of prerenal?
Decreased blood flow to and through the kidney.
Subtitle: Disease Conditions
What is renal?
Disease conditions of the renal tissue?
Subtitle: Disease Conditions
What is postrenal?
Obstruction in the lower urinary tract that prevents urine flow from the kidneys that alters the renal function.
How does Diabetes Mellitus and MS affect the ability to micurate?
DM & MS:
nerve function changes that lead to loss of bladder tone, reduced sensation of bladder fullness, and inability to inhibit bladder contractions.
How does Alheimer's Disease, degenerative joint diseases and Parkinson's disease affect the ability to micturate?
loss of ability to sense a full bladder and/or can't recall the proceedure for voiding
DJD & Parkinsons:
make it difficult to reach and use the toilet facilities
What is important to know about sociocultural factors that influence urination?
The degree of privacy and social expectations determine the time of micturation.
What is important to know about psychological factors that affect the ability to micturate?
Anxiety and emotional stress can cause a sense of urgency and increased frequency of urination.
Anxiety: can't urinate completely and return to urinate shortly after
Stress: inability to relax ab and perineal muscles resulting in inability to void.
What is the term for an excess amount of urine?
What is the definition of oliguria?
A decrease in the amount of urine despite normal intake of fluids.
This normally occurs when fluid is lost through other means (vomitting, diahrea or perspiration) AND in early kidney disease.
If no urine is produced in an individual whose intake is normal, what is this called? What is this a sign of?
- Anuria
- This is a sign of severe kidney disease.
What is diuresis and what are 3 things that promote this?
Increased urine formation.
Coffee, tea and chocolate
What are the three things to know regarding surgical proceedures and the bladder?
1. The stress of surgery usually produces an increased amount of the ADH and water rabsorption occurs.
2. Anesthetics and narcotics used in surgical proceedures reduce the urine output, temporaily.
3. After returning from surgery involving ureters, bladder and urethra, clients routinely have urinary catheters.
What role do diuretics play in micturation?
They prevent the reabsorption of water and increase urinary output.
What role do anticholinegics or antihistamines play?
Often cause urinary retention or reabsorption of water by the kidneys.
True or false:
If urine is a color other than yellow, that is an indication that there is something wrong with the function of the kidneys.
Medications can change the color of the kidneys.
What is a result of diagnostic examinations of the urinary system?
- decrease in urine output,
- localized edema,
- difficulty voiding,
- and red or pink urine due to trauma