Vocabulary 3

  1. Pacifist - (n.)
    someone who is against war for moral or religious reasons
  2. Vigor - (n.)
    energy, strength, force
  3. Spartan - (adj.)
    very simple and lacking in comfort and luxury
  4. Prune - (v.)
    to cut off; to trim
  5. Slander - (v.)
    to make a false and damaging statement about a person
  6. Remiss - (adj.)
    careless, negligent
  7. Acquit - (v.)
    to pronounce not guilty
  8. Efface - (v.)
    to wipe out; to make indistinct by rubbing out; to obliterate
  9. Callow - (adj.)
    undeveloped, inexperienced, immature
  10. Frugal - (adj.)
    not wasteful, thrifty
  11. Arbiter - (n.)
    a person chosen to decide; a referee
  12. Diligent - (adj.)
    characterized by steady, earnest and energetic effort
  13. Convivial - (adj.)
    sociable; jovial
  14. Innundate - (v.)
    to overflow; to flood
  15. Prodigal - (adj.)
    extremely generous; wasteful
  16. Translucent - (adj.)
    partially transparent; like frosted glass
  17. Squalid - (adj.)
    foul, unclean, sordid
  18. Etymology - (n.)
    the origin or history of a word
  19. Concordance - (n.)
    agreement, harmony
  20. Boor - (n.)
    a rude, ill-mannered person
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Vocabulary 3