Biology 2

  1. Autographs
    are able to obtain energy from a source that is from the physical environment, by using light or chemical energy.
  2. Heterotrophs
    to obtain their energy from other living organisms or other remains.
  3. Example of autotrophs
    plant cells, some protist cells
  4. 2 features a prokaryote cell does not have that an eukaryote does
    • 1. no nucleus
    • 2. no membrane bound organelles
  5. 3 feature that set fungi cells apart from plant cells
    • 1. no chloroplast
    • 2. heterographs
    • 3. rigid cell walls made from chitin
  6. Suggest why the protistans have traditionally been a difficult group to classify?
    there are many diferent type of protists
  7. 3 features that all cells have in common
    • 1. cytoplasm
    • 2. Genetic material
    • 3. Cell membrane
  8. Name of the virius when they are outside a host cell
  9. Why are viruses not considered living when outside a host cell?
    cause they are inactive and cannot reproduce
  10. Why do some scientists hypothesize that archaea are the first living things on Earth?
    because they thrive in extreme conditions that mimic the Earth's atmosphere.
  11. Example of extreme conditions.
    • boiling/ acidic water
    • hydrothermal vents
    • super-salty pools
    • Antartic permanent ice
  12. Types of Archaea
    • Thermoacidophiles
    • Halophiles
    • Methanogens
  13. Thermoacidophiles
    • - Extreme temperatures & acidity
    • - volcanoes and hot springs
    • - Obtains energy from sulfur
  14. Halophiles
    • - high salt enviornment
    • - obtains energy from salt
  15. Methanogens
    • - oxygen free
    • - by converting inorganic molecules leaving methane gas as a waste product
  16. Nitrogen Cycle
    bacteria converts ammona to usuable compounds

    ammonia => Nitrite => Nitrate
  17. Bacterial Classification
    • 1. shape
    • 2. cell wall
    • 3. Energy Source
  18. Bacteria Shape Types
    • 1. cocci : round
    • 2. Bacilli : rod- shaped
    • 3. spirilli : spiral shaped
  19. Cell Wall Bacteria Types
    • 1. Gram - positive - purple - thick
    • 2. Gram - Negative - Pink - Thin
  20. Bacteria Groupings
    • diplo : arranged in pairs
    • staphylo : arranged in clusters
    • strepto: arranged in chains
  21. Grain Stain
    A dye that hgihlights basic differences in the arrangement of molecules in bacterial cell walls.
Card Set
Biology 2
Types of Living things