BMR-Ch 16 Career and Education Information

  1. 1. What type of program does the Navy uses to helps set and achieve both short-term and long-term goals while
    • in the service?
    • Ans: The Navy Goal Card Program
  2. 2. What are the two factors that contribute to your job satisfaction?
    • Ans: Your Desire To Serve
    • Your Patriotism
  3. 3. What type of sailors does the Navy helps to set and achieve both short-term and long-term goals while in the
    • service?
    • Ans: First-Term Sailors
  4. 4. What naval program is one way to keep the high-quality sailors in the Navy?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card Program
  5. 5. What are the two types of cards that The Navy Goal Card Program is made up of?
    • Ans: The Navy Goal Card
    • The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  6. 6. What type of Goal Card is a two-page document of rating and advancement career information for each
    • new recruit and first-term sailor?
    • Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  7. 7. Which Goal Card covers recruit training goals?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  8. 8. What is one purpose of the Professional Development Board?
    Ans: To give sailors a chance for greater responsibility
  9. 9. Which Goal Card covers advancement training and education for your rating?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  10. 10. What are the two reasons that the Professional Development Board interview sailors?
    • Ans: Those who want advancement training
    • Those who want to attend special programs or programs that need endorsements
  11. 11. What type of board also advises career sailors who find it difficult to be selected for advancement?
    Ans: Professional Development Board
  12. 12. What naval program reinforces goal setting and goal accomplishment by first-term sailors?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card Program
  13. 13. Name the four permanent members of the Professional Development Board?
    • Ans: CMC
    • Command Career Counselor
    • Personnel Officer
    • Education Service Officer
    • DT1 (SW/AW) ALLEN
    • 14. Name the three supplemental members of the Professional Development Board?
    • Ans: Division Officer
    • Division Chief
    • Division Career Counselor
  14. 15. What type of Goal Card shows a sample of the trifold form for newly recruited sailors?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  15. 16. What is the objective of the Enlisted Advancement System?
    Ans: To provide qualified petty officers to operate the Navy’s ships, squadrons, and shore stations
  16. 17. What type of board also advises career sailors who find it difficult to complete command-required PQS?
    Ans: Professional Development Board
  17. 18. What instruction contains information about the advancement system?
    Ans: BUPERINST 1430.16
  18. 19. Which Goal Card covers the apprenticeship program?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  19. 20. What are the four rewards that the Enlisted Advancement System offers you?
    • Ans: Increased Pay
    • Prestige
    • Privileges
    • Additional Responsibilities and Authority
  20. 21. What is the Enlisted Advancement Structure organized into?
    Ans: Paygrades
  21. 22. Which Goal Card covers the sailor’s creed?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  22. 23. What paygrade is the highest enlisted paygrade?
    Ans: E-9
  23. 24. Which Goal Card covers Montgomery G.I. Bill benefits and goals?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  24. 25. What are the lowest three paygrades referred to?
    Ans: Apprenticeships
  25. 26. What are the six types of apprenticeships?
    • Ans: Seaman Apprenticeship
    • Fireman Apprenticeship
    • Airman Apprenticeship
    • Constructionman Apprenticeship
    • Dentalman Apprenticeship
    • Hospitalman Apprenticeship
  26. 27. What are the two categories that ratings are divided into?
    • Ans: General Ratings
    • Service Ratings
  27. 28. What paygrades are designated strikers that belong to a rating?
    Ans: E-4 to E-9
  28. 29. Which Goal Card covers personal priorities?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  29. 30. What type of rating is a broad occupational field (a group of jobs)?
    Ans: General Ratings
  30. 31. What of type of rating indicate specialties within a general rating?
    Ans: Service Ratings
  31. 32. Which Goal Card covers voluntary education, TA, and SOCNAV?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  32. 33. What of type of rating is a group of jobs?
    Ans: General Ratings
  33. 34. What are some general ratings subdivided into to allow for special training?
    Ans: Service Ratings
  34. 35. What is it called when two or more related general ratings will combine at the E-8 or E-9 level to form a new
    • general rating?
    • Ans: Compressing
  35. 36. What type of rating requires the same general qualifications and includes similar duties?
    Ans: General Ratings
  36. 37. Which rating badge does the service rating uses?
    Ans: The rating badge of the general service to which they belong to
  37. 38. What type of rating is not identified by a special rating badge?
    Ans: Service Ratings
  38. 39. Which Goal Card covers fleet goals?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  39. 40. What type of rating has its own rating badge?
    Ans: General Ratings
  40. 41. What title is used for a person in paygrade E-1 to E-3 who has been designated as technically qualified for
    • particular rating?
    • Ans: Designated Strikers
  41. 42. Who may designate personnel in their commands as strikers if certain qualifications are met?
    Ans: CO
  42. 43. Which Goal Card covers officer programs?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  43. 44. What are the two types of standards that the Navy has created for every enlisted paygrade and rate?
    • Ans: Naval
    • Occupational
  44. 45. What manual contains a list of naval and occupational standards?
    Ans: Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower and Personnel Classification and Occupational Standards
  45. 46. What type of reference can help you study and prepare for your advancement examination?
    Ans: Advancement Handbook
  46. 47. What system contains general information about the enlisted advancement system?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  47. 48. Which Goal Card covers space for sailors to write in their own goals?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  48. 49. What type of form are both, the NEAS and Advancement Handbook available in?
    Ans: Electronic Form
  49. 50. What system contains general information about exam study tips?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  50. 51. Which Goal Card covers advancement?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  51. 52. What type of reference provides the occupational skills for a rating?
    Ans: Advancement Handbook
  52. 53. What type of standards are military requirements for a paygrade?
    Ans: Naval Standards
  53. 54. Which Goal Card covers Navy Core Values?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  54. 55. What are the two responsibilities that you are required to know to be qualified for a paygrade?
    • Ans: All naval standards for that paygrade
    • All naval standards for al lower paygrades

    • 56. What type of standard is a listing of the things you must be able to do to be considered professionally
    • qualified for a rate?
    • Ans: Occupational Standards
  55. 57. What type of standard applies to all enlisted personnel in the Navy?
    Ans: Naval Standards
  56. 58. What system contains general information about how exams are developed?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  57. 59. What are the four requirements that you must meet to be advanced to petty officer?
    • Ans: Time in Rate
    • Complete the PARs
    • Demonstrate knowledge of material in your rate training manual
    • CO’s Recommendations
  58. 60. What types of standards are skills and knowledge required for enlisted personnel to be able to perform their
    • duty?
    • Ans: Naval Standards
  59. 61. What are the three requirements that you must meet to be advanced to E-2 and E-3?
    • Ans: Time in Rate
    • Complete the BMR
    • CO’s Recommendations
  60. 62. Which eligibility requirement means that you must have been in your present paygrade for a specific minimum
    • period of time to be eligible for the next paygrade?
    • Ans: Time-In-Rate
  61. 63. What types of standards are the minimum occupational requirements of a particular rate?
    Ans: Occupational Standards
  62. 64. What type of reference provides the knowledge factors that relate to those skills?
    Ans: Advancement Handbook
  63. 65. Which eligibility requirements are skills and abilities that can best be demonstrated by actual performance?
    Ans: PARs
  64. 66. PARs aren’t competitive; that is, no mark is assigned. (True or False)
    Ans: True
  65. 67. Which Goal Card covers career milestones?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  66. 68. What type of standard includes military requirements and essential qualities of professionalism and pride of
    • service support of your oath of enlistment?
    • Ans: Naval Standards
  67. 69. What does completion of PARs indicate?
    Ans: That you can perform the tasks
  68. 70. Which eligibility requirement contains one or more OCCSTDs on the same or similar subject?
    Ans: PARs
  69. 71. What system contains general information about final multiply computations?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  70. 72. PARs demonstration is not mandatory. (True or False)
    Ans: True
  71. 73. What type of reference is developed to help sailors study for advancement-in-rate exam?
    Ans: BIB
  72. 74. What month are BIBs for E-7 posted?
    Ans: July
  73. 75. What type of standard includes basic skills and knowledge relating to the maintenance of good order and
    • discipline?
    • Ans: Naval Standards
  74. 76. What type of reference is a list of references that include training course, instructions, tech manuals, guides,
    • and other publications commonly used in a rating?
    • Ans: BIB
  75. 77. What type of reference provides reference to read to understand the knowledge factors?
    Ans: Advancement Handbook
  76. 78. What type of reference is prepared as a self-study package to help you develop the knowledge required for
    • your rating?
    • Ans: Training Manual
  77. 79. Who is the BIB developed by?
    Ans: Exam Writers (CPOs)
  78. 80. Which Goal Card covers Delayed Entry Program Goal?
    Ans: The Navy Pocket Goal Card
  79. 81. How many times a year are BIBs posted?
    Ans: 3
  80. 82. Which eligibility requirement is written in on-the-job rating language?
    Ans: PARs
  81. 83. Which eligibility requirement is, perhaps, the most important of all?
    Ans: CO’s Recommendations
  82. 84. What system contains general information about explanation of the tear sheet?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  83. 85. Who constantly evaluates your performance to see if you can handle the duties and responsibilities?
    Ans: Supervisor
  84. 86. Who has the final word in all advancements?
    Ans: CO
  85. 87. Which Goal Card covers job descriptions?
    Ans: The Navy Goal Card
  86. 88. What is the selection for advancement for E-4 - E-6 determined by?
    Ans: Final Multiple
  87. 89. What are the three separate categories that are taken in consideration when a final multiple score is computed?
    • Ans: Merit Rating
    • Experience
    • Personnel Testing

    • 90. Which eligibility requirement is mandatory for advancement?
    • Ans: PARs
  88. 91. What system is used to determine which personnel may be advanced to paygrades E-4, E-5, and E-6 when the
    • number of those who pass the navywide advancement examination is greater than the number of vacancies?
    • Ans: Final Multiple System
  89. 92. What are the three factors that the final multiple score is based on?
    • Ans: Merit Rating
    • Experience
    • Personnel Testing
  90. 93. Who is the selection for advancement to E-2 or E-3 done by?
    Ans: CO
  91. 94. What gives people who have shown they are outstanding performers an advantage in promotion?
    Ans: Merit Rating
  92. 95. How are merit rating done?
    Ans: Averaging your performance marks for the last 3 years
  93. 96. What system contains general information about profile form?
    Ans: Navy Enlisted Advancement System
  94. 97. What refers to the navywide advancement examination?
    Ans: Personnel Testing
  95. 98. Who is the navywide advancement examination prepared and administrated by?
    Ans: NETPDTC
  96. 99. What do you receive credit for in the final multiple score?
    Ans: Experience

    • 100. What type of reference contains a section titled “exam expectation?
    • Ans: Advancement Handbook
  97. 101. What are the four categories that Experience includes?
    • Ans: Total Active Federal Military Service (Longevity)
    • Time-In-Rate
    • Awards
    • PNA Credits
  98. 102. What are the six factors that are considered in your final multiple computations?
    • Ans: Performance Mark Average
    • Examination Score
    • Length of Service
    • Service in Paygrade
    • PNA Credits
    • Awards

    • 103. Who computes your final multiple score by the time your advancement examination is scored?
    • Ans: NETPDTC
  99. 104. What type of standard is a military requirement that deals with all enlisted personnel?
    Ans: Naval Standards
  100. 105. What are the three types of duties that you often hear about?
    • Ans: Sea Duty
    • Shore Duty
    • Neutral Duty
  101. 106. What are the three factors that the amount of time spent on sea duty or shore duty depends on?
    • Ans: Rate
    • Rating
    • Individual Circumstances
  102. 107. What does the three designations of duty refers to?
    Ans: Duty for rotation purposes
  103. 108. How many types of duty designations are used for sea/shore rotation?
    Ans: 8
  104. 109. What type of standard is an occupational requirement that is rate specific?
    Ans: Occupational Standards
  105. 110. Name the eight types of duty designations that are used for sea/shore rotation?
    • Ans: Shore Duty
    • Preferred Oversea Shore Duty
    • Sea Duty
    • Oversea Shore Duty
    • Nonrotated Sea Duty
    • Neutral Duty
    • Partial Sea Duty
    • Double Sea Duty
  106. 111. What code is assigned to Shore Duty?
    Ans: Code 1
  107. 112. What code is assigned to Preferred Oversea Shore Duty?
    Ans: Code 6
  108. 113. What code is assigned to Sea Duty?
    Ans: Code 2
  109. 114. What code is assigned to Neutral Duty?
    Ans: Code 5
  110. 115. What code is assigned to Double Sea Duty?
    Ans: Code 8
  111. 116. What code is assigned to Oversea Shore Duty?
    Ans: Code 3
  112. 117. What code is assigned to Nonrotated Sea Duty?
    Ans: Code 4
  113. 118. What code is assigned to Partial Sea Duty?
    Ans: Code 7
  114. 119. What type of duty is performed in CONUS?
    Ans: Shore Duty
  115. 120. What type of duty is performed in activities home ported/home based in CONUS that operate away from their home port/home base in excess of 150 days per year?
    Ans: Sea Duty
  116. 121. What type of duty is performed in commissioned vessels in active status that operate away from their home port/home base in excess of 50 days a year?
    Ans: Double Sea Duty
  117. 122. What is long-term defined as?
    Ans: 18 months or more
  118. 123. What type of duty is performed in oversea land-based activities that are credited as shore duty?
    Ans: Preferred Oversea Shore Duty

    • 124. What type of duty requires members to be absent 100 to 150 days per year?
    • Ans: Neutral Duty
  119. 125. What type of duty is performed in oversea land-based activities that are credited as sea duty?
    Ans: Oversea Shore Duty

    • 126. What type of duty is performed in commissioned vessels home-ported oversea?
    • Ans: Nonrotated Sea Duty
  120. 127. What type of duty is performed in land-based activities?
    Ans: Shore Duty

    • 128. What type of duty is performed in commissioned vessels?
    • Ans: Sea Duty

    • 129. What type of duty is performed in activities that operate away from their oversea home port/home base in excess of 150 days per year?
    • Ans: Nonrotated Sea Duty
  121. 130. What type of duty is performed in activities normally designated as shore duty for rotation?
    Ans: Neutral Duty
  122. 131. What type of duty is performed in long-term schooling programs?
    Ans: Shore Duty
  123. 132. What type of duty is performed in oversea land-based activities that are credited as shore duty, but credited as partial duty?
    Ans: Partial Sea Duty

    • 133. What type of duty is performed in activities in active status that operate away from their home port/home base in excess of 50 days a year?
    • Ans: Double Sea Duty

    • 134. What type of duty includes schools assignments less than 18 months?
    • Ans: Neutral Duty
  124. 135. Who matches personnel within a particular rate or specialty with available billets navywide?
    Ans: Enlisted Detailer
  125. 136. What the three factors involved when detailers work to fulfill requisitions?
    • Ans: To assign you to a billet
    • To match you with a billet you are qualified for
    • To match you with a billet in certain time frame
  126. 137. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include dates and terms of a reenlistment within 24 hours of reenlisting?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  127. 138. What type of form does the detailer uses to determine what jobs you are qualified to hold?
    Ans: Enlisted Duty Preference Form
  128. 139. What form is used for the Enlisted Duty Preference Form?
    Ans: NAVPERS 1306/63
  129. 140. Who is responsible for the information the Duty Preference Sheet contains?
    Ans: You
  130. 141. What are the four pieces of information that the Duty Preference Sheet tells your detailer?
    • Ans: Where you would like to be stationed
    • What type of duty you prefer
    • Career intentions
    • Family Status
  131. 142. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet tells the detailer if you or your family has special qualifications that would make a particular duty station advantageous to you, the Navy or both?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  132. 143. What form should you use to let the detailer know what duty station you want?
    Ans: Enlisted Duty Preference Form
  133. 144. Who is responsible for submitting the Duty Preference Sheet?
    Ans: You
  134. 145. What would the detailer assume without a Duty Preference Sheet on file?
    Ans: That you don’t care where or what duty you are assigned
  135. 146. Where could you find a detailed listing of duty choices that not listed on the Duty Preference Sheet?
    Ans: TRANSMAN (chapter 25)
  136. 147. What instruction contains the location of homeports of ships and activities?
    Ans: OPNAVINST 3111.14
  137. 148. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet was contained because the Navy recognizes that no one can be completely described in encoded, check-block-type symbols?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  138. 149. Where do you submit the Duty Preference Sheet, NAVPERS 1306/63?
    Ans: BUPERS
  139. 150. When should you submit a Duty Preference Sheet?
    Ans: After 6 months at your first duty station
  140. 151. What instruction can help you choose realistic duty preference?
    Ans: OPNAVINST 3111.14
  141. 152. What type of record may be used to determine eligibility for good conduct medals?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  142. 153. What are the two primary reasons that BUPERS use the Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record?
    • Ans: Advancement-In-Rate Decisions
    • Assignment Decisions
  143. 154. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include that you are volunteering for oversea duty?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  144. 155. What is used to document an individual’s performance, qualifications, conduct, and eligibility for increased responsibility?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  145. 156. What are the three types of information that you may submit to be included in your evaluation?
    • Ans: Off-Duty Education Achievements
    • Completed Correspondence Course
    • Community Involvement
  146. 157. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include that you are married to another service member?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  147. 158. How many traits does the Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record contains?
    Ans: 5
  148. 159. What numerical value is assigned to the trait; Below Standards?
    Ans: 1.0
  149. 160. What numerical value is assigned to the trait; Meets Standards?
    Ans: 3.0
  150. 161. What numerical value is assigned to the trait; Greatly Exceeds Standards?
    Ans: 5.0
  151. 162. What numerical value is assigned to the trait; Progressing?
    Ans: 2.0
  152. 163. What numerical value is assigned to the trait; Above Standards?
    Ans: 4.0
  153. 164. What is the most significant personnel management tool in your service record?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  154. 165. What are the seven traits that you may be evaluated on?
    • Ans: Professional Knowledge
    • Quality of Work
    • Equal Opportunity
    • Military Bearing/Character
    • Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
    • Teamwork
    • Leadership
  155. 166. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include all community support skills your family has?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  156. 167. What traits are you rated on the extent to which you can be depended on to perform assigned tasks successfully and the quality of the work you perform?
    Ans: Quality of Work
  157. 168. What traits are you rated on your ability to accept instructions and directions?
    Ans: Professional Knowledge
  158. 169. What traits are you rated on your ability to delegate?
    Ans: Leadership
  159. 170. What traits are you rated on the neatness of your civilian clothing?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  160. 171. What traits are you rated on your ability to seek extra responsibility?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  161. 172. What traits are you rated on your ability to work successfully with subordinates, peers, and superiors?
    Ans: Teamwork
  162. 173. What traits are you rated on how much supervision is required for you to perform an assigned task?
    Ans: Quality of Work
  163. 174. What traits are you rated on your knowledge and practice of military courtesies?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  164. 175. What traits are you rated on your willingness to take on the hardest jobs?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  165. 176. What type of record may be used for reenlistment?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  166. 177. What traits are you rated on your knowledge and performance of your job-related duties?
    Ans: Professional Knowledge
  167. 178. What traits are you rated on wearing your uniform?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  168. 179. What traits are you rated on your ability to act independently?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  169. 180. What traits are you rated on your contribution to command morale?
    Ans: Equal Opportunity
  170. 181. What traits are you rated on your ability to gain commitment from others?
    Ans: Leadership
  171. 182. What traits are you rated on your contributions to team building?
    Ans: Teamwork
  172. 183. What traits are you rated on your application of technical and professional skills?
    Ans: Professional Knowledge
  173. 184. What traits are you rated on your personal appearance?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  174. 185. What traits are you rated on your ability to act without specific direction?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  175. 186. What traits are you rated on your problem solving abilities?
    Ans: Professional Knowledge
  176. 187. What traits are you rated on your contribution to unit cohesiveness?
    Ans: Equal Opportunity
  177. 188. What traits are you rated on your ability to plan/prioritize wisely?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  178. 189. What traits are you rated on your physical fitness?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  179. 190. What traits are you rated on your ability to organize and motivate people?
    Ans: Leadership
  180. 191. What traits are you rated on your ability to understand team goal?
    Ans: Teamwork
  181. 192. What traits are you rated on the way you adhere to the Navy Core Values?
    Ans: Military Bearing/Character
  182. 193. What traits are you rated on your ability to act appropriately?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  183. 194. What traits are you rated on your support of the Navy’s Command Managed Equal Opportunity Program?
    Ans: Equal Opportunity
  184. 195. What traits are you rated on your ability to challenge and inspire subordinates?
    Ans: Leadership
  185. 196. What traits are you rated on your ability to act while exercising sound judgment?
    Ans: Personal Job Accomplishment/Initiative
  186. 197. What type of record may be used to determine the type of discharge?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  187. 198. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include any handicap a family member may have?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  188. 199. Where is the original Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record sent once signed?
    Ans: BUPERS
  189. 200. How often is Counseling performed to record your progress and make you aware of your performance?
    Ans: Bi-Yearly
  190. 201. What section of the Duty Preference Sheet would you include that your wife is pregnant?
    Ans: Remarks Section
  191. 202. What are the two purposes that your signature indicates on the Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record?
    • Ans: That you have seen it
    • That you have verified it
  192. 203. What are the two required periods that The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record submitted for E-3 and below?
    • Ans: Bi-Yearly
    • When Transferred
  193. 204. What type of record may be used for a basis for selecting members for advancement?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  194. 205. Where are the three copies of your Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record distributed to?
    • Ans: To You
    • To your Service Record
    • To Reporting Facility
  195. 206. What form is used for The Enlisted Service Record?
    Ans: NAVPERS 1070/600
  196. 207. What is the official history of a naval person career?
    Ans: The Enlisted Service Record
  197. 208. When does the information contained in the service record starts?
    Ans: When you apply for enlistment
  198. 209. What type of record may be used for continuation of service?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  199. 210. Where is the Counseling Record retained?
    Ans: Command
  200. 211. Who is The Enlisted Service Record property of?
    Ans: Navy
  201. 212. What is a folder that contains various forms concerning your enlisted service?
    Ans: The Enlisted Service Record
  202. 213. Which side of The Enlisted Service Record has various forms in a specific order?
    Ans: Right-Hand Side
  203. 214. What types of forms will your service record contain only?
    Ans: Forms that apply to you
  204. 215. What type of record may be used for appointment to commissioned status?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  205. 216. How many forms all together are contained in The Enlisted Service Record?
    Ans: 15
  206. 217. What have led the forms in The Enlisted Service Record to be referred to as pages?
    Ans: The order in which the forms are filed
  207. 218. Which sides of The Enlisted Service Record are papers required for safe keeping or record purposes are filed?
    Ans: Left-Hand Side
  208. 219. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Navy Service Schools attended?
    Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
  209. 220. What page is the bottommost page in your service record?
    Ans: Page 1
  210. 221. What is Page 1 of The Enlisted Service Record?
    Ans: Enlisted Contract
  211. 222. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Navy Training?
    Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
  212. 223. What type of record may be used for assignment to special duties?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  213. 224. What is used to divide the left-hand side of The Enlisted Service Record?
    Ans: Career Performance Data
  214. 225. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Performance Test?
    Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
  215. 226. What form is used for the Career Performance Data?
    Ans: NAVPERS 1070/617
  216. 227. Name the five forms that are filed beneath the Career Performance Data Separator?
    • Ans: Performance Evaluations
    • Awards
    • Commendations
    • Correspondence
    • Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD Form 214

    • 228. What form is completed by both enlisted and officer personnel with dependents?
    • Ans: The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data

    • 229. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about advancement, reductions, and
    • change-in-rate?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 230. What page is titled The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data?
    • Ans: Page 2
  217. 231. How are all other pages filled above The Career Performance Data Separator?
    Ans: Chronological Order
  218. 232. What type of record may be used for special educational programs?
    Ans: The Enlisted Evaluation Report and Counseling Record
  219. 233. Where is the latest date of a page placed above the Separator?
    Ans: Top

    • 234. The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data is used by both enlisted and officer personnel.
    • (True or False)
    • Ans: True

    • 235. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about PQS completed?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
  220. 236. What form serves as an application for dependency allowances?
    Ans: The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data

    • 237. When is The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data normally completed?
    • Ans: RTC or First Duty Station

    • 238. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about NEC Codes?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 239. What form contains information that provides an immediate accessible, up-to-date record of emergency data for causality reporting?
    • Ans: The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data

    • 240. What page is titled The Enlisted Qualification History?
    • Ans: Page 4
  221. 241. What form is used for The Enlisted Qualification History?
    Ans: NAVPERS 1070/604

    • 242. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Maintenance/Technical Qualifications attained?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 243. How many parts does The Enlisted Qualification History consist of?
    • Ans: 12

    • 244. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains NECs?
    • Ans: Part 7

    • 245. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Classification/ ASVAB Testing Qualifications?
    • Ans: Part 2

    • 246. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Designation Record?
    • Ans: Part 10

    • 247. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Navy Service Schools/Military Training Courses?
    • Ans: Part 5

    • 248. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Educational Experience Level?
    • Ans: Part 1

    • 249. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains PQS?
    • Ans: Part 12

    • 250. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Off-Duty Education?
    • Ans: Part 3

    • 251. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Awards?
    • Ans: Part 11

    • 252. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Other Training Courses?
    • Ans: Part 4

    • 253. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Enlisted Rate/Rate?
    • Ans: Part 9

    • 254. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains correspondence courses required for advancement?
    • Ans: Part 6

    • 255. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains PARs?
    • Ans: Part 8

    • 256. What part of The Enlisted Qualification History contains Non Required Correspondence?
    • Ans: Part 3

    • 257. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about designators assigned, changed, or revoke?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 258. What are the two forms that should be presented to the recruiter upon your application for enlistment/reenlistment?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
    • Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, DD Form 214

    • 259. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about GED Tests?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 260. What page is titled Administration Remarks?
    • Ans: Page 13
  222. 261. What form is used for Administration Remarks?
    Ans: NAVPERS 1070/613

    • 262. What form contains information that provides an immediate accessible, notification of next of kin?
    • Ans: The Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data

    • 263. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Off Duty Courses completed?
    • Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History
  223. 264. What page of The Enlisted Service Record contains miscellaneous entries of information not recorded elsewhere in the service record?
    Ans: Page 13
  224. 265. Where is the original Page 13 retained?
    Ans: In Your Service Record
  225. 266. What form of The Enlisted Service Record provides information about Awards?
    Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 267. What page of The Enlisted Service Record provides detailed information that may be required in the clarification of entries on other pages of the service record?
    • Ans: Page 13
  226. 268. What form is given to you, when you are discharged and do not immediately reenlist?
    Ans: The Enlisted Qualification History

    • 269. What type of system defines maintenance required?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System

    • 270. Where is a copy of the Page 13 forwarded to?
    • Ans: BUPERS
  227. 271. What system’s objective is to maintain equipment at maximum operating efficiency?
    Ans: 3-M System
  228. 272. Name the three authorities that are responsible for signing all command documents?
    • Ans: Commanding Officer
    • Officer in Charge
    • Acting Officer

    • 273. What type of signature do some documents require from the CO?
    • Ans: Personal Signature

    • 274. What are three types of documents that require the CO’s personal signature?
    • Ans: Documents that establish policies
    • Documents that deals with aspect of military justice
    • Documents that are required by law for the CO’s signature

    • 275. Name the two types of subordinates that the CO may delegate signature authority to?
    • Ans: Military
    • Civilian

    • 276. What type of system provides a good foundation for training in equipment operation and maintenance?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System

    • 277. Where can you find a list of command personnel that has signature authority to sign command correspondence?
    • Ans: Unit Organization Manual or Instruction

    • 278. What type of system describes the tools and methods to be used?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System

    • 279. What does a signature above the words “by direction” shows?
    • Ans: That the CO has authorized that person to sign the document

    • 280. What system’s objective is to reduce equipment downtime?
    • Ans: 3-M System
  229. 281. What is one way to take care of equipment?
    Ans: Preventive Maintenance

    • 282. What type of system schedules its performance?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System
  230. 283. What does 3-M stands for?
    Ans: Maintenance and Material Management System
  231. 284. What system’s objective is to provide data directly related to maintenance?
    Ans: 3-M System
  232. 285. What is the main feature of the 3-M System will you be concern with?
    Ans: Planned Maintenance System
  233. 286. What are the three components of the Planned Maintenance System (PMS)?
    • Ans: PMS Manual
    • Maintenance Schedules; Cycle, Quarterly, and Weekly
    • Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs)

    • 287. What type of system provides for the detection and prevention of impending casualties?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System
  234. 288. What system is used to improve the material readiness of the fleet?
    Ans: 3-M System
  235. 289. What type of naval program is a way you can qualify to perform your assigned duties?
    Ans: PQS Program

    • 290. What type of maintenance is done before a problem exist?
    • Ans: Preventive Maintenance

    • 291. What type of system does your department head uses to manage, schedule, and control the maintenance of assigned equipment?
    • Ans: Planned Maintenance System
  236. 292. What system’s objective is to reduce the cost of maintenance in both money and man-hours?
    Ans: 3-M System
  237. 293. What does PQS stands for?
    Ans: Personnel Qualification Standard

    • 294. What are the three sections that most PQS Standards are divided into?
    • Ans: Fundamental
    • Systems
    • Watch Stations

    • 295. What section of the PQS Standards deals with the major working parts of the installation?
    • Ans: Systems

    • 296. How many series does the Fundamental section contains?
    • Ans: 100 Series

    • 297. What section of the PQS Standards defines the actual duties that you must perform to obtain your qualification?
    • Ans: Watch Stations

    • 298. What section of the PQS Standards contains the principles about the subject that you are qualifying for?
    • Ans: Fundamental
  238. 299. How many series does the System section contains?
    Ans: 200 Series
  239. 300. What section of the PQS Standards defines the assignments that you must perform to obtain your qualification?
    Ans: Watch Stations
  240. 301. What type of training makes the CO’s duty to provide continuing training easier?
    Ans: General Military Training
  241. 302. What section of the PQS Standards contains the facts about the subject that you are qualifying for?
    Ans: Fundamental
  242. 303. What section of the PQS Standards deals with the organization?
    Ans: Systems
  243. 304. What type of training continues to develop the sailor’s professional behavior?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  244. 305. How many series does the Watch Station section contains?
    Ans: 300 Series
  245. 306. What section of the PQS Standards defines the responsibilities that you must perform to obtain your qualification?
    Ans: Watch Stations
  246. 307. What type of training involves Healthy Lifestyles?
    Ans: General Military Training
  247. 308. What section of the PQS Standards contains the fundamentals about the subject that you are qualifying for?
    Ans: Fundamental
  248. 309. What section of the PQS Standards deals with the equipment that the PQS is concern with?
    Ans: Systems
  249. 310. What type of training continues to develop the sailor’s military knowledge?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  250. 311. What section of the PQS Standards contains a space for your supervisor’s signature once you have proved your abilities?
    Ans: Watch Stations
  251. 312. What are the two types of courses that the Navy offers?
    • Ans: Training
    • Education
  252. 313. What type of training involves Risk Management?
    Ans: General Military Training
  253. 314. What term is defined as being taught skills directed to specific task?
    Ans: Training
  254. 315. What are the two features about yourself that can be increased; if you take advantage of various programs that the Navy offers?
    • Ans: Knowledge
    • Skills
  255. 316. What type of training is part of General Military Training?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  256. 317. What term refers to schooling not directly related to your naval career?
    Ans: Education
  257. 318. How can you become more valuable to the Navy, civilian employers, and yourself?
    Ans: Increasing Your Knowledge and Skills
  258. 319. What type of training involves Personal and Professional Growth?
    Ans: General Military Training
  259. 320. What term is based on knowledge you already have?
    Ans: Training
  260. 321. What are education programs sometimes referred to as?
    Ans: Off-Duty Education Opportunity
  261. 322. What type of training is a combination of formal and informal training, staff leadership, supervision, mentoring, counseling, and positive reinforcement?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  262. 323. What facility is the point of contact for all the Navy’s training and education programs?
    Ans: Education Service Office (ESO)
  263. 324. What term is defined as being taught broad, general, and specific knowledge?
    Ans: Education
  264. 325. What type of training involves Interpersonal Relationships?
    Ans: General Military Training
  265. 326. What two courses are closely related?
    • Ans: Training
    • Education
  266. 327. What are the two factors that Navy training refers to?
    • Ans: Things related to your job
    • Things related to your Navy skills
  267. 328. What type of training spans the new sailor first year in the navy?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  268. 329. What facility fills all orders for correspondence courses?
    Ans: Education Service Office (ESO)
  269. 330. What is the purpose of training in the Navy?
    Ans: To Support and Improve Fleet Readiness
  270. 331. What type of training involves Pride and Professionalism in the Navy?
    Ans: General Military Training
  271. 332. What is all training in the Navy is directed towards?
    Ans: Accomplishing the Navy’s Mission
  272. 333. What does training helps?
    Ans: To do your job better
  273. 334. What class of school teaches skills and knowledge in Basic Military Subjects?
    Ans: Class “R” School
  274. 335. What type of training is conducted within the framework of a strong military environment?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  275. 336. What facility arranges off-duty education?
    Ans: Education Service Office (ESO)
  276. 337. What type of training will you learn to perform a task while performing it?
    Ans: On-The-Job Training
  277. 338. What type of training is nonoccupational training?
    Ans: General Military Training
  278. 339. What class of school provides basic technical knowledge and skills required for a Navy Rating?
    Ans: Class “A” School
  279. 340. What are the two periods that on-the-job training takes place?
    • Ans: Daily Operation
    • Maintenance Situations
  280. 341. What class of school is Recruit Training?
    Ans: Class “R” School
  281. 342. What type of training continues to develop the sailor’s skills that he need in the military life?
    Ans: Navy Military Training
  282. 343. What type of training is an important source of needed booster shots?
    Ans: General Military Training
  283. 344. What class of school provides advance knowledge, skills, and techniques to perform a particular job?
    Ans: Class “C” Schools
  284. 345. What facility is responsible for all the training within and for your unit?
    Ans: Education Service Office (ESO)
  285. 346. What way is on-the-job training usually taught?
    Ans: Informal
  286. 347. What type of training requires all naval personnel to take on a periodic basis?
    Ans: General Military Training
  287. 348. What class of school is considered GMT?
    Ans: Class “R” School
  288. 349. What are the two ways that on-the-job training can be taught?
    • Ans: Formal
    • Informal
  289. 350. What type of course is locally administered?
    Ans: Nonresident Training Course
  290. 351. What type of manual may be used as references for questions in PQSs?
    Ans: Training Manual
  291. 352. What class of school provides team training to officer and enlisted personnel of ship companies?
    Ans: Class “F” School
  292. 353. What type of training is an important part of the Navy’s Leadership Continuum?
    Ans: General Military Training
  293. 354. What type of training is probably the most common form of training in the Navy?
    Ans: On-The-Job Training
  294. 355. What is the length of Navy Military Training that you will get depends on?
    Ans: The amount of time you stay in the training command
  295. 356. What type of course is used with a TRAMAN?
    Ans: Nonresident Training Course
  296. 357. What facility gives all locally administered tests?
    Ans: Education Service Office (ESO)
  297. 358. What class of school provides undergraduate education to all officers?
    Ans: Class “P” School
  298. 359. What type of manual may be used as text for correspondence courses?
    Ans: Training Manual
  299. 360. What type of school are Navy Schools sometimes referred to as?
    Ans: Service Schools
  300. 361. How many classifications are Navy Schools divided into?
    Ans: 6
  301. 362. What class of school provides Refresher Training?
    Ans: Class “F” School
  302. 363. What type of training calls attention to the Navy Core Value at all levels?
    Ans: General Military Training
  303. 364. What type of manual may be used as self-study manual?
    Ans: Training Manual
  304. 365. What is counted from the time you start the school until the end of your active obligated service date?
    Ans: Obligated Service
  305. 366. How can you increase your obligated service to qualify for a school?
    Ans: By agreeing to extend your enlistment or reenlist
  306. 367. What naval program offers sailors a chance to improve their skills and military performance?
    Ans: Basic Skills Program
  307. 368. What class of school provides training for Naval Aviator or Flight Officer?
    Ans: Class “V” School
  308. 369. What name was given to supporting services provided by the Navy to help you with your education?
    Ans: Navy Campus
  309. 370. What type of manual provides you with basic information about a particular rating?
    Ans: Training Manual (TRAMAN)
  310. 371. Who publishes the Training Manual?
    Ans: NETPDTC
  311. 372. What type of training calls attention to the leadership responsibilities?
    Ans: General Military Training
  312. 373. What does the acroymn NETPDTC means?
    Ans: Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center
  313. 374. What class of school provides General Indoctrination?
    Ans: Class “R” Schools
  314. 375. What type of manual may be used by naval schools as texts or references?
    Ans: Training Manual
  315. 376. What type of course is a self-study enlisted training course?
    Ans: Nonresident Training Course
  316. 377. What is the TRAMAN and NRTC referred to when they’re printed together as one book?
  317. 378. What publication contains a current list of available courses?
    Ans: The Catalog of Nonresident Training Courses
  318. 379. Who should you contact for detailed information on off-duty education programs?
    Ans: ESO
  319. 380. What name was given to In-Service Voluntary Educational Programs?
    Ans: Navy Campus
  320. 381. What naval program offers sailors a chance to earn a high school diploma?
    Ans: Basic Skills Program
  321. 382. What naval program provides undergraduate courses from colleges to shipboard personnel?
    Ans: Program for Afloat College Education (PACE)
  322. 383. What naval program provides a wide range of examination and certification programs?
    Ans: Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES)
  323. 384. What naval program let you take correspondence course from many colleges?
    Ans: Dante Independent Study Program
  324. 385. Who may appoint qualified personnel to the Naval Academy?
    Ans: The Secretary of the Navy
  325. 386. What naval program provides financial assistance to eligible personnel who attend educational institutions on a voluntary, off duty basis?
    Ans: Tuition Assistance Program (TA)
  326. 387. What naval program administers and sponsors examination programs throughout the world?
    Ans: Dante Examination Program
  327. 388. What naval program lets career-motivated individuals get an associate of art/sciences degree in 24 months or less?
    Ans: Enlisted Education Advancement Program
  328. 389. How many years must you obligate for active duty upon enrolling in the Enlisted Education Advancement Program?
    Ans: 6
  329. 390. What are the two components of the military service that the Secretary of the Navy selects from?
    • Ans: Active
    • Reserves
  330. 391. How many enlisted personnel from the Navy and Marine Corps (active and reserves) does the Secretary of the Navy appoints to the Navy Academy each year?
    Ans: 85
  331. 392. What are students at the Navy Academy appointed as?
    Ans: Midshipmen, U.S. Navy
  332. 393. What type of naval school offers a military, academic, and physical program patterned after the Naval Academy?
    Ans: Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS)
  333. 394. What naval program leads to an appointment as an officer in the Navy or Marine Corps at the grade of ensign or second lieutenant?
    Ans: NROTC (Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps Scholarship Program)
  334. 395. What is the maximum amount of months is allowed to attend college on the NROTC Program?
    Ans: 40
  335. 396. What naval program is intended to help sailors that have been educationally deprived?
    Ans: BOOST (Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training Program)
  336. 397. Name the two naval programs that provide senior enlisted personnel an opportunity to earn a commission as an officer without possessing a college degree?
    • Ans: Chief Warrant Officer Program
    • Limited Duty Officer Program
  337. 398. What is the major requirement to be eligible for the Enlisted Commissioning Program?
    Ans: The candidate must be able to complete a baccalaureate degree within 2 years
  338. 399. What naval program is intended to help sailor who meet all the requirements for the Navy academy and NROTC programs except for academics?
    Ans: BOOST (Broadened Opportunity for Officer Selection and Training Program)
  339. 400. What naval program allows qualified personnel to become permanent ensigns of the U.S. Navy?
    • Ans: Seamen to Admiral Program
    • 401. What are the three ways that you can receive a discharge from the Navy?
    • Ans: Separate before EAOS
    • Separate after 8 years of service
    • Reenlist
  340. 402. How many types of discharges does the Navy gives?
    Ans: 5
  341. 403. What does the type of discharge that you receive depends on?
    Ans: The reason for your discharge
  342. 404. Name the five types of discharge?
    • Ans: Honorable
    • General
    • Other than Honorable
    • Bad conduct
    • Dishonorable
  343. 405. What are the five different reasons for receiving a discharge?
    • Ans: Expiration of Enlistment
    • Disability, Dependency, or Hardship
    • Fulfillment of Service Obligation
    • Convenience of the Government
    • Unsuitability
  344. 406. What type of discharge is given to you under dishonorable conditions?
    Ans: Dishonorable
  345. 407. A general discharge is not as good as the honorable discharge itself? (True or False)
    Ans: True
  346. 408. What type of discharge is given to you for misconduct?
    Ans: Other than Honorable
  347. 409. What type of discharge is given to you when you receive a rating of good to excellent for your service to the Navy?
    Ans: Honorable
  348. 410. What type of discharge is given to you when you separate from the service under conditions other than honorable?
    Ans: Bad conduct
  349. 411. What are the two circumstances that you may receive an honorable discharge, even though you only qualify for a general discharge?
    • Ans: Disability incurred in the line of duty
    • When you receive any awards for gallantry in action, heroism, or other meritorious service
  350. 412. What type of discharge is given to you when you separate from the service, under honorable conditions, without a sufficiently meritorious military record?
    Ans: General
  351. 413. What type of medal is the highest precedence award among the campaign and service awards?
    Ans: The Navy Good Conduct Medal
  352. 414. What type of discharge is given to you for serious offenses?
    Ans: Dishonorable
  353. 415. What type of discharge is given to you for security reasons?
    Ans: Other than Honorable
  354. 416. Name the two types of discharges that are only given by an approved sentence of a General Court-Martial?
    • Ans: Bad Conduct
    • Dishonorable
  355. 417. What are the three advantages of receiving an honorable discharge?
    • Ans: Entitlements to various veteran’s benefits and rights
    • Job Preferences
    • Entry into a school or college
  356. 418. What is one of the immediate advantages of receiving an honorable discharge?
    Ans: Entitlements to various veteran’s benefits and rights
  357. 419. Name the two types of discharges that disqualify you for any military benefits?
    • Ans: Bad conduct
    • Dishonorable
  358. 420. What type of medal can affect your promotion?
    Ans: The Navy Good Conduct Medal
  359. 421. How often is the Navy Good Conduct Medal awarded to personnel for good conduct?
    Ans: Every 3 years
  360. 422. Who can award the Navy Good Conduct Medal every three years for good conduct?
    Ans: CO
  361. 423. What type of system is the Navy’s prime personnel management tool?
    Ans: The Navy’s Enlisted Performance Evaluation System
  362. 424. What is the purpose of the incentive programs?
    Ans: To attract an individual to rewarding, enjoyable Navy career
  363. 425. What is the key to professional development?
    Ans: Education
  364. 426. When getting out of the Navy with less than 8 years of service, you are separated instead of discharged from naval service? (True or False)
    Ans: True
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BMR-Ch 16 Career and Education Information
Basic Military Requirements Career and Education Information CHAPTER 16