BMR-Ch9 Customs and Courtesies

  1. 1. What are the two categories that Navy Traditions can be broken down into?
    • Ans: Customs
    • Courtesies
  2. 2. What term means a way of acting?
    Ans: Customs
  3. 3. What term means a form of excellent manners?
    Ans: Courtesy
  4. 4. What are the three elements that help keep discipline and order in a military organization?
    • Ans: Customs
    • Courtesies
    • Ceremonies
  5. 5. What are customs closely linked with?
    Ans: Traditions
  6. 6. What does Esprit De Corps of the naval service depends on?
    Ans: Continued Maintenance
  7. 7. What term means a way that has continued consistently over such a long period that it has become like a law?
    Ans: Customs
  8. 8. What do customs have the force of?
    Ans: Law
  9. 9. What is merely the usage of custom?
    Ans: Fact
  10. 10. What term means a form of polite behavior?
    Ans: Courtesy
  11. 11. What is custom accompanied with?
    Ans: Usage
  12. 12. What term makes life orderly?
    Ans: Customs
  13. 13. What will you make if you know and practices military courtesy?
    Ans: Favorable Impressions
  14. 14. What members take the initiative to render military courtesy?
    Ans: Junior
  15. 15. What term means a way of showing respect?
    • Ans: Courtesy
    • DT1 (SW/AW) ALLEN
    • 16. What members return military courtesy?
    • Ans: Senior
  16. 17. What is one required act of military courtesy?
    Ans: Salute
  17. 18. Who is denied the privilege of saluting because their status is considered unworthy of the comradeship of
    • military personnel?
    • Ans: Prisoners
  18. 19. What is the most form of salute?
    Ans: Hand Salute
  19. 20. When did the hand salute begin?
    Ans: In the days of chivalry
  20. 21. What term makes regular, expected actions?
    Ans: Customs
  21. 22. What is a symbol of respect?
    Ans: Salute
  22. 23. Where can the salute also be traced back to?
    Ans: Borgias
  23. 24. Where did the U.S. Navy get the hand salute from?
    Ans: The British Navy
  24. 25. What movement is the hand salute really the first part of?
    Ans: Uncovering
  25. 26. What shows your concern for others and for certain objects or symbols?
    Ans: Courteous Actions
  26. 27. How do men render the hand salute in civilian clothing without a hat?
    Ans: Right hand over the heart
  27. 28. How do men render the hand salute in civilian clothing with a hat?
    Ans: Hat in front of the left shoulder
  28. 29. How do women render the hand salute in civilian clothing with or without a hat?
    Ans: Right hand over the heart

    • 30. What is a sign of comradeship among service personnel?
    • Ans: Salute
  29. 31. What are the three subjects that a hand salute is rendered to?
    • Ans: The Anthem
    • The Flag
    • Officers
  30. 32. What fingers should touch the lower part of the headgear or forehead when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Forefingers
  31. 33. What term makes life orderly?
    Ans: Customs
  32. 34. Where should the forefingers touch the forehead when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Above and slightly to the right of the eye
  33. 35. How should the fingers and thumb be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Extended and joined together
  34. 36. How should the palm be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Slightly inward until the person saluting can just see its surface from the corner of the right eye
  35. 37. How should the upper arm be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Parallel to the ground
  36. 38. How should the elbow be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Slightly in front of the body
  37. 39. How should the forearm be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: Inclined at a 45 degrees angle
  38. 40. How should the hand and wrist be positioned when rendering a hand salute?
    Ans: In a straight line
  39. 41. When do you complete the hand salute?
    Ans: After it’s returned
  40. 42. What is a time-honored demonstration of courtesy among all military personnel that expresses mutual
    • respect and pride in the service?
    • Ans: Salute
  41. 43. What shows respect for others and for certain objects or symbols?
    Ans: Courteous Actions
  42. 44. How is the hand salute completed?
    Ans: Dropping the arm to its normal position in one sharp, clean motion
  43. 45. The Navy custom permits left-hand saluting when a salute cannot be rendered with the right hand?
    • (True or False)
    • Ans: True
  44. 46. What is the hand salute accompanied by under naval customs?
    Ans: Word of greetings
  45. 47. What greeting is accompanied with the hand salute from first rising until noon?
    Ans: Good Morning
  46. 48. What greeting is accompanied with the hand salute from noon until sunset?
    Ans: Good Afternoon
  47. 49. What greeting is accompanied with the hand salute from sunset until turning in?
    Ans: Good Evening
  48. 50. When do you only use your left hand to salute?
    Ans: When your right hand is injured
  49. 51. What have been repeated again and again and passed from one generation to the next?
    Ans: Customs
  50. 52. What hand should be used to carry objects in?
    Ans: Left
  51. 53. What position should you always salute from?
    Ans: Attention
  52. 54. What is rendered if you are carry something in both hands and cannot render the hand salute?
    Ans: Verbal Greeting
  53. 55. When should you start your salute when approaching an officer?
    Ans: Far enough away to allow time for your salute to be seen and return
  54. 56. How many paces past an officer should you hold your salute?
    Ans: 6
  55. 57. What are the three step performed when boarding a ship in uniform that is flying the national ensign?
    • Ans: Stop at the top ladder or brow
    • Face and salute the ensign
    • Salute the OOD
  56. 58. What are the three step performed when departing a ship that is flying the national ensign?
    • Ans: Salute the OOD
    • Stop at the top ladder or brow
    • Face and salute the ensign

    • 59. Who salutes officers that come alongside or pass nearby when a boat is not under way?
    • Ans: The person in charge

    • 60. Who salutes officers that come alongside or pass nearby if there is no one in charge?
    • Ans: Everyone
  57. 61. What hand should be left free to salute?
    Ans: Right
  58. 62. Who salutes all officers entering or leaving their boats?
    Ans: Boat Coxswains
  59. 63. Name the two members that render the hand salute when boats pass each other with embarked officers in
    • view?
    • Ans: Senior Officer
    • Coxswain
  60. 64. When do you render a hand salute when overtaking or passing an officer?
    Ans: When Abreast
  61. 65. What should you ask while rendering a hand salute when overtaking or passing an officer?
    Ans: “By Your Leave, Sir or Ma’am”
  62. 66. Who salutes an officer when approaching a detail ashore or afloat?
    Ans: The person in charge of the detail
  63. 67. What side of an officer should you pass on if it becomes necessary for you to do?
    Ans: Left Side
  64. 68. Salute all officers riding in vehicles. (True of False)
    Ans: True
  65. 69. When do you salute at crowded gatherings or congested areas?
    Ans: When addressing or being addresses by officers
  66. 70. What type of rifle salute is rendered for colors?
    Ans: Present Arms
  67. 71. What type of rifle salute is rendered when standing sentry or guard duty by a door inside a building?
    Ans: Order Arms
  68. 72. What type of rifle salute is rendered when passing, without haltering?
    Ans: Right Shoulder Arms
  69. 73. What type of rifle salute is rendered when standing in a sentry box or on a post?
    Ans: Present Arms
  70. 74. What type of rifle salute is rendered when leading a detail past an officer?
    Ans: Right Shoulder Arms
  71. 75. What type of rifle salute is rendered when reporting individually to an officer indoors?
    Ans: Order Arms
  72. 76. What type of rifle salute is rendered when halt on patrol?
    Ans: Present Arms
  73. 77. What type of rifle salute is rendered when reporting a roll call?
    Ans: Order Arms
  74. 78. What type of rifle salute is rendered when going to or from duty?
    Ans: Right Shoulder Arms
  75. 79. What type of rifle salute is rendered when in ranks?
    Ans: Present Arms

    • 80. Name the seven situations in which it is improper for you to salute?
    • Ans: When in ranks or formation
    • When uncovered
    • When part of a detail at work
    • When under actual or simulated battle conditions
    • When engaged in games or athletics
    • When guarding prisoners
    • When at oars in pulling boat
    • When at mess
    • When in public conveyances or transportation
    • When in public places
  76. 81. You should salute an officer in civilian clothes if you recognize them when you’re uniform. (True of False)
    Ans: True
  77. 82. What type of salute is rendered to individuals of merit?
    Ans: Honors
  78. 83. Name the three subjects that honors are rendered to?
    • Ans: High-Ranking Individuals
    • Ships
    • Nations
  79. 84. What types of honors are rendered to high-ranking individuals?
    Ans: Gun Salutes
  80. 85. What does the type of honors rendered depends on?
    Ans: Who and what being saluted
  81. 86. What types of honors are rendered by ships to other ships and boats having official embarked?
    Ans: Passing Honors
  82. 87. What types of honors are rendered to Nations?
    Ans: Gun Salutes
  83. 88. What types of honors are rendered to officials or officers as they board and depart a Navy ship?
    Ans: Side Honors
  84. 89. What type of salute is rendered to a recipient of the Medal of Honor?
    Ans: Honors
  85. 90. What types of honors are rendered to celebrate national holidays?
    Ans: Gun Salutes
  86. 91. What does closed aboard means for ships?
    Ans: Passing within 600 yards
  87. 92. What does closed aboard means for boats?
    Ans: Passing within 400 yards
  88. 93. What are the two procedures that passing honors between ships consist of?
    • Ans: Sounding Attention
    • Rendering the hand salute
  89. 94. Who render the hand salute when passing honors between ships of the Navy?
    Ans: All persons in view on deck
  90. 95. What does the first one blast indicates when passing honors?
    Ans: Attention to Starboard
  91. 96. What does the first two blasts indicate when passing honors?
    Ans: Attention to Port
  92. 97. What does the second one blast indicates when passing honors?
    Ans: Hand Salute
  93. 98. What does the second two blasts indicate when passing honors?
    Ans: End Salute
  94. 99. What does the third blast indicates when passing honors?
    Ans: Carry On

    • 100. What are signals given by on small ships?
    • Ans: Police Whistle
  95. 101. What are signals given by on large ships?
    Ans: Bugle
  96. 102. Where do all hands in view on deck face on the single of “attention” when passing honors?
    Ans: Outboard
  97. 103. Name the two members onboard that salute when personnel are in ranks when passing honors?
    • Ans: Division Officer
    • Division Petty Officer
  98. 104. What does passing honors for the President of the United States and foreign nationals include?
    Ans: Manning the Rail

    • 105. What does manning the rails consist of during passing honors?
    • Ans: Ship’s company lining up along the weather deck rails
  99. 106. What are the three ceremonial occasions that the crew is paraded at quarters?
    • Ans: When entering or leaving U.S. ports
    • When visiting foreign ports
    • When departing or returning from deployment
  100. 107. What types of honors are rendered to officers and officials boarding and departing the ship?
    Ans: Side Honors
  101. 108. What type of numbers does gun salutes always consist of?
    Ans: Odd Numbers
  102. 109. What number of gun salutes does the President of the United States receive?
    Ans: 21
  103. 110. What number of gun salutes does the vice consul receive?
    Ans: 5
  104. 111. What military officers are not entitled to gun salutes?
    Ans: Ranks below Commodore
  105. 112. What interval is a standard 21-gun salute fired at on national holidays?
    Ans: 1 Minute Interval
  106. 113. When does a standard 21-gun salute commence on national holidays?
    Ans: 1200
  107. 114. When does a standard 21-gun salute ends on national holidays?
    Ans: 1220
  108. 115. What are the two procedures that side honors consist of?
    • Ans: The proper number of side boys
    • Piping the side
  109. 116. What are formal acts performed on public occasions?
    Ans: Ceremonies
  110. 117. How many times are colors performed each day?
    Ans: Twice
  111. 118. What should you do if you are driving when colors commences?
    Ans: Stop and sit at attention
  112. 119. What number of gun salutes do rulers of foreign nations receive?
    Ans: 21
  113. 120. How do you salute in civilian clothes during colors?
    Ans: Placing you right hand over your heart
  114. 121. When do the ceremonies for colors begin?
    Ans: When prep is hauled to the dip
  115. 122. When does the hoisting and lowering of the ensign start when a band is available?
    Ans: When the music starts
  116. 123. When does the hoisting and lowering of the ensign completed when a band is available?
    Ans: At the last note of the music
  117. 124. What is played on the bugle at morning colors?
    Ans: “To the Colors”
  118. 125. What is played on the bugle at evening colors?
    Ans: “Retreat”
  119. 126. When is the nation anthem of a foreign country played if any warships are present?
    Ans: After Morning Colors
  120. 127. When is the nation anthem of a foreign country played when visiting a foreign country?
    Ans: Immediately after Morning Colors
  121. 128. What is flown on Sundays and other days proclaimed by the president?
    Ans: The largest ensign in the ship’s allowance
  122. 129. What is the largest ensign in the ship’s allowance flown referred to?
    Ans: Holiday Colors
  123. 130. What is the procedure called when the ensign is shifted from its in-port position on the stern to its at-sea position at the mainmast just as the ship gets underway?
    Ans: Shifting the Colors
  124. 131. What holiday does the United States honor its war dead on by half-masting the flag from 0800 until the last gun of a 21-minute-gun salute?
    Ans: Memorial Day
  125. 132. How is the National Ensign hoisted to the peak of the flagstaff?
    Ans: Smartly
  126. 133. How is the National Ensign lowered from the flagstaff?
    Ans: Ceremoniously
  127. 134. What do you face when the anthem is played inside a building and there is flag displayed?
    Ans: The source of music
  128. 135. What music selection is performed to honor the President of the United States?
    Ans: “Hail to the Chief”
  129. 136. What must you do when “Hail to the Chief” is performed for the President of the United States?
    Ans: Stand at attention and salute
  130. 137. What do you request or say when you are returning to your own ship?
    Ans: “I request permission to come aboard, sir/ma’am.”
  131. 138. What do you request or say when you are leaving a ship?
    Ans: “I request permission to leave the ship, sir/ma’am.”
  132. 139. What are the three steps performed when boarding a ship in civilian attire that is flying the national ensign?
    • Ans: Halt at the top ladder, gangway or brow
    • Face the ensign at attention
    • Turn to the OOD at attention
  133. 140. What are the three steps performed when leaving a ship in civilian attire that is flying the national ensign?
    • Ans: Turn to the OOD at attention
    • Face the ensign at attention
    • Depart the ship
  134. 141. What are the three steps performed when crossing a ships in uniform that is flying the national ensign?
    • Ans: Salute the ensign
    • Turn towards and salute the OOD
    • Request permission to cross
  135. 142. What term means social conduct?
    Ans: Behavior
  136. 143. Which seat in a vehicle must the junior member take when accompanying a senior member?
    Ans: Leftmost Seat
  137. 144. Which side of the senior member whom they are accompanying must the junior member walk on?
    Ans: Left side
  138. 145. What part of the ship is where officers have their staterooms and wardrooms?
    Ans: Officer’s Country
  139. 146. What part of the ship is where CPOs have their living spaces and mess?
    Ans: CPO Country
  140. 147. What is the basic rule of Navy etiquette for senior members when entering boats, airplanes, and vehicles?
    Ans: In Last and Out First
  141. 148. When you depart the ship that you are crossing, it is not necessary to salute the ensign or OOD again.
    • (True or False)
    • Ans: True
  142. 149. What is the reason for the senior members entering boats, airplanes, and vehicles last?
    Ans: A senior member should not have to wait for a less senior member
  143. 150. What is the reason for the senior members departing boats, airplanes, and vehicles first?
    Ans: A mark of respect from juniors
  144. 151. What seat does the senior member take, as a general rule?
    Ans: Farthest Aft Seat
  145. 152. How are all officers in the naval service addressed or introduced?
    Ans: By the titles of their grades preceding their surnames
  146. 153. How may Dental, Medical, and And Medical Service Officers be addressed or introduced?
    Ans: Doctor
  147. 154. How may an officer of the chaplain corps be addressed or introduced?
    Ans: Chaplain
  148. 155. What is the precedence of introduction in the military service?
    Ans: Juniors are introduced to seniors regardless of the gender
  149. 156. What is the only proper response to an oral order?
    Ans: “Aye, aye, sir/ma’am”
  150. 157. What does the reply “Aye, aye, sir/ma’am” indicates?
    Ans: “I understand and will obey”
  151. 158. What is proper response of a senior in acknowledgment of a report made by a junior?
    Ans: “Very Well”
  152. 159. What terms should be used as a prefix to an official report, statement, or question addressed to a senior?
    Ans: “Sir or Ma’am”
  153. 160. What is the commanding officer aboard ships addressed as regardless of rank?
    Ans: Captain
  154. 161. What are flags flown at halt-mast?
    Ans: Internationally Recognized Symbols of Mourning
  155. 162. What area is designated by the CO that serves as the focal point for official and ceremonial functions?
    Ans: Quarterdeck
Card Set
BMR-Ch9 Customs and Courtesies
Basic Military Requirements Customs and Courtesies CHAPTER 9