1. What is the element of administration which entails the orderly arrangement of materials and personnel
- by functions in order to attain the objective of the unit?
- Ans: Organization
- 2. List the three functions that organizations establish.
- Ans: Flow of work
- Promotes teamwork
- Working relationship among unit personnel
3. List the three factors that organizations identify of individuals within the unit.
- Ans: Authority
- Responsibility
- Accountability
4. What instruction covers the Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S. Navy?
Ans: OPNAVINST 3120.32C
5. What is the primary mission of the Navy?
Ans: To support U.S. national interest
6. What is the mission of the Navy?
Ans: to maintain, train, and equip combat-ready naval forces
7. List the two executive departments that originally managed the Armed Forces.
- Ans: Department of War
- Department of the Navy
8. What department was created by the United States as part of its security program?
Ans: Department of Defense
9. When was the Department of Defense created by the United States as part of its security program?
Ans: 1947
10. What departments were combined by the United States to form the Department of Defense? (2)
- Ans: Department of War
- Department of the Navy
11. List the three military departments that the Department of Defense consists of.
12. What department includes the Joint Chiefs of Staff?
Ans: Department of Defense
13. What does each military department has to head the department?
Ans: Secretary
14. Who heads the Department of Defense?
Ans: Secretary of Defense
15. List the three executives that the Joint Chiefs of Staff consist of.
- Ans: Chairman
- Military Heads
- Commandant of the Marine Corps
16. What department support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, and
- domestic?
- Ans: Department of Defense
17. What are secretaries of each department and defense, by law?
Ans: Civilian Appointees
18. Who appoint the secretaries for each Department of Navy and Department of Defense?
Ans: President
19. Where does the Department of the Navy receive its directions?
Ans: Secretary of the Navy
20. How many main objectives do the Navy has?
Ans: 2
21. What is the first objective of the Navy?
Ans: To organize, train, equip, prepare, and maintain the readiness of the Navy
22. Where does the Secretary of the Navy receive its directions?
Ans: Secretary of Defense
23. Where does the Secretary of Defense receive its directions?
Ans: President
24. What department ensures timely and effective military action?
Ans: Department of Defense
25. What is the second objective of the Navy?
Ans: To support all military forces and departments
26. Who is responsible for conducting recruiting, organizing, supplying, equipping, training, and mobilizing,
- and demobilizing?
- Ans: Secretary of the Navy
27. How many uniform services does the Department of the Navy have?
Ans: 2
28. List the two uniform services that the Department of the Navy consists of.
- Ans: United States Navy
- United States Marines
29. When was the Navy found?
Ans: 13 October 1775
30. What department are reserve components apart of?
Ans: Department of the Navy
31. When was the Department of the Navy established?
Ans: 30 April 1798
32. Who established the Department of the Navy?
Ans: John Adams
33. What department safeguards the internal security of the United States?
Ans: Department of Defense
34. How many principal components does the Department of the Navy has?
Ans: 3
35. List the three principal components of the Department of the Navy.
- Ans: Navy Departments
- Operating Forces
- Shore Establishment
36. What are Operating Forces known as?
Ans: The Fleet
37. Who provides support to the Operating Forces?
Ans: Shore Establishment
38. Who is responsible for conducting all affairs of the Department of the Navy?
Ans: Secretary of the Navy
39. What department ensures the possessions of the United States?
Ans: Department of Defense
40. What organization is apart of the Department of the Navy, in time of war?
Ans: U.S. Coast Guard
41. What department is the U.S. Coast Guard apart of during peacetime?
Ans: Department of Transportation
42. List the two forces that Operating Forces primarily consist of.
43. What department upholds and advances the national policies and interests of the United States?
Ans: Department of Defense
44. What is the purpose of a unit’s organization?
Ans: To help accomplish the mission of that unit
45. What reference governs the coordination of evolutions and emergency procedures and the conduct of
- personnel in the unit?
- Ans: The Ship’s/Command’s Organization and Regulation Manual
46. Who is responsible for formulating and implementing policies and programs that are consistent with the
- national security policies?
- Ans: Secretary of the Navy
47. What reference is used as a guide for unit organization?
Ans: The Standard Organizational and Regulations of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32
48. What is the Standard Organizational and Regulations of the U.S. Navy usually referred to, aboard ships?
Ans: Shipboard Organization and Regulations Manual
49. What two groups of personnel make up a ship’s wartime organization?
50. What department ensures the security of the United States?
Ans: Department of Defense
51. How many elements are there to a ship’s organization?
Ans: 2
52. List the two elements of the ship’s organization.
- Ans: Battle Organization
- Administration Organization
53. What reference describes the many aspects of the standard unit organization?
Ans: The Standard Organizational and Regulations of the U.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32
54. What element of the ship’s organization contains a list of the numbers and specialties of the personnel a
- unit will need to fulfill the wartime missions?
- Ans: Battle Organization
55. List the three factors that the Unit's Battle Organization depends on.
- Ans: Personnel
- Armament
- Equipment
56. What reference governs the unit’s administrative organization (including watches)?
Ans: The Ship’s/Command’s Organization and Regulation Manual
57. Who is responsible for overseeing the construction, outfitting, and repair of naval ships, equipment and
- facilities?
- Ans: Secretary of the Navy
58. What element of the ship’s organization makes sure that the ship can fight or carry out its mission?
Ans: Administration Organization
59. List the three functions that the Administration Organization covers.
- Ans: Training
- Maintenance
- Routine Operations
60. Who is head of the Administration Organization?
Ans: CO
61. What department ensures areas vital to its interest?
Ans: Department of Defense
62. How many departments is each ship organized into?
Ans: At least 5
63. List the five departments that each ship is organized into.
- Ans: (1) Supply
- (2) Navigation
- (3) Operations
- (4) Engineering
- (5) Fifth Department (Weapons/Deck)
64. What reference serves the purpose of providing a ready source of information about the duties,
- responsibilities, and authority of unit personnel?
- Ans: The Ship’s/Command’s Organization and Regulation Manual
65. What department is responsible for the piloting of the ship?
Ans: Navigation
66. What department is responsible for deck functions if the ship has a combat systems department but no
- deck department?
- Ans: Operation Department
67. What department is responsible for providing compressed air throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
68. What department is responsible for preservation and cleanliness of the external areas of the ship if
- doesn’t have a deck department?
- Ans: Weapons Department
69. What department is responsible for maintaining the pay records of the crew?
Ans: Supply Department
70. What department is responsible for conducting electronic warfare?
Ans: Operation Department
71. What department is responsible for providing freshwater throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
72. What department is responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of navigation?
Ans: Navigation
73. What department is responsible for gathering and analyzing intelligence information?
Ans: Operation Department
74. What department is responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of all propulsion machinery?
Ans: Engineering Department
- 75. What department is responsible for the use of ordnances, torpedoes, and missiles?
- Ans: Weapon Department
76. What department is responsible for operating the general mess?
Ans: Supply Department
77. What department is responsible for the control of damage resulting room fire, explosion, and collision?
Ans: Engineering Department
78. What department is responsible for repairing electronic equipment?
Ans: Operation Department
79. What department is responsible for providing ventilation throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
80. What department is responsible for operating the ship’s store?
Ans: Supply Department
81. What department is responsible for providing heat throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
82. What department is responsible for launch and recovery of aircraft if the ship doesn’t have an air
- department?
- Ans: Weapons Department
83. What department is responsible for all radars, sonar, and communication equipment on the ship?
Ans: Operation Department
84. What department is responsible for providing refrigeration throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
85. What department is responsible for ordering and receiving stores, supplies, and spare parts for the ship?
Ans: Supply Department
86. List the three assistances of the Engineering Officer.
- Ans: Propulsion Assistance
- Electrical Officer Main
- Damage Control Assistance
87. What department is responsible for controlling aircraft?
Ans: Operation Department
88. What department is responsible for providing power throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
89. What department is responsible for just about everything that comes aboard the ship except people?
Ans: Supply Department
90. What department is responsible for all decking seamanship operations if the ship doesn’t have a deck
- department?
- Ans: Weapons Department
91. What department is combat information center (CIC) apart of?
Ans: Operation Department
92. What department is responsible for providing light throughout the ship?
Ans: Engineering Department
93. What type of department do ships have with offense capabilities unrelated to ordnance?
Ans: Deck Department
94. What department is responsible for all deck equipment if the ship doesn’t have a deck department?
Ans: Weapons Department
95. What department is responsible for forecasting weather?
Ans: Operation Department
96. What type of ship has a weapon or combat system department in addition to a deck department?
Ans: Aircraft Carrier
97. What department is responsible for the operation, care, and maintenance of all auxiliary machinery?
Ans: Engineering Department
98. Who is responsible for the safety, well-being, and efficiency of the command?
Ans: CO
99. What department is responsible for the operation of the paint, sail, and boatswains’ lockers if the ship
- doesn’t have a deck department?
- Ans: Weapons Department
100. Who is responsible for approving or disapproving liberty or leave request?
Ans: XO
101. What department is responsible for collecting and evaluating combat and operational information?
Ans: Operation Department
102. What reference does ships/commands usually require all newly reporting personnel to read and sign a
- statement to that effect?
- Ans: The Ship’s/Command’s Organization and Regulation Manual
103. Who is responsible for maintaining copies of all division bills and orders?
Ans: Division Officer
104. Who is ultimately responsible for the safe navigation of the ship?
Ans: CO
105. How many articles in the Navy Regulations apply to the Commanding Officer?
Ans: 70
106. What department is responsible for the inspection and maintenance of survival equipment if the ship doesn’t have a deck department?
Ans: Weapons Department
107. Who is the direct representative of the Commanding Officer?
Ans: XO
108. Who is a major link in your chain of command?
Ans: Division Officer
109. What enlisted member acts as a liaison between the officer and enlisted community?
Ans: Senior Enlisted Member
110. Who advises the CO and XO on all matters concerning the Navy’s drug and alcohol abuse program?
111. Who must exert every effort to maintain the command in a state of maximum readiness for war?
- Ans: CO
- 112. Who is responsible for training division personnel and preparing for battle?
- Ans: Division Officer
113. Who give advice on enlisted polices and informs the CO about the health, welfare, and general well-being of the crew?
Ans: Senior Enlisted Member
114. Who is responsible for arranging and coordinating all ship’s drills?
Ans: XO
115. List the five assistance of the XO.
- Ans: (1) DAPA
- (2) Training Officer
- (3) Personnel Officer
- (4) Command Master Chief
- (5) Education Service Officer
116. Who is the basic unit of the shipboard organization?
Ans: Division Officer
117. Who is responsible for and reports to the CO about all matters that affect the department?
Ans: Department Head
118. What enlisted member transmits ideas and recommendations directly to the CO?
Ans: Senior Enlisted Member
119. Who is responsible to and, act as assistants to Department Head?
Ans: Division Officer
120. Who directs the members of the crew in fighting during combat?
Ans: CO
121. List the three officers that work directly under the XO.
- Ans: Legal Officer
- Safety Officer
- Combat Cargo Officer
122. Who carries out command polices and personally sees that division tasks are completed in a timely manner?
Ans: Division Officer
123. Who is responsible for making frequent inspections of division personnel, spaces, equipment, and supplies?
Ans: Division Officer
124. What reference has an entire chapter covering the Commanding Officer duties?
Ans: Navy Regulation
125. What officer assigned to the ship normally takes over if the XO becomes incapacitated?
Ans: The Next Senior Line Officer
126. Who should be the last person to leave the ship according to custom and regulation for abandoning ship?
Ans: CO
127. What reference specifies the basic organization requirement of an Aircraft Squadron?
Ans: Standard Organization and Regulation of the U.S. Navy
128. List the four departments found in an Aircraft Squadron.
- Ans: (1) Safety
- (2) Operations
- (3) Maintenance
- (4) Administration
129. List the two departments that all Aircraft Squadrons have.
- Ans: Administration
- Safety
- 130. List the two departments that most Aircraft Squadrons have.
- Ans: Operations
- Maintenance
131. List the three administration duties of the Administration Department within an Aircraft Squadron.
- Ans: Directives
- Personnel Records
- All Official Correspondence
132. What are divisions on a ship divided into?
133. List the four additional offices of the Administration Department.
- Ans: ESO
- Legal
- Personnel
- Public Affairs
134. List the three departments that Aircraft Squadrons may have based on its mission.
- Ans: Training
- Intelligences
- Photographic
135. How many parts is the Safety Department divided into?
Ans: 3
136. List the two parts of the Safety Department.
- Ground Safety
- Aviation Safety
137. What division makes sure standardized procedures are followed in the operation of the squadron’s aircraft?
Ans: Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardized Division (NATOPS)
138. List the four divisions of the Operations Department of an Aircraft Squadron.
- Ans: Logs
- Training
- Records
- Schedules
- 139. Who has the power to impose limited punishment according to the UCMJ?
- Ans: CO
140. What department of an Aircraft Squadron is responsible for operational readiness?
Ans: Operations
141. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of Maintenance/Material Control Divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
142. What are divisions in an Aircraft Squadron divided into?
Ans: Branches
143. What department of an Aircraft Squadron is responsible for tactical efficiency of the squadron?
Ans: Operations
144. What department does the First Lieutenant and Command Career Counselor work?
Ans: Administration
145. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of Quality Assurance Divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
146. List the five areas the affect the Chain of Command.
- Ans: (1) Direction
- (2) Responsibility
- (3) Accountability
- (4) Communication
- (5) Work-Related Problems
147. How many types of accountabilities are there?
Ans: 2
148. List the two types of accountabilities.
- An: Job Accountability
- Military Accountability
149. What types of accountability means you must answer to senior military personnel for your personal behavior and military appearance?
Ans: Military Accountability
150. Who is responsible for ensuring the proper stationing of trained lookouts?
Ans: CO
151. What is each branch of an Aircraft Squadron headed by?
Ans: Branch Officer
152. What officer is the Branch Officer directly responsible to?
Ans: Division Officer
- 153. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of navigation divisions?
- Ans: Operations
154. Who does the Master-At-Arms work directly under?
Ans: XO
155. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of aircraft divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
156. What officer will you have the most direct contact within an Aircraft Squadrons?
Ans: Branch Officer
157. List the two elements that are essential for the Navy to carry out its assigned mission.
- Ans: Good Leadership
- An effective Chain of Command
158. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of communication divisions?
Ans: Operations
159. What is the relationship of juniors and seniors within an organization called?
Ans: Chain of Command
160. What is the ability of personnel to report every action taken?
Ans: Accountability
161. Who is responsible for the preparation of the ship for battle?
Ans: CO
162. What requires that an individual be accountable for the performance of assigned tasks within an organization?
Ans: Responsibility
163. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of airframes divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
164. Who makes inspections of branch personnel, spaces, equipment, and supplies of Aircraft Squadrons?
Ans: Branch Officer
165. Who is responsible for investigating matters affecting the discipline and conduct of the crew?
Ans: XO
166. What serves several purposes in the accomplishment of the Navy’s mission?
Ans: Chain of Command
167. What supports an effective Chain of Command?
Ans: Good Leadership
168. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of maintenance administration divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
169. What is the ability of personnel to explain every action taken?
Ans: Accountability
170. Who is responsible for arranging and coordinating all ship’s work?
Ans: XO
171. What is the action of seniors informing juniors about matters that affect the juniors, and the action of juniors informing seniors of existing problems?
Ans: Effective Communications
172. What is the ability of personnel to justify every action taken?
Ans: Accountability
173. Who makes sure branch tasks are completed in a timely manner?
Ans: Branch Officer
174. Who prepares and conducts exercises and drills needed to prepare the ship for battle?
Ans: XO
175. What provides direction and smooth communications?
Ans: Chain of Command
176. What supports good leadership?
Ans: An effective Chain of Command
177. How does the Chain of Command provides direction?
Ans: In the assignment of duties
178. What are situations that affect a person’s job performance?
Ans: Work-Related Problems
179. Who assigns Division Officers of the ship’s organization?
Ans: CO
180. What defines responsibility and identifies accountability?
Ans: Chain of Command
181. What department of an Aircraft Squadron consists of avionics/armament divisions?
Ans: Maintenance
182. What type of officer does an Aircraft Squadron’s Chain of Command includes?
Ans: Branch Officer
183. Who is the aide to the Commanding Officer?
Ans: XO
184. What does the Chain of Command includes for watch-standing assignments?
Ans: Section Leader
185. What types of accountability means you must answer to senior in the Chain of Command the way in which you carry out an assigned task?
Ans: Job Accountability
186. What type of problem could be a situation that a person feels mistreated by a senior?
Ans: Work-Related Problems
187. Who is responsible to each Navy member for solving work-related problems?
Ans: Chain of Command
188. Who is responsible for policing and inspecting the ship?
Ans: XO
189. Who makes watch assignments for all personnel assigned to the section?
Ans: Section Leader
190. What should you always use when seeking solutions to work-related problems?
Ans: Chain of Command
191. Who is responsible for the condition and appearance of the material and personnel?
Ans: CO
192. What type of problem could be a situation that a person needs to leave or liberty because of an illness in the family?
Ans: Work-Related Problems
193. Who should you inform of situations that may affect your availability for watch assignments?
Ans: Section Leader
194. What office can you ask someone about the Chain of Command in your organization?
Ans: Administrative Office
195. Who is responsible for arranging and coordinating all ship’s exercise?
Ans: XO
196. Who is the Commanding Officer responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: Type Commander
197. Who is the Type Commander responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: Force Commander
198. Who is the Force Commander responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: Fleet Commander
199. Who is the Fleet Commander responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: CNO
200. Who is the CNO responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: Secretary of the Navy
201. Who is the Secretary of the Navy responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: Secretary of Defense
202. Who is the Secretary of Defense responsible to in a typical Chain of Command?
Ans: President
Chain of Command
- President
- Secretary of the Defense
- Secretary of the Navy
- Fleet Commander
- Force Commander
- Type Commander
- Commanding Officer