BMR-Ch5 Naval History

  1. 1. What two quotes tell you the reasons why you should know what happen in the past?
    • Ans: Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it
    • The study of history lies at the foundation of all sound military conclusions and practice
  2. 2. How can you avoid the mistakes made in the past?
    Ans: By studying history
  3. 3. By studying both the ________ and ________of the past, you can to plan for the future success.
    • Ans: Failures
    • Successes
  4. 4. What is an adventure story?
    Ans: History
  5. 5. What term is the story of a person’s life?
    Ans: Biography
  6. 6. What is the definition of naval history?
    Ans: The of the life of the Navy
  7. 7. What year was the United States Navy formed?
    Ans: October 13, 1775
  8. 8. How was the United States Navy formed?
    Ans: The authorizing purchasing of two vessels
  9. 9. Who authorized the purchasing of two vessels to form the United States Navy?
    Ans: Second Continental Congress
  10. 10. List the two reasons why navies are created.
    • Ans: Under the Threat of War
    • From the Spirit of Independence
  11. 11. How does the Navy become mature?
    Ans: By defending their country
  12. 12. What did the American colonies depend on for their livelihood?
    Ans: Sea
  13. 13. What was the American Navy sometime passed before?
    Ans: The New Navy
  14. 14. What were the three major classes that naval vessels were grouped into?
    • Ans: Frigates
    • Sloop-of-War
    • Ship-of-the-Line
  15. 15. List the three types of ships that were included in the Continental Navy.
    • Ans: Providence
    • Lexington
    • Bonhomie Richard
  16. 16. What ships was small, fast, flexible, and flush-deck?
    Ans: Schooners
  17. 17. Which class of naval vessels is smaller and faster than the ship-of-the-line?
    Ans: Frigates
  18. 18. Which ship in the Continental Navy contained a 16-brig?
    Ans: Lexington
  19. 19. Which class of naval vessels were the battleships of the sailing days?
    Ans: Ship-of-the-Line
  20. 20. Which class of naval vessels were the cruisers of the 18th century?
    Ans: Frigates
  21. 21. What ship carried smooth bore cannons?
    Ans: Schooners
  22. 22. Which ship in the Continental Navy contained a 12-gun sloop?
    Ans: Providence
  23. 23. Which class of naval vessels were the largest of all sailing warships?
    Ans: Ship-of-the-Line
  24. 24. Which class of naval vessels carried 28 to 44 guns of various sizes?
    Ans: Frigates
  25. 25. Which ships broke the British strangehold on main New England Harbors?
    Ans: Schooners
  26. 26. Which class of naval vessels carried 64 to over 100 guns of various sizes?
    Ans: Ship-of-the-Line
  27. 27. Which class of naval vessels were the small sailing warships?
    Ans: Sloop-of-War
  28. 28. What group of naval vessels captured enemy merchant ships as prizes of war?
    Ans: Privateers
  29. 29. Which ship in the Continental Navy was a loan from the French?
    Ans: Bonhomie Richard
  30. 30. Which class of naval vessels carried 10 to 20 guns of various sizes?
    Ans: Sloop-of-War
  31. 31. List the two groups of authority that commissioned the privateers.
    • Ans: Individual States
    • Continental Congress
  32. 32. Which class of naval vessels didn’t come into existence until years later after the revolutionary war
    • was over?
    • Ans: Ship-of-the-Line
  33. 33. What was the name of the first warfare submarine?
    Ans: Turtle
  34. 34. Who invented the first warfare submarine?
    Ans: David Bushnell
  35. 35. What year was the first warfare submarine created?
    Ans: 1775
  36. 36. What did the first warfare submarine resemble?
    Ans: Tortoise Shell (2)
  37. 37. What was the maximum speed of the first warfare submarine?
    Ans: 3 knots
  38. 38. How long could the first warfare submarine stay down?
    Ans: 30 min
  39. 39. How many pounds of explosives was the first warfare submarine armed with?
    Ans: 150
  40. 40. What year was the first recorded instance of an antisubmarine attack?
    Ans: 1776
  41. 41. The New Navy ordered in the last months of (year) ________.
    Ans: 1775
  42. 42. Who was the New Navy ordered established by?
    Ans: Continental Congress
  43. 43. How many ships in total were constructed to build a fleet?
    Ans: 19
  44. 44. List the two types of ships that the fleet consists of.
    • Ans: Frigates
    • Merchant Ships (Converted)
  45. 45. How many frigates ships were constructed to build a fleet?
    Ans: 13
  46. 46. How many merchant ships were constructed to build a fleet?
    Ans: 6
  47. 47. List the two merchant ships that the fleet consists of.
    • Ans: USS Hornet
    • USS Alfred

    • 48. List the two frigate ships that the fleet consists of.
    • Ans: USS Hancock
    • USS Boston
  48. 49. Which merchant ships had the distinction of being the U.S. Navy’s first flagship?
    Ans: USS Alfred
  49. 50. Who was the first Commander-In-Chief to put the first squadron of the Continental Navy to sea?
    Ans: Esek Hopkins
  50. 51. When did the first Commander-In-Chief to put the first squadron of the Continental Navy to sea?
    Ans: February 1776
  51. 52. How many sailors and marines landed on New Providence Island in the Bahamas?
    Ans: 200
  52. 53. Who served as the first lieutenant aboard the USS Alfred?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  53. 54. What was the first amphibious operation carried out by the American Navy and Marines?
    Ans: Hopkins’s raid on New Providence Island
  54. 55. List the two ships that were bottled up in the port of New York.
    • Ans: USS Montgomery
    • USS Congress
  55. 56. How many years was the USS Trumbull bottled up?
    Ans: 3
  56. 57. Which ship was captured by the British and served in the revolution on the enemy’s side?
    Ans: USS Hancock
  57. 58. Who captured the USS Nancy while in Washington’s Navy?
    Ans: John Manley
  58. 59. Who was the skipper of the USS Providence?
    Ans: Abraham Whipple
  59. 60. What country was the first foreign power to recognize the government of the American colonies and
    • “star and stripes” flag”?
    • Ans: France
  60. 61. Which merchant ships is said to be the first U.S. Navy’s to hoist the flag of freedom?
    Ans: USS Alfred
  61. 62. Who hoisted the flag of freedom?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  62. 63. When was the American “Star and Stripes” Flag first officially recognized by a foreign nation?
    Ans: 14 February 1778
  63. 64. List the three men that were among those who brought the battle to the British on their own waters.
    • Ans: John Paul Jones
    • Lambert Wickes
    • Gustavus Conyngham
  64. 65. Who was among the most daring commanders bringing the war to British waters?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  65. 66. Which ship was captured by the British and renamed the USS Iris?
    Ans: USS Hancock
  66. 67. Which American ship was officially recognized by France for their “star and stripes” flag”?
    Ans: USS Ranger
  67. 68. Who was the skipper of the USS Ranger?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  68. 69. What battle went down as one of the greatest naval battles in history?
    Ans: The battle of the USS Bonhomme Richard vs Serapis
  69. 70. What group harassed British shipping over the lengthy sea-lanes?
    Ans: American Privateers
  70. 71. What was established at the end of the Revolutionary War?
    Ans: New Federal Government
  71. 72. How many ships was the Navy down to by 1783?
    Ans: 5
  72. 73. What ship was one of the first ships to be of a new design with a combination of firepower and class?
    Ans: USS Constitution
  73. 74. Who is considered the father of our highest naval traditions?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  74. 75. What president did the USS Constitution fulfilled the thoughts and dreams of?
    Ans: John Adams
  75. 76. List the two wars that the early U.S. Navy was involved in between America’s first two wars with Great
    • Britain.
    • Ans: Quasi War
    • Barbary States War
  76. 77. What war was entirely a naval war?
    Ans: Quasi War
  77. 78. What war was fought to deal with the barbary states, who were forcing other nations to pay ransom
    • for safe passage through the Mediterranean Sea?
    • Ans: Barbary States War
  78. 79. What lieutenant slipped into the harbor at Tripoli and burned the capture frigate, USS Philadelphia?
    Ans: Stephen Decatur
  79. 80. Who landed on British soil and raided Whitehaven, England?
    Ans: John Paul Jones
  80. 81. Who established the Navy Department?
    Ans: John Adams
  81. 82. When did John Adams established the Navy Department?
    Ans: 1798
  82. 83. What war fought over worsening diplomatic relations with France?
    Ans: Quasi War
  83. 84. What act was described as one of the most boldest and daring acts of the age?
    Ans: LT Decatur slipping into the harbor at Tripoli and burned the capture frigate, USS Philadelphia
  84. 85. What war was brought on, in part, because the British were impressing American seamen?
    Ans: War of 1812
  85. 86. What United State Ship earned the nickname “Old Ironsides” by defeating the British frigate Guerriere?
    Ans: USS Constitution
  86. 87. When did the USS Constitution defeat the British frigate Guerriere?
    Ans: 1812
  87. 88. What victory convinced Congress and President Madison that a stronger Navy was needed?
    Ans: USS Constitution defeating the British frigate Guerriere
  88. 89. What war was fought because of the refusal by the French to receive U.S. representatives unless a
    • bribe was paid and a loan granted?
    • Ans: Quasi War
  89. 90. What was the most important development in the surface Navy during the first half of the 19th century?
    Ans: Harnessing the power of steam
  90. 91. List the two hazards that steam promised to eliminate.
    • Ans: Being blown of course
    • Left dead in the water
  91. 92. What began to replace wind as a means of propulsion?
    Ans: Steam
  92. 93. The principles of steam were known for ___________.
    Ans: Centuries
  93. 94. Who successfully used steam to power a commercial steamboat?
    Ans: Robert Fulton
  94. 95. Who created the steam engine?
    Ans: James Watt’s
  95. 96. During what war was the famous expression “millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute”
    • originated?
    • Ans: Quasi War
  96. 97. What was the first United States warship to use steam?
    Ans: USS Demologos
  97. 98. What name was the USS Demologos rechristened to?
    Ans: USS Fulton
  98. 99. What was the largest of America’s ship-of-the-line?
    Ans: USS Pennsylvania
  99. 99. List the two first ocean-going, steam-driven capital ships.
    • Ans: USS Missouri
    • USS Mississippi
  100. 100. What war was the baptism of fire for the United States Navy under the new constitution?
    Ans: Quasi War
  101. 101. Name the first iron-hulled warship launched in 1843?
    Ans: USS Michigan
  102. 102. Who is referred to as the “father of the steam Navy”?
    Ans: Commander Matthew Callbraith Perry
  103. 103. Name the first successful steamship launched in 1843?
    Ans: USS Princeton
  104. 104. What state was the 28th state to be admitted to the United States?
    Ans: Texas
  105. 105. What type of war was a land war?
    Ans: Mexican-American War
  106. 106. Name the first largest amphibious operation in U.S. military history?
    Ans: Mosquito Fleet in Vera Cruz
  107. 107. List the two ironclad ships that were developed during the civil war.
    • Ans: USS Merrimack
    • USS Monitor
  108. 108. What was known as the first true submarine attack in naval history??
    Ans: CSS Hunely attacked on the USS Housatonic
  109. 109. What lieutenant demonstrated that submarines could be useful weapons of war?
    Ans: George Dixon
  110. 110. What might be labeled as the Navy’s first aircraft carrier of the civil war days?
    Ans: The USS Washington Parke Curtis
  111. 111. Who was the Navy’s first Admiral?
    Ans: David Farragut
  112. 112. Who is considered the father of naval ordnance?
    Ans: John Dahlgren
  113. 113. What ship new type of propeller eliminated the vulnerable paddle wheels?
    Ans: USS Princeton
  114. 114. What book became the bible on many navies?
    Ans: The Influence of Sea Power upon History
  115. 115. Who wrote the book, The Influence of Sea Power upon History?
    Ans: Alfred T. Mahan
  116. 116. List the three types of ships that the U.S. Fleet consisted of by 1895.
    • Ans: 3 Battleships
    • 1 Heavy Cruiser
    • 15 Steel Cruisers
  117. 117. List the two naval vessels that the first diesel engines were installed in.
    • Ans: USS Skipjack
    • USS Sturgeon
  118. 118. What type of power was a major development in ship propulsion during the first haft of the 19th
    • century?
    • Ans: Steam Power
  119. 119. What type of construction was an outstanding development of the second haft of the 19th century?
    Ans: Iron Construction
  120. 120. What was the advantage of building wooden ship opposed to iron ships?
    Ans: Cheaper
  121. 121. What ship has been labeled as the first modern cruiser in the U.S.Fleet?
    Ans: USS Newark
  122. 122. What was the first torpedo boat that joined the fleet?
    Ans: USS Cushing
  123. 123. What ship permitted the ship’s engine to be placed below decks?
    Ans: USS Princeton
  124. 124. Who proved that the nation controlling the oceans is the nation that maintains its supremacy?
    Ans: Alfred T. Mahan
  125. 125. What ship led the design of our present-day destroyers?
    Ans: USS Truxtun
  126. 126. Who gave the famous order of “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead”?
    Ans: David Farragut
  127. 127. The explosion of the USS Maine was the major reason for the start of the __________________war?
    Ans: Spanish-American
  128. 128. The explosion of the USS Maine was the major reason for the start of the Spanish-American war in
    • (year) _____.
    • Ans: 1898
  129. 129. What became our battle cry of the Spanish-American War?
    Ans: Remember the Maine
  130. 130. What one event stood out in the Spanish-American War?
    Ans: The seizure of Manila Bay
  131. 131. Who seized Manila Bay?
    Ans: George Dewey
  132. 132. Who’s order won the battle of mobile bay?
    Ans: David Farragut
  133. 133. What submarine was accepted as the first operational submarine by the Navy?
    Ans: USS Holland
  134. 134. List the first two battleships built in 1895.
    • Ans: USS Texas
    • USS Maine
  135. 135. What types of ships became submarine hunters?
    Ans: Destroyers
  136. 136. Who was instrumental in quickly ending the Spanish-American War?
    Ans: George Dewey
  137. 137. Who was the U.S. first OIC of aviation?
    Ans: Captain Washington Irving Chambers
  138. 138. Who was the Navy’s first aviator?
    Ans: Lieutenant T. G. Ellyson
  139. 139. What battleship was the first to use oil?
    Ans: USS Nevada
  140. 140. What types of ships was the main defense against German U-boats?
    Ans: Destroyers
  141. 141. List the first destroyers to sink an enemy submarine?
    • Ans: USS Nicholson
    • USS Fanning
  142. 142. What was the role of the Air Force during World War I?
    Ans: Supporting Unit to Surface Antisubmarine Forces
  143. 143. Who became the Navy’s first ace?
    Ans: Lieutenant David Ingalls
  144. 144. What year was the nurse corps officially born?
    Ans: 1908
  145. 145. Who was enrolled in the naval reserve as yeomen during World War I?
    Ans: Women
  146. 146. Who was the first pilot to fly the Atlantic?
    Ans: LCDR Albert C. Read
  147. 147. Who was the first pilot to fly over both poles?
    Ans: CDR Richard E. Byrd
  148. 148. Name the first carrier designed from the heel up that joined the fleet?
    Ans: USS Ranger
  149. 149. What was one reason of the United States Navy entry in World War II in the Atlantic?
    Ans: To stop German U-boat from terrorizing the sea
  150. 150. What was the first attack in history to be solely conducted from aircraft carriers?
    Ans: The Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor
  151. 151. What battle did the southern solomons come under allied control and Australia was in less danger
    • of attack?
    • Ans: Battle of Guadalcanal
  152. 152. What battle was fought entirely with aircraft and the two fleets never saw each other?
    Ans: Battle of Coral Sea
  153. 153. What battle was the turning point of World War II in the Pacific Ocean?
    Ans: Battle of Midway
  154. 154. What battle was the Japanese homeland cut off from its main source of supplies from the south?
    Ans: Battle of Leyte Gulf
  155. 155. What battle ended with the Japanese carrier forces short of ships, gas, and pilots?
    Ans: Battle of the Philippine Sea
  156. 156. What battle saved Australia from being invaded by the Japanese?
    Ans: Battle of Coral Sea
  157. 157. What battle forced the Japanese to retreat after 3 days of fighting?
    Ans: Battle of Guadalcanal
  158. 158. What battle did the dive-bombers proved to be the downfall of Japanese carrier force?
    Ans: Battle of Midway
  159. 159. What battle was the Japanese fleet paralyzed from heavy losses?
    Ans: Battle of the Philippine Sea
  160. 160. What battle was the deciding blow to the Japanese Navy?
    Ans: Battle of Leyte Gulf
  161. 161. List the two battles that signaled an approach to the end of the war by defeating the Japanese in both
    • battles.
    • Ans: Battle of Iwo
    • Battle of Okinawa
  162. 162. Name the largest amphibious operation in history?
    Ans: The Invasion of Normandy
  163. 163. List the two devices that came into full use during World War II to help locate aircraft and submarines.
    • Ans: Radars
    • Sonars
  164. 164. What destroyer escort ships called?
    Ans: Frigates
  165. 165. What were both radars and sonars initially used for by the English?
    Ans: Combat German U-boats
  166. 166. Who was sworn in to become the commander of the women’s reserve?
    Ans: Mildred Helen McAfee
  167. 167. What act abolished the women’s reserve?
    Ans: The Women’s Armed Service Integration Act
  168. 168. What type of power was the long-awaited propulsion source for the submarine?
    Ans: Nuclear Power
  169. 169. List the two first nuclear powered guided missile cruisers that ended Operation Sea Orbit.
    • Ans: USS Bainbridge
    • USS Long Beach
  170. 170. Name the first nuclear powered submarine put into the sea?
    Ans: USS Nautilus
  171. 171. What device has become the most important of the submarine’s senses?
    Ans: Sonars
  172. 172. What war did Navy jets fly from carriers for the first time in a war situation?
    Ans: The Korean Conflict
  173. 173. Name the second nuclear powered submarine put into the sea?
    Ans: USS Seawolf
  174. 174. How many complete crews that each Polaris submarine has?
    Ans: 2
  175. 175. List the two crews that each Polaris submarine consists of.
    • Ans: Gold
    • Blue
  176. 176. What act gave women full partnership in the Navy?
    Ans: The Women’s Armed Service Integration Act
  177. 177. What type of power turned submersible surface ship into a true submarine?
    Ans: Nuclear Power
  178. 178. What provide maximum on-station time for the Polaris submarine?
    Ans: Alternating on a 3 month-long deployment
  179. 179. What was the endurance of the Polaris submarine limited to?
    Ans: Its Personnel
  180. 180. What types of naval vessels were followed by nuclear powered submarines?
    Ans: Nuclear Powered Surface Warships
  181. 181. What operation was an unreplenished cruise around-the-world?
    Ans: Operation Sea Orbit
  182. 182. Operation Sea Orbit was ____ days long.
    Ans: 64
  183. 183. How long is the oldest man-made satellite expected to remain aloft in orbit?
    Ans: 2,000 years
  184. 184. Name the first nuclear powered carrier that ended Operation Sea Orbit?
    Ans: USS Enterprise
  185. 185. Who was the first man to set foot on the moon?
    Ans: Neil Armstrong
  186. 186. When was the first foot set on the moon?
    Ans: July 20, 1969
  187. 187. List the three principal elements of the Trident Undersea Nuclear Weapon System.
    • Ans: Nuclear-Powered Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine
    • A Strategic Weapons System
    • An Integrated Logistic Support System
  188. 188. Name the first deep diving vehicle that was used for undersea research?
    Ans: USS Alvin
  189. 189. Name the first nuclear powered, deep submergence research and ocean-engineering vehicle?
    Ans: NR-1
  190. 190. What weapon system was mated with nuclear propulsion?
    Ans: Polaris Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapon System
  191. 191. What new weapon system was more effective that the Polaris weapon system?
    Ans: Poseidon Fleet Ballistic Missile Weapon System
  192. 192. Name the first undersea nuclear weapon system?
    Ans: Trident System
  193. 193. Name the first Trident submarine delivered to the Navy in 1981?
    Ans: USS Ohio
  194. 194. What war did the U.S. Navy escorted and protected oil tankers in transit to and from the Persian
    • Gulf against Iranian attacks?
    • Ans: The Persian Gulf War
  195. 195. What operation was perform to stem Iraq’s aggression from the invasion of Kuwait?
    Ans: Operation Dessert Storm
  196. 196. List the three contributions that were made by the U.S. Navy during Operation Dessert Storm.
    • Ans: Provided Sea Control
    • Provided Gunfire Support for Sea and Ground Forces
    • Provided Surface and Subsurface Missile Attack on Iraq
  197. 197. When did the events leading to an increase number of U.S. Naval Units in the Persian Gulf begin?
    Ans: Mid 1980s
  198. 198. How many years ago did the United States Navy begin?
    Ans: More than 200 years ago
  199. 199. What unit is the heart of today’s nuclear fleet?
    Ans: Nuclear Reactor
  200. 200. What type of ship is the largest and fastest amphibious ship in the Navy?
    Ans: LHAs
  201. 201. Name the first LHA ship built in the Navy?
    Ans: USS Tarawa
  202. 202. What is the general purpose of the assault ships?
    Ans: Tactical Integrity
  203. 203. What does tactical integrity means?
    Ans: Getting a balance force to the same point at the same time
  204. 204. What class of destroyers are the Navy’s prime ASW destroyers?
    Ans: Spruance-Class
  205. 205. What class of cruisers is the most recent addition to the surface fleet?
    Ans: Ticoderoga-Class
  206. 206. What class of destroyers is the most recent addition to the surface fleet?
    Ans: Arleigh Burke-Class
  207. 207. What type of weapon system are the new destroyers and cruisers class ships outfitted with?
    Ans: Ageis Weapon System
Card Set
BMR-Ch5 Naval History
Basic Military Requirements Naval History Chapter 5