Music 120

  1. tone color or timbre
    • describes itself with words like bright, dark, brilliant, mellow & rich.
    • contributes to continuity
  2. Saprano
    commonly woman voice
  3. Mezzo-Saprano
    Commonly woman voice
  4. Alto (or Contralto)
    Commonly woman voice
  5. Tener
    Commonly man voice
  6. Baritone
    commonly man voice
  7. Bass
    commonly man voice
  8. Six Instrument Catagories
    • 1. Strings
    • 2. Woodwinds
    • 3. Brass
    • 4. Percussion
    • 5. Keyboard
    • 6. Electronic
  9. What are three main string instruments?
    • Violin
    • Viola
    • Cello
  10. Name three woodwinds.
    • Flute
    • Piccolo
    • Clarinet
  11. Name three brass instruments.
    • Trumpet
    • Trombone
    • French Horn
  12. Name two percussion instruments.
    • Chimes- definite pitch
    • Snare drum- indefinite pitch
  13. Name two keyboard instruments.
    • Piano
    • Organ
  14. Tempo
    the basic pace of the music.
  15. Largo
    very slow (broad)
  16. Grave
    very slow (solemn)
  17. Adagio
  18. Adante
    moderatly slow (walking pace)
  19. Allegretto
    modertly fast
  20. Moderato
  21. Allegro
  22. Variation
    keeps some elements while changing others.
  23. Duration
    The length of time a musical note sounds.
  24. Rythm
    Is the flow of music thru time, it is also the essential feature of a melody's personality.
  25. Ledger Lines
    When pitch falls above or below the staff horizontal lines.
  26. Treble Clef
    Used for higher notes (right hand on piano)
  27. Bass Clef
    Used for lower notes (left hand on piano)
  28. Grand Staff
    A combination of the treble & bass cleff staves.
  29. Tie
    Is another way to lengthen duration of a note.
  30. Inter
  31. Interval
    the distance in "pitch" between two tones.
  32. Sharp
    Higher in pitch by a 1/2 step.
  33. Flat
    Lower in pitch by a 1/2 step.
  34. Natural Notes
    • A-B-C-D-E-F & G
    • White keys on the piano. (neither flat or sharp notes)
  35. Musical Texture
    Different layers of sound heard at once.
  36. Monophonic Texture
    • One sound
    • More than one singer or instrument is "unison" which is a richer sound.
  37. Polyphonic
    • Several melodic lines compete for attention.
    • This adds dimension, and often contains imitation.
    • EX. row, row, your boat
  38. Homophonic
    • Is best describe as between "mono" and "poly" phonics.
    • Attention is focused on the melody.
  39. Form
    • the organization of musical elements in time.
    • pitch, tone color, dynamics, rythm, melody & texture
  40. Reptition
    Creates a sense of unity.
  41. Contrast
    provides variety.
  42. Dissonance
    Is an unstable tone combination, its tension demands onward motion to a stable chord.
  43. Resolution
    When dissonance moves to consonance.
  44. Vivace
  45. Presto
    Very Fast
  46. Prestissimo
    As Fast As Possible
  47. Accelerando
    Becoming Faster
  48. Ritardando
    Becoming Slower
  49. Notation
    Is a system of writing music so that specific pitches & Rythms can be communicated.
  50. Notes
    Indicates exact pitches by an upward or downward symbol.
  51. Staff
    A set of 5 horizontal lines, the higher the note on the horizontal line, the higher the pitch.
  52. Score
    Shows music for each instrument.
  53. Melody
    Is a series of single notes that add up to make a recognizable whole.
  54. Legato
    A smooth, connected style of tones.
  55. Staccato
    A short detached style of tones.
  56. Cadence
    A resting place at end of phrase or at point of arrival.
  57. Harmony
    The way chords are constructed and how they follow each other.
  58. Consonance
    A stable tone combination of a point of arrival, rest and resolution.
  59. Pizzicato
    plucked string
  60. Double Stop
    2 notes at once.
  61. Vibrato
    rocking hand while pressing string.
  62. Mute
    a muffle on the bridge
  63. Tremolo
    Rapidly repeats tones with quick up and down strokes of bow.
  64. Harmonics
    High pitch noises when strings are lightly touche.
  65. Quintuple Meter
    5/8 very rare
  66. Septuple Meter
    7/8 very rare
  67. Dotted Half Note
    hold for three beats
  68. Theme
    Is a melody used as the basis for a musical composition.
  69. Sound
    Begins with vibrations on object, then vibrates in our eardrum and transmit this to brain, then selected , organized and interpreted.
  70. Pitch
    Is the relative high and low sounds we hear.
  71. Tone
    In music, a sound that has definate pitch.
  72. Pitch Range
    The distance between the lowest and highest tones that voice or instrument can produce.
  73. Dynamics
    • The degree of loudness or softness in music. Power to impact the listner.
    • EX. "We've only just began" Carpentars
  74. Pianissimo
    PP very soft
  75. Piano sound
    P soft
  76. Mezzo Forte
    MP modertly soft
  77. Mezzo Forte
    MF moderatly loud
  78. Forte
    F loud
  79. Fortissimo
    FF loud
  80. > Desrescendo / Diminvendo
    gradually softer
  81. < Crescendo
    gradually louder
  82. Syncopation
    • A disturbance, or interuption of regular flow of rythm.
    • EX. "I can see clearly now" "Montego Bay"
  83. Dynamic Accent
    Gives note a louder sound than notes around it.
  84. What are the original 4 main cultures in music?
    • 1. Egyptian
    • 2. Babaloynians
    • 3. Greeks (main ones to establish art & music)
    • 4. Romans
  85. What instrument did Hermes invent?
    the lure, originated from kicking shell on beach and sound it produced.
  86. First drums?
    Zules of africa, by stretching skin over a log.
  87. Why is piano a percussion?
    because you strike it to play.
  88. Who created the trumpet?
    What was the instrument called?
    • Tritan, was Greek god, that was half man and fish.
    • Trident was a 3 prong instrument.
  89. Romans and trumpet
    They were warriors and worked allot with metals, that eventually made trumpets out of metal.
  90. Who was Pan?
    he was a god of greece, would run through meadows with flute. he was half man and half goat.
  91. Greeks significance in music and art?
    • they loved health, beauty, poetry, plays, and music and were democratic people
    • started olympics
  92. Plato?
    famouse for writing dramas
  93. Pythagoras?
    discovered "octive" scale
  94. Octive Scale
    • eight notes
    • C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C
  95. Modes?
    • popular with Greeks
    • Uses all white notes only. Depended on mood they were in.
    • Chorus set moods for plays, not so much the musicians.
  96. Fermata hold
    hold sound out as long as you can, until conductor stops.
  97. Poco Rit
    to get slower
  98. Time Signature
    • appears at beggining of piece and again if changed.
    • X/ top number is key signature
    • /X bottom is, how many beats in a measure.
  99. Quadruple Meter
    4/4 four beats
  100. Triple Meter
    3/4 Most common
  101. Duple Meter
  102. Sextuple Meter
  103. Lines on Treble
    • Every
    • Good
    • Boy
    • Does
    • Fine
  104. Space notes on Treble
    • F
    • A
    • C
    • E
  105. Line notes on Bass
    • Good
    • Boys
    • Do
    • Fine
    • Always
  106. Space notes on Bass
    • All
    • Cows
    • Eat
    • Grass
Card Set
Music 120
properties of music, instrument families ect.