Health Test

  1. Check
    -is the scene safe?

    -what happened?

    -how many victims are there?
  2. unsafe scenes
    • spilled chemicals
    • poisonous gas
    • fire
    • extreme weather
    • downed electrical wires
  3. Check the Victims- Life threatening emergencies
    • unconsciousness
    • trouble breath- not breathing (12-20 per min)
    • severe bleeding
    • chest pain/pressure
    • pulse (60-100)
  4. when to call 911
    • if the victim is unconscious or becoming unconscious
    • trouble breathing or breathing in a strange way
    • chest pain or pressure
    • bleeding severely
    • pressure/pain in the abdomen that doesn't go away
    • vomiting or passing blood
    • seizures, severe headache, slurred speech
    • appears to have been poisoned
    • injuries to head/back/neck
    • possible broken bones
  5. When calling 911- provide ____________
    the exact location or address of the emergency- the name of the city, nearby intersections, landmarks, building name, floor, room number,apartment number

    the telephone number from which the call is being made

    the caller's name

    what happened- car accident, fire, etc,...

    how many people are involved

    the condition of the victim

    what help is being given

    *Don't hang up until the dispatcher hangs up
  6. Care
    • get permission to give care
    • always check for life-threatening emergencies first
    • if the victim has pain ask them where it is, what its like, when it started, how bad it is
    • watch for changes in the victim's breathing and consciousness
    • help the victim from getting chilled or over heated
    • don't let the victim drive
    • help the victim rest comfortably, reassure the victim
    • don't move the victim
  7. first aid challenge
    • check the scene
    • check the victims
    • care for the unconscious victim
    • call 911
    • care for the conscious
  8. Checking Conscious Victim
    • Check scene (make it safe, use barriers)
    • ask permission
    • talk to victim/bystanders (ask qs?)
    • check for life threatening problems
    • call 911
    • check the person head to toe - check skin (color, temp, moisture), check for cuts,bruises, check for irregular breathing (fast, unusually slow, gurgling)
    • care for victims as needed
    • don't move victim unless necessary
    • stay w/victim until EMS arrives
  9. Checking Unconscious victim
    • check the scene- make it safe, use barriers
    • tap & shout - check for consciousness
    • call 911
    • roll victim over (support head/neck)
    • open airway (2 fingers under chin, hand on forehead)
    • Look, listen, feel for signs of Life, movement, normal breathing (10 sec. only)
    • if no breathing, give 2 breaths
    • scan Body for injuries, bleeding, etc,...
  10. Good Samaritan Law
    gives legal protection to people who willingly provide emergency care to ill or injured persons without accepting anything in return
  11. 5 responsibilities when providing first aid
    • move a person only if the person's life s in danger
    • ask the conscious person for permission before giving care
    • check the person for life-threatening conditions before giving further care
    • call 911 or the local emergency number
    • continue to give care until more highly trained personal arrive
  12. nine ways to prevent disease transmission
    • avoid contact with blood and other bodly fluids when in danger
    • use protective breathing barriers for any emergency situations requiring you to give rescue breaths
    • use a bandage to cover any cuts, sores, scrapes, or skin conditions
    • use barriers such as disposable gloves, between the person's blood/body fluids and yourself
    • don't eat, drink, or touch your mouth, nose or eyes when giving first aid or before you wash your hands
    • avoid handling any of your personal belongings, such as pens/combs, while giving care or before you wash your hands
    • don't touch objects that may be soiled w/blood
    • be prepared by having a first aid kit handy and stocked w/protective equipment and supplies
    • tell EMS personnel at the scene or your doctor if you have come into direct contact with an ill/injured person's body fluids
  13. what must you do to get consent to give care to someone in an emergency
    • who you are
    • how much training you have
    • what you think is wrong
    • what you plan to do
  14. When is permission implied?
    if an infant or child is in a life threatening condition and their parent or guardian isn't present

    if a person is unconscious or unable to respond
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Health Test