
  1. Bandura
    • Observational Learning
    • Bobo Doll Experiment
    • Still living- looks like Robin Williams
  2. Ekman
    • Emotion
    • "Lie to Me" based on him and his work
  3. Erikson
    • Psycho social development
    • 8 stages
  4. Freud
    • Focused on unconscious and dreams
    • Father of modern psychology
    • Psychoanalytic theory
    • Coccaine addict
    • Always had cigar- mouth cancer
  5. Gardner
    Multiple intelligence theory
  6. Harlow
    • Attachment
    • Sad monkey studies
    • Thought to be inhumane
  7. James
    • Functionalist
    • Wrote 1st textbook
    • American-Harvard
  8. Jung
    • Neo-Freudian
    • Jungian archtypes- collective unconscious
  9. Kohlberg
    Moral development
  10. Maslow
    • Optimistic
    • Humanist- Self-actualization
    • Heirarchy of needs
  11. Milgrom
    • Social Psychology
    • Authority and obedience- shocking
  12. Pavlov
    • Classical Conditioning
    • Dogs & bells
    • Regular doctor-stumbled upon findings
    • Russian
  13. Piaget
    • Cognitive development
    • Early child development
    • French
  14. Ramachandran
    • Cognitive researcher
    • UCSD
  15. Rogers
    • Humanistic theory
    • Real vs. ideal self
  16. Skinner
    • Operant conditioning
    • Operant chamber (Skinner box)
  17. Thorndike
    Law of effect
  18. Watson
    • Behaviorism
    • Little Albert
    • "The Science of Observable Behavior"
  19. Wundt
    • 1890's
    • Structuralist
    • 1st psych lab
    • Introspection
    • German
  20. Zimbardo
    • Social psychology
    • Stanford Prison Experiment
    • Discovering Psychology Video Series
Card Set
20 Important Psychologists-AP psych