Chapter 40

  1. Fibrous Connective Tissue
    Very dense due to large amounts of collagenous fibers and forms tendons and ligaments
  2. Adipose Tissue
    A specialized form of loose connective tissue which stores fat.
  3. Phagocytosis
    Occurrs when a leukocyte engulfs a bacteria and breaks them down.
  4. Macrophages
    Amoeboid cells which roam fibers and engulf bacteria and debris of dead cells (called Phagocytosis).
  5. Fibroblasts
    Secretes the protein ingredients of the extracellular fibers.
  6. Loose Connective Tissue
    Binds epithelia to underlying tissues and acts as packing material and holds organs in place.
  7. Reticular Fibers
    Made of collagen, are thin and branched, not too strong, forms a tightly woven fabric that joins connective tissues to adjacant tissues.
  8. Elastic Fibers
    Long threads of elastin, is rubbery and elastic.
  9. Collagenous Fibers
    Made of collagen, these fibers are fairly thick, nonelastic, and fairly strong.
  10. Connective Tissue
    Tissue which consists of a sparse population of cells spread through an extracellular matrix. It holds things together and keeps separate organs from joining into one.
  11. Epithelial Tissue
    Sheets of tightly packed cells which cover the body and line the organs and acts as a barrier between organs and body and the outside world.
  12. Columnar Cells
    A type of epithelial tissue which is shaped like bricks set on end and are present in nasal passages, intestinal lining, and inner surface of urethra.
  13. Cuboidal Cells
    A type of epithelial tissue which is dice-shaped and are present in kidney tubules.
  14. Squamous Cells
    A type of epithelial tissue where cells are flat and are present in blood vessels, air sacs, skin, and lining of esophagus, anus, and vagina.
  15. Cartilege
    An abundance of collagenous fibers embedded in a rubbery matrix made of chondroitin sulfate.
  16. Bone
    A form of mineralized connective tissue.
  17. Blood
    Consists of plasma and blood cells and transports fluids throughout body.
  18. Nervous Tissue
    A type of tissue which senses stimuli and transmits signals.
  19. Cardiac Muscle
    Composed of branched cells and located in the heart.
  20. Nonshivering Thermogenesis (NST)
    A type of thermoregulation which mammals and birds ONLY can perform where metabolic activity occurs within mitochondria, resulting in heat production.
  21. Specializations that Mammals and Birds use for Thermoregulation
    Muscle Activity (shivering), Torpor (hibernation), and Nonshivering Thermogenesis (NST).
  22. Ectotherms
    Animals whose body heat is close to the temperature of the environment; are conformers to the environment.
  23. Endotherms
    Animals who use metabolic heat to keep their body temperature higher than that of the environment; are regulators.
  24. Chrondocytes
    Secretes collagen and chondroitin sulfate, which make a strong and flexible support system.
  25. Osmoregulation
    Regulating solute balance and the gain/loss of water.
  26. Adaptions that Help Animals Thermoregulate
    Insulation/Sweating, Vasodilation (warm the skin = heat loss), Vasoconstriction (keeps the warm blood inside body), Countercurrent heat exchange (reduces heat loss to environment), Behavioral Responses (ie: going to the shade when it's hot), and Changing the rate of metabolic heat production (increase or decrease)
  27. Tissues
    Groups of cells with a common structure and function.
  28. Tendons and ligaments are examples of what type of connective tissue? A Blood, B Bone, C Cartilage, D Loose connective tissue, or E Fibrous connective tissue?
    E. fibrous connective tissue
  29. Another year and a poor dog is still sitting on a rock. The dog starts
    panting to cool down its body temperature.
    This type of heat transfer is called: A Countercurrent exchange, B Radiation, C Conduction, D Convection, or E Evaporation?
    E. evaporation
Card Set
Chapter 40
Biology 109 at UMKC flash cards