Stages of dying
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
4 choices for care
- Home care
- Hospice care
- Residential care
- Acute care
Respite care
Relief for the caregivers
Residential care
Nursing homes
Hospice care
A facility for addressing the care of the terminally ill
Signs of dying heart failure
- Hypotension
- Irregular wek rapid pulse
- Mottled skin
Signs of dying liver failure
- Internal bleeding
- Edema
- Jaundice
- N-v
- Anorexia impaired digestion
Signs of dying lungs
- Dyspnea
- Death rattle accumulation of fluid
Signs of death kidney failure
Signs of death brain
- Fever
- Confusion
- Stupor
- Coma
- Reduced sensations and reflexes
Reduced sensations
Reduced reflexes
Who discusses the harvesting of organs
Organ procurement officer
Examination of the organs and tissues of the body after death
Anticipatory grieving
Grieving that begins before the loss occurs
Pathological grief
Dysfunctional grief ppl can't accept the death
Resolution of grief
The ability to talk about the deceased
Members of the nursing team
- RN
- Nursing assistant
- Student nurse
CNS is what
Clinical nurse specialist
What is a CNS
Master nurse who specializes in an area focuses on research
CNM stands for
Certified nurse midwife
CRNA stands for
Certified registered nurse anesthetist
CNM specializes in
Women's health
CRNA are
Similar to anesthesiologist
The role of the LPN is dependent on
HAP stands for
Unlicensed assistive personnel
Case method of nursing
One nurse to one patient
Functional nursing
Each nurse or aid is assigned tasks to perform on every patient
Team method of nursing
RN LPN and aids all work together to provide patient care
Primary method
RN has total responsibility
Case management
A nurse or social worker who oversees the clients overall health care among all teams
Patient focused care
Making acute care settings more patient focused
What is a unit manager responsible for
Supervising and coordinating management functions for patient units
DHHS stands for
Dept of health and human services
VNA stands for
Visiting nurse association
What 6 agencies make up the usphs
- Fda
- Cdc
- Nih
- Hsa
- Hra
- Alcohol drug abuse and mental health administration
NIH stands for
National institute of health
HSA stands for
Health services administration
HRA stands for
Health resources admin
WHO stands for
World health organization
What is the major objective of WHO
Highest possible level of health for ppl all over through world
APN stands for
Advanced practice nurse
Ambulatory care facilities are also known as
Urgent care center
What is custodial care
Assistance with ADL's
Skilled nursing facilities
What are the two types of health care settings
Public and private
Explain private setting health care
They charges fees for services
2 types of public setting health care
Government and voluntary
Money for public health care settings comes from....
Money for public health care settings comes from...
Ex. Of public health care settings
- Local and state health dept
Ex. Of public health care settings
- American heart association.
- Alcoholics anonymous
Ex. Of private health care settings
ER primary care settings,etc
Focus of public health care settings
Disease prevention and wellness promotion
Focus of public health care settings
Reasearch and education
Focus of private health care setting
Curing illness and disease
Purpose of rehabilitation
Return function and prevent further disability
3 types of nursing homes
Short term care,long term care,intermediate care
Types of clients that use short term care
For clients wit complex med needs following discharge
Goal of short term care
To return home
Short term care has access to nurses
Clients that require long term care
Clients wit chronic med prob
Goal of long term care
To manage chronic conditions
Access to nursing care in long term care
Clients that use intermediate care
Clients requiring limited nursing care
Goal for clients in intermediate care
Assistance with ADL's
4 types of alternatives of nursing homes
Independent,board and care homes,enriched homes,assisted care facilities
Description of independent living
Apt communities for seniors
Services provided by independent living
Social activities and trans services
Description of board and care homes
Single family homes for clients wit similar needs
Services provided by board and care homes
Assistance with ADL's and self med admin
Description of enriched housing
Retirement community
Services provided by enriched housing
At least one meal a day,lawn care,ice or snow shoveling
Descibe assisted care facilities
Private rooms for older adults who need help with ADL's
Services provided by assisted living
Bathing. Daily activities.med admin
A set of learned beliefs,values,and behaviors
4 steps process of cultural competence
- Acknowledging that pts. Will have cultural differences
- developing an awareness of the cultures in your area
- Performing cultural assessments on pts
- Altering the plan of care to accommodate for cultural differences
Generally accepted ways of doing things within a culture
Assimilation means
Member of a subculture taking on the customs of the main culture
Ethnocentrism means
Belief that one culture is superior to another
Prejudice means
Intolerance of another culture
Withholding rights or privileges from a cultural groul
Inaccurate generalizations used to describe all members of a specific groups
Philosophy of individual worth
A person has a right to live according to their personal beliefs and values as long as they do not interfere with the rights of others
Spirituality is
Ideals and beliefs that deal with life death hope and suffering
Religion is
Specific beliefs and customs used to express spiritualty
What type of questions do u ask to help pts. And family members verbalize beliefs fears and concerns
Opened ended
Proselyter means
A person who tries to convert another person to ones own religious beliefs
Agnostic means
Belief that the existence of higher being can neither be proved or disproved
Atheist means
Belief there is no higher being
General beliefs and practices for Jewish pts.
Jews believe in God but not in Christ
Jewish observation of the Sabbath is..
Sunset on Fri to sunset on Sat
Dietary rules for Jewish pts.
Kosher diet some do not eat pork,ham,or eggs wit blood spots
What does a kosher diet involve
Meat may be consumed a few minutes after drinking milk, but 6 hours must pass after eating meat before drinking milk
Dying Jewish pts. Beliefs and practices
- Family wants to be with pt at all times
- Do not believe in autopsies,embalming, or cremation
- Nurse should not touch the body of the deceased pt
Beliefs for baptism
Necessary for salvation and initiation into the community. Removes all sins
If a child is gravely ill or born stillborn who can baptize the infant
The nurse
Diet restriction for catholics
None except abstain from meat on ash Wednesday and all fridays during lent
Sexuality and catholics
Abortion is not allowed natural methods of family planning are allowed
When do Muslims pray
After dawn,at noon,in mid afternoon,after sunset, and at night
How is the Koran handled
Can not touch it or place anything on top of it
Beliefs of female modesty muslims
Prefer to be clothed from head to ankle
Death practices muslims
- Women may be barred from the room
- Body has to be turned towards mecca
- The family washes the body and seals the orifices with cotton
How soon must a Muslim be buried
Within 24 hours
Christian scientist beliefs
Believes sin causes sickness and studying the bible will heal them
Dietary for buddist
Most are lacto-ovo vegetarians
How do Hispanic Americans believe the evil eye can be given
If a person makes eye contact with the child without touching the child on the head