
  1. 師傅: 忍者龜的師傅是老鼠
    • Shīfu: Rěnzhě guī de shīfu shì lǎoshǔ
    • master: ninja turtle's master is a mouse. 31
  2. 挑: 挑一件適合你的衣服
    • Tiāo: Tiāo yī jiàn shìhé nǐ de yīfú
    • choose: choose one of the clothes suitable for you. 32
  3. 閉上你的眼睛:閉上你的眼睛然後數1到10
    • Bì shàng nǐ de yǎnjīng: Bì shàng nǐ de yǎnjīng ránhòu shù 1 dào 10
    • close your eyes: close your eyes then count 1 to 10. 33
  4. 廟: 我最喜歡的廟在宜蘭
    • Miào: Wǒ zuì xǐhuan de miào zài yilán
    • temple: my favorite temple is at yilan. 34
  5. 方向: 在山裡面很容易迷失方向
    • Fāngxiàng: Zài shān lǐmiàn hěn róngyì míshī fāngxiàng
    • direction: its easy to lose direction in mountain. 35
  6. 尊重: 每個人都應該尊重他的父母
    • Zūnzhòng: Měi gèrén dōu yīnggāi zūnzhòng tā de fùmǔ
    • respect: everyone should respect to their parents. 36
  7. 非常: 今天的天氣非常冷
    • Fēicháng: Jīntiān de tiānqì fēicháng lěng
    • extremely: the weather today is extremely cold. 37
  8. 選擇: 走這條路是你的選擇,現在我們迷路了
    • Xuǎnzé: Zǒu zhè tiáo lù shì nǐ de xuǎnzé, xiànzài wǒmen mílù le
    • choice : using that road was your chice , now we are lost 38
  9. 無懼的: 只有瘋子才是無懼的
    • Wú jù de: Zhǐyǒu fēngzi cái shì wú jù de
    • fearless : only mad people are fearless people 39
  10. 完美的: 如果你考試得到一百分,那就是完美
    • Wánměi de: Rúguǒ nǐ kǎoshì dédào yī bǎi fēn, nà jiùshì wánměi
    • perfect : if you got 100 from exeam , this means perfect 40
  11. 開: 你的店開了嗎?
    • Kāi: Nǐ de diàn kāi le ma?
    • opened : is your shop opened now? 41
  12. 關: 你的店關了嗎?
    • Guān: Nǐ de diàn guān le ma?
    • closed : is your shop closed now? 42
  13. 記住: 我需要再記住700個字
    • Jì zhù: Wǒ xūyào zài jì zhù 700 gè zì
    • memorize : i need to memorize 700 word more 43
  14. 討論: 我不喜歡討論政治
    • Tǎolùn: Wǒ bù xǐhuan tǎolùn zhèngzhì
    • discuss : i dont like to discuss about politics 44
  15. 殺死: 狐狸殺死雞
    • Shā sǐ: Húlí shā sǐ jī
    • kill : fox kills chickens 45
  16. 冷飲: 我喜歡在冬天喝冷飲
    • Lěngyǐn: Wǒ xǐhuan zài dōngtiān hē lěngyǐn
    • cold drink : i like to drink cold drinks in winter. 46
  17. 退休: 在土耳其的退休年齡是65
    • Tuìxiū: Zài tǔěrqí de tuìxiū niánlíng shì 65
    • retirement : in turkey retirement age is 65 . 47
  18. 獨立: 每個國家都需要獨立
    • Dúlì: Měi gè guójiā dōu xūyào dúlì
    • independence : every country needs independence 48
  19. 死亡: 死亡是通往另一個世界的門
    • Sǐwáng: Sǐwáng shì tōng wǎng lìng yīgè shìjiè de mén
    • death : death is a gate to another world. 49
  20. 貓頭鷹: 貓頭鷹的頭可以360度旋轉。
    • Māotóuyīng: Māotóuyīng de tóu kěyǐ 360 dù xuánzhuǎn.
    • Owl : Owls can move their head 360 degree. 50
  21. 廣告:好的品牌有好的廣告
    • Guǎnggào: Hǎo de pǐnpái yǒu hǎo de guǎnggào
    • Advertisement : good brands have good advertisements.51
  22. 頻道: 我在看足球賽時別把頻道轉走
    • Píndào: Wǒ zài kàn zúqiú sài shí bié bǎ píndào zhuǎn zǒu
    • Channel : dont change channel while i am watching football match. 52
  23. 種族:在台灣有九個種族
    • Zhǒngzú: Zài táiwān yǒu jiǔ gè zhǒngzú
    • Race : There are 9 race in Taiwan. 53
  24. 鏡子:鏡子中的物體是反向的。
    • Jìngzi: Jìngzi zhōng de wùtǐ shì fǎn xiàng de.
    • Mirror : objects images in the mirror are reversed. 54
  25. 卡車:卡車載西瓜
    • Kǎchē: Kǎ chēzài xīguā
    • Truck : Trucks carry watermelons. 55
  26. 設計: 鯊魚的設計使他們可以游很快
    • Shèjì: Shāyú de shèjì shǐ tāmen kěyǐ yóu hěn kuài
    • Design : Design of the sharks for swimming fast.56
  27. 危險: 在電線上尿尿很危險
    • Wéixiǎn: Zài diànxiàn shàng niào niào hěn wéixiǎn
    • Dangerous : pissing over electric line is dangerous.57
  28. 終於: 他們終於住在一起
    • Zhōngyú: Tāmen zhōngyú zhù zài yīqǐ
    • Finally : Finally , they started to live together. 58
  29. 超過三小時: 如果我們坐火車,需要花上三個小時
    • Chāoguò sān xiǎoshí: Rúguǒ wǒmen zuò huǒchē, xūyào huā shàng sān gè xiǎoshí
    • over three hours : If we use train , this takes over three hours. 59
  30. 工廠: 石頭工廠在土耳其
    • Gōngchǎng: Shítou gōngchǎng zài tǔěrqí
    • Factory :  Stone factories are in Turkey. 60
Card Set
new traditional chinese words