Pineal Gland
- Synthesizes melatonin at night
- Causes drowsiness and drop in body temperature
- Regulates seasonal breeding, hibernation, and possibly puberty
Thymus Gland
- Site of maturation for T-cells (part of the acquired immune system)
- T-Cells undergo central tolerance (learn not to attack body)
- Releases hormones that regulate T-cell activity (there are 3 hormones)
Parathyroid Gland
- Four glands on posterior surface of thyroid
- Secrete parathyroid hormone (PTH): raises blood calcium levels by stimulating osteoclasts to break down bone and promoting calcium reabsorbtion by kidneys; opposite effects of calcitonin from thyroid
Excess PTH: excess blood calcium causes neurological symptoms (cognitive impairment, fatigue, depression), kidney stones, osteoporosis
Too little PTH: too little calcium causes pain, muscle spasms, seizures, brittle nails, lethal if not treated
Alpha Cells in Pancreas
- Alpha cells secrete glucagon when blood glucose falls
- It stimulates liver to convert glycogen to glucose in Pancreas
Beta Cells in Pancreas
- Secrete insulin when blood glucose levels are high
- Causes liver, muscles, and fat cells to take up glucose and store it as glycogen
Delta Cells in Pancreas
- Secrete Somatostatin
- Inhibits the release of glucagon and insulin
Diabetes Mellitus
- Symptoms
- Polyuria: excess urination
- Polydipsia: excess thirst
- Polyphagia: excess hunger
Clinical Signs of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Hyperglycemia: elevated blood glucose
- Glycosuria: glucose in the urine
- Ketonuria: ketones in the urine
Diabetes Mellitus
Formerly "juvenile" or "insulin dependent" diabetes
Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Formerly "juvenile" or "insulin dependent" diabetes
- Body produces antibodies to pancreatic beta cells
- Insulin isn't secrete, so blood glucose skyrockets
- Patients must monitor blood glucose and receive insulin injections
Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Most common form of diabetes Mellitus (95% of cases)
- Formerly "adult onset" or "insulin independent" diabetes
- Pancreas makes insulin, but target organs are unresponsive to it
Hormone Regulation
- For non anterior pituitary controlled hormones, hormone is only around as long as signal is around
- Alpha cells stop releasing glucagon when blood glucose levels rise
- Parathyroid stops releasing PTH when blood calcium levels rise
- For anterior pituitary controlled hormones, negative feedback is used
Negative Feedback
A hormone "feeds back" to the hypothalamus and pituitary to stop the release of more of the hormone
Monthly Positive Feedback
- Typically estrogens use negative feedback
- Once a month, switch to positive feedback to get LH surge (and ovulation)
Intracellular Receptors
- Steroid hormones and thyroid hormone
- Often effects gene expression
Membran Receptors
- All other hormones
- "Second messenger cascade"