US History Ch 19

  1. Political system in which the government controls every aspect of citizens' lives

    A. fascism
    B. totalitarianism
    C. Nazi party
  2. Dictator of Italy

    A. Haile Selassie
    B. Adolf Hitler
    C. Benito Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini
  3. Mussolini's followers, Fascist militia

    A. Blackshirts
    B. Nazis
    C. Aryans
  4. Aggressive, Anticommunist, believed that the nation was more important than the people

    A. fascism
    B. totalitarianism
    C. Nazi party
  5. Became know as II Duce or dictator of Italy, leader or Blackshirts

    A. Haile Selassie
    B. Adolf Hitler
    C. Benito Mussolini
    Benito Mussolini
  6. Ethiopia's leader who asked for help when Italy invaded but received none

    A. Haile Selassie
    B. Adolf Hitler
    C. Benito Mussolini
    Haile Selassie
  7. WWI vet, admirer of Mussolini

    A. Haile Selassie
    B. Adolf Hitler
    C. Benito Mussolini
    Adolf Hitler
  8. National Socialist German Workers Party
    - controlled Germany in 1930s
    A. fascism
    B. totalitarianism
    C. Nazi party
    Nazi Party
  9. Book written by Adolph Hiterl - meant "My Struggle"

    A. Mein Kampf
    B. Audubon
    C. Anschluss
    Mein Kampf
  10. Hitler's master race, blond, blue eyed Germans

    A. Audubon
    B. Aryans
    C. Lebensraum
  11. Living space

    A. Audubon
    B. Aryans
    C. Lebensraum
  12. Nazi paramilitary units

    A. storm troopers
    B. Blacklist
    C. Aryans
    storm troopers
  13. Laws controlling non citizens, wore yellow badges, Star of David

    A. Audubon
    B. Kristallnacht
    C. Nuremberg Laws
    Nuremberg Laws
  14. Hitler's Secret Police

    A. Gestapo
    B. Kristallnacht
    C. Audubon
  15. Night of broken glass - killed Jews, destroyed businesses and synagogues

    A. Audubon
    B. Kristallnacht
    C. Lebensraum
  16. Hitler's Highway

    A. Audubon
    B. Aryans
    C. Lebensraum
  17. Son of a sharecropper; acheived what no Olympian before him had accomplished

    A. Jesse Owens
    B. Vladimir Lenin
    C. Mr. Sorensen
    Jesse Owens
  18. Emperor of Japan

    A. Hirohito
    B. Hitler
    C. Mussolini
  19. Japan invaded _____________________ for its naural resources.

    A. Lebensraum
    B. Manchuria
    C. Sudetenland
  20. Japan, Italy, and Germany formed the ____________ Powers.

    A. Allied
    B. Axis
  21. Unification of Austria and Germany

    A. Blitzkrieg
    B. Sudetenland
    C. Anschluss
  22. Area of Czechoslovakia that Hitler wanted.

    A. Blitzkrieg
    B. Sudetenland
    C. Anschluss
  23. British Prime Minister that supported France.

    A. Chamberlain
    B. Stalin
    C. Lenin
  24. Britain, France, Italy and Germany leaders met to decide Czechoslovakia's fate.

    A. Anschluss
    B. Munich Conference
    C. Axis Conference
    Munich Conference
  25. Policy of giving concessions inexchange for peace.

    A. Audubon
    B. Lebensraum
    C. Appeasement
  26. WWI, Isolationism, and _________ were all causes of the WWII.

    A. depression
    B. appeasement
    C. Sitzkrieg
  27. Lightning war

    A. Sitzkrieg
    B. Blitzkrieg
  28. Pact that was an agreement between Russia and Germany to not attack each other.

    A. Treaty of Versailles
    B. Nuremberg Laws
    C. Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
    Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact
  29. Sitting war, quietness of western Europe during the war

    A. Sitzkrieg
    B. Blitzkrieg
  30. Line of concrete bunkers and fortifications built by French along the German border (through Ardennes Forest)

    A. Maginot Line
    B. Line of Demarcation
    C. Berlin Wall
    Maginot Line
  31. French port where 338,000 British and French troops were trapped but escaped across English Channel

    A. Luftwaffe
    B. Dunkirk
    C. Ardennes Forest
  32. British Prime Minister who would not give in to Hitler's demands

    A. Neville Chamberlain
    B. Haile Selassie
    C. Winston Churchill
    Winston Churchill
  33. German Air Force

    A. Luftwaffe
    B. RAF
  34. British Royal Airforce

    A. Luftwaffe
    B. RAF
  35. Biggest air battle in history, bombing raids, radar used

    A. Pearl Harbor
    B. Battle of Britain
    C. Hiroshima
    Battle of Britain
  36. British advantage over the Luftwaffe

    A. radar
    B. terrain
    C. troops
  37. Documented the huge profits that arms factories had made during the war.

    A. Land Lease Act
    B. Nye Committee
    C. Anticomintern Pact
    Nye Committee
  38. Made it illegal for Americans to sell arms to any country at war.

    A. Neutrality Act
    B. Anti Comintern Pact
    C. Lend Lease Act
    Neutrality Act
  39. Germany, Italy, and Japan were known as the

    A. Allied Powers
    B. Axis Powers
    Axis Powers
  40. Basis on which other countries bought goods from the US during a war

    A. charge
    B. cash and carry
    cash and carry
  41. US could lend or lease army to any country considered vital to the defense fot he US

    A. Neutrality Act
    B. Anti Comintern Pact
    C. Lend Lease Act
    Lend Lease Act
  42. Led Bolshevik Party, established communist governments

    A. Joseph Stalin
    B. Vladimir Lenin
    C. Winston Churchill
    Vladimir Lenin
  43. Date Japan attacked Pearl Harbor

    A. Nov. 7, 1941
    B. Dec. 7, 1940
    C. Dec. 7, 1941
    December 7, 1941
  44. Germany invaded ___________ on Sept. 1, 1939, and is considered the start of WWII.

    A. Poland
    B. Austria
    C. Japan
  45. Gave Roosevelt the power to restrict the sale of strategic materials.

    A. Lend Lease Act
    B. Export Control Act
    C. Selective Service and Training Act
    Export Control Act
  46. Contracts where government agreed to pay a company whatever it cost to make a product plas a guaranteed percentage of the costs as profit

    A. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    B. Export Control Act
    C. Cost Plus
    Cost Plus
  47. Government agency set up during the Depression to make loans to companies to cover the cost of converting to war production

    A. Reconstruction Finance Corporation
    B. Export Control Act
    C. Cost Plus
    Reconstruction Finance Corporation
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US History Ch 19
US History Ch 19