Medical Term

  1. abdomin/o
  2. anter/o
  3. brachi/o
  4. caud/o
  5. cephal/o
  6. cervic/o
  7. cran/o, crani/o
  8. cyt/o
  9. dist/o
    distal (away from)
  10. dors/o
  11. femor/o
  12. gastr/o
  13. glute/o
  14. hom/o, home/o
  15. ili/o
    hip, groin
  16. infer/o
  17. inguin/o
  18. lumb/o
    loing, lower back
  19. medi/o
  20. organ/o
  21. pelv/o
  22. physi/o
  23. poster/o
  24. promix/o
  25. super/o
  26. thorac/o
    chest, thorax
  27. tom/o
    to cut
  28. umbilic/o
  29. ventr/o
  30. Anatomy
    the study of body structure
  31. Physiology
    Refers to the study of the nature of living things, and is concerned with body functions
  32. Homeostasis
    The process of maintaining internal stability
  33. System
    A group of organs sharing a general function
  34. How many systems does the body have?
  35. Cardiovascular System
    Consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and blood; transports vital substances throughout the body, including oxygen, carbon dioxide, enzymes, hormones, nutrients, and nitrogen containing waste materials; helps protects from infection; helps regulate body temperature.
  36. Lympathic System
    Consists of a network of tubes that carry lymph fluid through the body; includes lympathic vessels, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus gland, and tonsils; removes unwanted substances, and recycles fluid to blood, plays an important role in the protection against infection.
  37. Respiratory System
    Consists of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs; major function is bringing oxygen from the external environment to the bloodstream and removing carbon dioxide from the bloodstream out to the external environment.
  38. Urinary System
    Contains the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra; processes blood by extracting waste materials and producing urine, helps regulate blood pressure; stimulates new red blood cell formation in the bone marrow; maintains the homeostasis water-and-salt balance within the body.
  39. Digestive System
    Consists of the mouth, pharynx, salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, live, gallbladder, pancreas, small intesetine, and large intestine; breakas down food into small particles for absorption into the bloodstream and transportation to body cells for nourishment
  40. Male Reproductive System
    Contains the testes, epidiymis, vas deferens, uretha, prostrate gland, seminal vesicles, bulbourethral glands, penis, and scrotum; provides for production of new individuals; the only system in which the organs differ significantly between the two sexes.
  41. Female Reproductive System
    Consists of the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, and mammary glands; provides for production of new individuals; the only system in which the organs differ significantly between the two sexes.
  42. Nervous System
    Consists of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, and special sensory organs, controls homeostasis by sensing changes in the environment, integrating information, and initiating body responses; provides a method of communication between the body and the external environment.
  43. Endocrine System
    Consists of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, pancreatic islets, gonads (testes and ovaries), pineal gland, and thymus gland; controls homeostasis by releasing hormones for their distribution in the bloodstream, which alters body functions.
  44. Muscular System
    Composed of approximately 500 individual muscle that are attached to bones; includes attached connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves; composed primarily of skeletal muscle; allows and controls movement of body parts.
  45. Skeletal System
    Forms the body frame; consists of bones, joints, and associated connective tissues; provides protection by forming a hard barrier around soft organs; permits movement by providing attachment sites for muscles; forms blood cells within the bone marrow; stores mineral salts such as calcium.
  46. Integumentary System
    Includes the skin; hair and hair folicies; sweat glands; sebaceous glands, nails, and sensory receptors. Protects against loss of body fluids; protects from physical injury or ultraviolet light; protects from invasion by miccroorganisms.
  47. Anatomical Position
    An erect posture with the arms at the side, palms of the hands facing foward, and legs together with the feet point forward.
  48. Directional Terms
    Are always based on the anatomical position, regardless of the actual body position of the individual.
  49. The most commonly used directional terms each include what?
    one word root and one suffix
  50. super
  51. infer
  52. anter
  53. poster
  54. medi
  55. later/o
  56. proxim/o
  57. dist/o
  58. ventr/o
  59. dors/o
  60. Superior
    refers to a body part located above or toward the head en relative to another body part.
  61. Dorsal and Posterior
    interchangeable terms that mean "pertaining to the back."
  62. Anterior and ventral
    Interchangeable terms that mena "pertaining to the front."
  63. (directional term) Superior
    toward the head end or upper part of the body
  64. (directional term) Inferior
    Away from the head end or toward the lower
  65. (directional term) Anterior (ventral)
    toward the front or belly side
  66. (directional term) Posterior (dorsal)
    Toward the back
  67. (directional term) Medial
    Toward the midline, which is an imaginary vertical line down the middle of the body
  68. (directional term) Lateral
    Toward the side
  69. (directional term) Superficial (= of the surface)
    External, toward the body surface
  70. (directional term) Deep
    Internal, inward from the surface of the body
  71. (directional term) Proximal
    Toward the origin or attachment to the trunk
  72. (directional term) Distal
    away from the origin or attachment to the trunk
  73. (body terms) Head
    subdivides into the face and the cranium
  74. (Body Terms) Neck
    Subdivides into the anterior neck and the posterior neck
  75. (Body Terms) Trunk
    Subdivides into the thorax, the abdomen, the pelvis, and the back
  76. (Anatomical Terms) Plane
    An imaginery flat field that is used as a point of reference for viewing 3-dimensional objects
  77. (Anatomical Terms) Frontal or Coronal Plane
    A vertical plane passing through the body from side to side, dividing the body into anterior and posterior portions
  78. (Anatomical Terms) Sagittal Plane
    A vertical plane dividing the body into right and left portions
  79. (Anatomical Terms) Transverse Plane
    A horizontal plane dividing the body into superior and inferior portions
  80. (Anatomical Terms) Thoracic Region
    The chest area
  81. (Anatomical Terms) Abdominal Region
    The area of the abdomen
  82. (Anatomical Terms) Epigastric Region
    The area of the abdomen over the stomach
  83. (Anatomical Terms) Hypochondriac Region
    • used to indicate soft tissues and organs that lay beneath your ribs and sternum
    • the area of the abdomen below the ribs
  84. (Anatomical Terms) Illiac Region
    The area of the abdomen near the groin and thighs
  85. (Anatomical Terms) Lumbar Region
    The area of he abdomen near the loins
  86. (Anatomical Terms) Umbilical Region
    The area of the abdomen near the navel
  87. (Anatomical Terms) Viscera
    Internal contents of cavities
  88. (Anatomical Terms) Dorsal Cavity
    One of two main body cavities; contains the cranial cavity and the vertebral cavity
  89. (Anatomical Terms) Cranial Cavity
    Located within the dorsal cavity; houses the brain
  90. (Anatomical Terms) Vertebral Cavity
    Located within the dorsal cavity; houses the spinal cord
  91. (Anatomical Terms) Ventral Cavity
    One of two main body cavities; contains the thoracic cavity and addominopelvic cavity
  92. (Anatomical Terms) Diaphragm
    Muscular parition dividing the ventral cavity into an upper and lower cavity
  93. (Anatomical Terms) Thoracic Cavity
    Located within the ventral cavity superior to the diaphragm.
  94. (Anatomical Terms) Abdominopelvic Cavity
    Located within the ventral cavity inferior to the diaphragm
  95. (Anatomical Terms) Pericardial Cavity
    Located within the thoracic cavity; houses the heart
  96. (Anatomical Terms) Pleural Cavities
    Located within the thoracic cavity; houses the lungs
  97. (Anatomical Terms) Mediastinum
    A space above the heart along the midline deep to the breastbone; contains large blood vessels above the heart and the thymus gland
  98. (Anatomical Terms) Abdominal Cavity
    Located within the abdominopelvic Cavity; contains the liver, stomach, pancreas, spleen, and most of the small and large intestines.
  99. (Anatomical Terms) Pelvic Cavity
    Located within the abominoplevic cavity; contains the bladder, reproductive organs, and parts of the small and large intestines
  100. Disease
    A state of the body in which homeostasis has faltered due to any cause
  101. Pathology
    The study of disease
  102. Pathologist
    A physician who specializes in disease
  103. Fever (pyro)
    A symptom in which the body temperature rises above normal
  104. Pain (-algia, -dynia)
    An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience that is associated with tissue
  105. Sign
    An abnormality that is discoverable by an objective examination
  106. Symptom
    An appearance or sensation experienced by a patient that deviates from the normal, healthy state
  107. Acute
    Adjective describing a disease of short duration
  108. Chronic
    Adjective describing a disease of long duration
Card Set
Medical Term
Word Parts