Government Acronyms

  1. HTML
    Hypertext Mark-up Language

    The programming language used to create documents for display on the World Wide Web.

    Mark-up language is an artificial language using a set of annotations to text that give instructions regarding the structure of text or how it is to be displayed.
  2. XML
    Extensible markup Language

    Allows the user to define the mark-up elements.
  3. DFAS
    Defense Finance and Accounting Service
  4. SAIC
    Science Applications International Corporation
  5. GWAC
    Governmentwide Acquisition Contract
  6. MAC
    Multiple Award Contracts
  7. RFID
    • Radio Frequency Identification
    • an automated method relying on storing and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. Requires an RFID reader and RFID tag.
  8. BRAC
    Base Realignment and Closure
  9. IETMs
    Interactive Electronic Training Manuals

    Used with DoD to help maintain and diagnose tanks, trucks, and weapons systems.
  10. STM Journals
    Scientific, Technical & Medical Journals
  11. COTS
    Commercial Off the Shelf
  12. LMS
    Learning Management System
  13. DTD
    Document Type Definition
  14. SGML
    Standard Generalized Mark-up Language
  15. ADDIE
    • A-Analysis
    • D-Design
    • D-Development
    • I-Implemntation
    • E-Evaluation
  16. DBA Coverage
    Defense Base Act Coverage

    Any military ee on a military base must have esp. overseas
  17. SOCOM
    Special Operations Command
  18. DID
    Data Item Description
  19. CBO
    Community Based Organization
  20. SFTP
    Secure File Transfer Protocol
  21. STAT
    Signal Transducers and Activators of Transcription

    Stat results could mean blood test results
  22. GUI
    Graphic User Interface
  23. IMI
    Interactive Multimedia Instruction

    DoD uses this. It is their terminology for WBT and CBT
  24. CAI
    Computer Aided Instruction

    Similar to CBT
  25. SCORM
    Sharable Content Object Reference Model

    • A collection of standards and specifications for web-based e-Learning.
    • SCORM defines how content may be packaged into a transferable ZIP file.
  26. NKO
    Navy Knowledge Online
    Naval Education and Training Professional Development and Technology Center
  28. ILT
    Instructor Led Training
  29. ADL
    Advanced Distributed Learning

    • ADL Products include:
    • e-Learning, Web-based simulations, Electronic performance support systems (EPSS), e-games, online tests, online instructor-led training, other immersive ADL products.
  30. EPSS
    Electronic Performance Support Systems
  31. DHS I&A
    Department of Homeland Security, Office of Intelligence and Analysis
  32. TS-SCI
    Top Secret - Sensintive Compartmented Information
  33. vILT
    Virtual Instructor Led Training
  34. CMMI
    • Capability Maturity Model Integration
    • In software engineering and organizational development, it is a process improvement approach that provides an organization with the essential elements for effective process improvement.
    • Can be used to guide process improvement across a project, a division, or entire organization.
  35. A&AS
    Advisory and Assistance Services
  36. G&A (in accounting)
    General and Administrative Expenses
  37. IV&V
    Independent Validation & Verification
  38. B&P
    Bid and Proposal Process
  39. BEIS
    Business Enterprise Information Systems
  40. LOE
    Level of effort
  41. PWS
    Primary Weapons Systems
  42. GFI
    Government Furnished Information
  43. GFE
    Government Furnished Equipment
  44. Technical Writing and documentation includes (7 things)
    • 1. Policies
    • 2. Procedures
    • 3. Process Mapping (process maps)
    • 4. SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)
    • 5. Technical Manuals
    • 6. Proposals
    • 7. Editing of White Papers
  45. BMD
    Ballistic Missile Defense
  46. ICBM
    Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
  47. IAMB
    Integrated Air and Missile Defense
  48. How many parts does a missile trajectory consist of?
    Three parts.
  49. TELS
    Transporter Electronic Lanuchers
  50. VLS
    Vertical Launching System
  51. GOTS
    Government off the Shelf
  52. BTA/ERAM
    Business Transformation Agency, Enterprise Risk Assessment Methodology
  53. DOD CIM
    Department of Defense Corporate Information Management
  54. CCA
    Contingent Construction Authority
  55. RIT
    Remote Imagery Transceiver
  56. BMMP
    Business Management Modernization Program
  57. ESLOC
    Equivalent Source Lines of Code
  58. Name the three types of technology users today.
    • 1. Digital Natives: 25 year olds or younger. Those who have grown up with technology.
    • 2. Digital Immigrants: Use technology but didn't grow up with it.
    • 3. Analogues: People that don't care about technology.
  59. What is metric collection?
    What BFW does on the medicare advantage market place surveillance award.
  60. What is a compression ratio?
    The ratio in which data is compressed from classroom learning into e-Learning.
  61. What is Market Surveillance?
    • The automated process of investigating illegal, abusive, or manipulative trading practices.
    • Th existence of market surveillance tends to prevent most people from breaking the market's rules and regulations.
  62. What is a subcontracting requirement clause?
    If the Government issued a procurement over $550k then (if it is a large business) they are required under the subcontracting requirement clause to work with small businesses.
  63. BFW Instructional Design Team programs?
    Lectora, Adobe Flash, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Adobe FrameMaker, Acrobat, Illustrator, Captivate, Arbortext Epic Editor Software, QuarkXPress, Homesite HTML editor.
  64. What is remuneration?
    Money paid for work or a service.
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Government Acronyms