Anatomy Chapter 15

  1. What four bones make up the adult pelvis?
    sacrum, coccyx, right & left ox coxae
  2. Which of the bones of the pelvis make up the pelvic girdle?
    ossa coxae
  3. What are two anatomical terms for what is commonaly called the "hipbone"?
    ox coxae & innominate bone
  4. What is the plural of "os coxae"?
    ossa coxae
  5. With what features of the sacrum does the pelvic girdle articulate?
    left & right auricular surface
  6. With what feature of the pelvic girdle does the head of the femur articulate?
  7. What is the largest and most superior of the three bones of the os coxae?
  8. What is the wing-shaped portion of the ilium?
  9. What depression lies on the medial side of the ilium?
    iliac fossa
  10. What features on the lateral side of the ilium are formed by the gluteal muscles?
    anterior, posterior & inferior gluteal lines
  11. What ear-shaped feature of the ilium articulates with the sacrum?
    auricular surface of the ilium
  12. What is the superior ridge of the ilium?
    iliac crest
  13. What is the anterior termination of the superior ridge of the ilium?
    anterior superior iliac spine
  14. What is the posterior termination of the superior ridge of the ilium?
    posterior superior iliac spine
  15. What features lies inferior to the ala of the ilium anteriorly and posteriorly?
    anterior & posterior inferior iliac spine
  16. Through what part of the ilium does the sciatic nerve pass?
    greater sciatic notch
  17. What is the most inferior bone of the os coxae?
  18. What is the prominent triangular projection of bone posterior to the acetabulum?
    ischial spine
  19. What rough projections of the pelvic girdle bear the weight of the body in the sitting position?
    ischial tuberosity
  20. What portion of the ischium fuses with the pubis medially?
    ischial ramus
  21. What is the most anterior of the three bones forming the os coxae?
  22. What part of the pubis articulates with the pubis on the opposite side of the body?
  23. What part of the pubis fuses with the ischium?
    inferior ramus
  24. What part of the pubis originates at the anterior margin of the acetabulum?
    superior ramus
  25. What opening in the os coxae is formed by the pubis and ischium?
    obturator foramen
  26. With what feature of the pubis does the inguinal ligament attach?
    pubic tubercle
  27. What is the articulation between the bodies of the pubic bones?
    pubic symphysis
  28. On what feature of the pubis does a comb-like muscle originate?
    pectineal line
  29. What feature of the pelvis extends from the pubic crest, pectineal line, and arcuate line to the rounded inferior edge of the sacral ala and sacral promontory?
    pelvic brim
  30. What portion of the pelvic cavity lies inferiorly and forms a deep bowl?
    true pelvis
  31. What portion of the pelvic cavity lies superiorly and is enclosed by the ala of the iliac bones?
    false pelvis
  32. What is the opening surrounded by the pelvic brim?
    pelvic inlet
  33. What opening of the pelvic cavity is bordered by the coccyx, the ischial tuberosities, and the inferior border of the pubic symphysis?
    pelvic outlet
  34. What part of the femu articulates with the acetabulum?
  35. What depression in the proximal portion of the femur accommodates the attachment of a ligament?
    fovea capitis
  36. What is the constricted, proximal portion of the femur?
  37. What is the long, central portion of the femur?
  38. What is the proximolateral projection of the femur palpable on the lateral side of the hip?
    greater trochanter
  39. What is the femoral projection on the proximal posteromedial surface?
    lesser trochanter
  40. What is the thick, oblique ridge of bone on the proximal, posterior side of the femur between the trochanters?
    intertrochanteric crest
  41. What feature runs between the trochanters anteriorly?
    intertrochanteric line
  42. Onto what feature of the femur does the pectineus insert?
    pectineal line
  43. Onto what feature of the femur does the gluteus maximus insert?
    gluteal tuberosity
  44. What is the elevated ridge on the posterior midline of the femur?
    linea aspera
  45. What features of the femur border the popliteal surface medially and laterally?
    medial & lateral supracondylar lines
  46. What feature of the femur is the site of attachment for the adductor magnus?
    adductor tubercle
  47. What parts of the femur articulate with the tibia?
    medial & lateral condyles
  48. What prominent bony structures lie on the medial and lateral sides of the femur distally?
    medial & lateral epicondyles
  49. What part of the femur articulates with the patella?
    patellar surface
  50. What is the broad, superior portion of the patella?
  51. What part of the patella points inferiorly?
  52. From lateral to medial list the bones of the leg.
    fibula & tibia
  53. What parts of the tibis articulate with the femur?
    medial & lateral condyles
  54. What ridge of bone lies on the midline of the tibia's superior surface?
    intercondylar eminence
  55. Proximally what part of the tibia articulates with the fibula?
    fibular articular facet
  56. Onto what feature of the tibia does the patellar ligament attach?
    tibial tuberosity
  57. What ridge of bone lies on the anterior of the tibia's shaft?
    anterior crest
  58. What is the hammer-like structure of the tibia that forms the prominence on the medial side of the ankle?
    medial malleolus
  59. What feature of the tibia forms the inferior tibiofibular joint?
    distal articular joint
  60. What is the proximal end of the fibula?
  61. What is the distal end of the fibula?
    lateral malleolus
  62. What is the collective term for the short bones of the ankle?
  63. What is the heel bone?
  64. Which of the tarsals articulates with the tibia?
  65. Which of the tarsals is distal to the talus on the medial side of the foot?
    navicular bone
  66. Which of the tarsals forms the proximal row?
    talus, calcaneus, navicular
  67. From medial to lateral, list the tarsals of the distal row.
    medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, & cuboid bone
  68. What are the long bones in the middle of the foot?
  69. What are the bones of the toes?
  70. What are the two bones in the great toe?
    proximal & distal phalanges
  71. What are the three bones in digits 2-5 of the foot?
    proximal, middle, & distal
  72. List the three arches of the foot.
    medial longitude, lateral longitude, & transverse arch
  73. Which arch of the foot is formed by the calcaneus, talus, navicular, and cuneiform bones?
    medial longitude
  74. Which arch of the foot is formed by the calcaneus and the cuboid and metatarsals IV and V?
    lateral longitude
  75. Which arch of the foot is formed by the distal row of tarsals and the bases of all give metatarsals?
Card Set
Anatomy Chapter 15
Pelvic Girdle & Lower Extremity