Nuremburg Code
1st recognized code of ethics
Examples of abuses of clinical trials
- Thalidomide and birth defects
- Sloan Kettering Institute
- Tuskegee sypillis experiment
1974 National Research Act
- Establised IRB's
- Establised National Commission for Protection of Human Subjects
1978 Belmont Report
- Set ethical principles and guidelines in research
- Need to consider the risks and benefits of human testing
- Need to obtain informed consent
- Subjects tested must be of sound mind
Measures of Variability
How wide the observations are spread around measure of central tendency
Difference between largest and smallest value
Spread of the middle (50%) of numbers
Five number summary
- Minimum
- 1st quartile
- median
- 3rd quartile
- maximum
Nuremburg Code Outlines
- Voluntary informed consent
- No unnecessary research
- Research should be preceded by surveys and animal experimentation
- Research protocol should be reviewed by scientifically qualified professionals
- Research should be stopped if subject is endangered
- Physical and mental suffering should be prevented
- Subjects are free to with draw at anytime
Four Phases of Clinical Trials
- 1. Evaluate safetey, determine dosage, identify side affects
- 2. Evaluate safety, determine effectiveness
- 3. Collect more information about safe usage, confirm effectiveness, monitor side affects, compare to alternatives
- 4. Collect data on effect on specific groups, monitor long term side affects
Institutional Review Board
Protection of Human Subjects Committe- SWOSU's IRB
Components required for PHSC application
- Why the research is being done
- What the researchers want to accomplish
- What will be done during the trial and for how long
- What risks are involved in the trial
- What other treatments are available
- What benefits may be expected from the trial
- The fact that participants have the right to leave at any time
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
Biosafety Committee
Ensure safety when using potentially infectious microbes in research
Descriptive Statistics
Use data to describe sample
Inferential Statistics
Use sample to make conclusions about the population
The most common observation or category
Pro's for Mode
- Easy to obtain
- Not sensitive to outliers
- appropriate for both qualititave and quantitative data
- Can use to predict the value or category of next observation
- Easy to explain
- Easy to present
Con's for Mode
- May not be a clear mode
- May not be just one mode
- Does not provide us information about the entire distribution of data
- Sensitive to how to categorize information
The average of the data
Disadvantages using mean
- Can take on a fractional value, even if original data is discrete
- Best used for symmetric data, because is sensitive to extreme measures
Center of data when sorted into an array
Advantages of Median
- Relatively easy to obtain
- Can always obtain a median versus mode
- Is based on the entire distribution of data versus mode
- Not influenced by extreme values versus mean
- Appropriate for quantitative and ordinal data
Mean = median
Mean > median
right skewed
Mean < median
left skewed
If you have skewed data, what measure of center is going to be affected?
Trimmed mean
Drop top and bottom values
Winsorized mean
Change 5% to less extreme value
25,50, and 75% Q1,Q2,Q3
Find outliers by making imaginery boundaries using:
- s^2
- sigma squared
- Never negative
- Accounts for each observation
- can be affected by outliers
Standard Deviation
- Square root of variance
- same units as original data
Coefficient of Variation
- s/mean*100%
- Can compare to different types of data by eliminating the units