cpt modifers

  1. 22
    Unusual procedural service
  2. 23
    23 Unusual Anesthesia
  3. 24
  4. 24 Unrelated Evaluation & Management service by the same physician during a postoperative period.
  5. 25
  6. 25 Significant, separately identifiable E&M service by the same physician on the same
    • day of the procedure or other therapeutic service which has (0-10 day global period).
    • A separate diagnosis is not needed. This modifier is used on the E &M service
  7. 26
    26 Professional Component
  8. 50
    50 Bilateral procedure
  9. 51
    51 Multiple Procedures
  10. 52
    52 Reduced Services
  11. 53
    53 Discontinued Procedure
  12. 62
    62 Two surgeons
  13. 76
    76 Repeat procedure by same physician:
  14. 77
    77 Repeat procedure by another physician
  15. 99
    99 Multiple modifiers
  16. AA
  17. AA -Anesthesia services personally furnished by an anesthesiologist
  18. 32
    mandated services
  19. 54
    surgical care only
  20. 57
    decission for surgery
  21. 78
    78 unplanned Return to the operating room for a related procedure during the postoperative period same dr. or other hcp
  22. 79
    • 79 Unrelated procedure or service by the same physician during the postoperative
    • period
  23. 73
    dc procedure prior to anesthesia
  24. 74
    dc procedure after anesthesia
  25. 54
    54 surgical care only
  26. 58
    staged or related procedure same dr during post op
  27. P1
    healthy person 0 units
  28. p2
    mild systemic disease 0
  29. p3
    pt with severe disease 1 unit
  30. p4
    pt with severe systemeic disease that is constant threat to life - 2
  31. p5
    moribund pt who is not expected to survive without operation - 3
  32. p6
    pt declared brain dead- for organ harvesting - 0
  33. +99100
    extreme age <1 > 70 1 unit
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cpt modifers
cpt modifers