Global Geography 12

  1. What's Geography?
    Is the study of the physical and human environments of the world and the way in which these environments interact with each other.
  2. How do geographers look at the world in three seperate ways?
    • Physical Body; Earth
    • Interconnected Physical, Chemical, and Biological Environment
    • Place Humans Live
  3. Geography looks at ____ between people and earth
    Spatial relationships
  4. What are the steps to solve problems and ask questions? (5)
    • Ask Questions
    • Collect Data
    • Organize and Display Data
    • Analyze and Interpret Data
    • Make Your Decision.
  5. What are the Six Fundamental Concepts?
    • Location
    • Region
    • Spatial Pattern
    • Spatial Interaction
    • Human/Environment Interaction
    • Culture
  6. Location?
    Refers to the physical place

    e.g. - Toronto, Ontario

    there could be specific (absolute) or general (relative)
  7. Region?
    An area of land that has consistent or easily recognizable features.

    - method of grouping data for convenience of analysis.
  8. What does scale mean?
    • Size of a region
    • - Can vary significantly from small to large
  9. How can regions be defined?
    by cultural, political, sociological factors
  10. Spatial Pattern?
    • The way things are distributed in the world (spatial distribution).
    • Something occuring in one place that can be found again in places that are far apart.

    where correlations exist between factors

    • examples: theres a direct comparison between numbers of automobiles in a city and amount of smog.
    • there is indirect correlation between acid rainn & fish populations in an area.
  11. Spatial Interaction?
    Refers to the idea that an event in one location or region can lead to a change in another location or region some distance away.

    e.g - water quality problems - sewage/chemical spill into water source will result in problems downstream.
  12. How the world becoming increasingly smaller?
    • advances in technology - e.g satellites, computer networks has sped up information exhange.
    • - improvements in transportation - high speed trains

    Increased spatial interaction has many postive and negative implications

    • -positive (+) - eg. emergency aid
    • - negative (-) - eg. - spread of infectious diseases.
  13. Human/Enviromental Interaction?
    • The ways in which humans impact on the natural environment and the ways in which the natural environment impacts on humans
    • - this type of impact is more LOCAL

    - e.g human activity - often - pit mining - Large impact on the immediate surrounds.

    e.g. - tornado - violent storm - large impact on relatively small area.
  14. Culture?
    The customs and world view of particular people

    need to learn about different cultures to understand how different people interact with their neighbours and with the environment.

    Culture can vary significantly among people of the same region.
  15. What does global village mean?
    Means that people have a greater knowledge of the people in other countries.

    Means we know more about others problems.

    Means that our actions have an impact on other parts of the earth.
  16. Interdependence?
    • People in different places rely on each other for their health and well being.
    • people in one place are LINKED to people in another place.
    • -e.g china - exports to other countries.

    • creates responsibility for one another.
    • especially true for consumer behaviour

    for example demand for caffeine beverages in north america take it from colombia and sri lanka
  17. interconnectedness?
    • Links between issues and topics of global geography
    • involved with each other in complex ways.
    • -e.g cycles on earth.

    Link between economic development and education levels.
Card Set
Global Geography 12
Quiz Review