Comp Pt

  1. discrimination toward/against the aged population
  2. the continuous process (biologic, psychologic, social) beginning with conception and ending with death, by which organisms mature and decline
  3. a form of irreversible dementia, usually occurring in older adulthood, characterized by gradual deterioration of memory, disorientation, and other features of dementia
    Alzheimer's disease
  4. the anatomic or physiologic age of a persos as determined by changes in organismic structure and function; takes into account features such as posture, skin texture, strength, speed, and sensory acuity
    biologic age
  5. the actual measure of time elapsed since a person's birth
    chronologic age
  6. sever mental deterioration involving impairment of mental ability; organic loss of intellectual function
  7. difficulty in swallowing
  8. pahtologic accumulation of air in tissues or organs; general used refers to chronic pulmonary emphysema, in which terminal brochioles become plugged with mucus, the lung and tissue lose elasticity, and breathing difficulties ensue
  9. the branch of dentistry that deals with the special knowledge, attitudes, and technical skills required in the provision of oral health care for older adults
    geriatric dentistry
  10. the branch of medecine that deals with the problems and illnesses of aging and their treatment
  11. the study of the aging process; includes the biologic, psychologic, and sociologic sciences
  12. arrest of the escape of blood by either natural (clot formation or vessel spasm) or artificial (compression or ligation) means, or by the interruption of blood flow to a part
  13. condition in which only the systolic blood pressure is elevated; once thought to be part of the normal aging process; medical intervention is recommended
    isolated systolic hypertension
  14. average number of years that a person can be expected to live
    live expectancy
  15. relatively permanent organization of activities, including work, leisure, and associated social activities, characterizing an individual
  16. young bone that has not undergone calcification
  17. decreased calcification or density of bone; indadequate osteoid synthesis
  18. low bone mass resulting from an excess of bone resorption over bone formation, with resultant bone fragility and increased risk of fracture
  19. concurrent use of a large number of drugs
  20. progressive loss of hearing due to the nomral aging process
  21. a condition of farsightedness resulting from a loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye due to aging
  22. the age of a person as determined by his or her feelings, attitudes, and life perspective
    psychologic age
  23. the process of growing old
  24. old age; loss of mental, physical, or emotional control; caused by physical and/or mental deterioration
  25. ringing, buzzin, tinkling, or hissing sounds in the ear
  26. a testing procedure on fluid aspirated from the amniotic sac to detect chromosomal abnormalities and metabolic disorders
  27. the innermost of the membranes enveloping the embryo in utero; amniotic fluid fills the sac in which the embryo is free to move and is protected against mechanical injury
    amniotic sac
  28. the term applied to teaching ahead of time so that untoward, unfavorable conditions can be prevented
    anticipatory guidance
  29. delivery of a fetus by incision through the abdominal wall and uterus
    cesarean section
  30. developing organism from conception to approximately the end of the second month
  31. nonspecific term referring to a growth on the gingiva
  32. the most potent natural estrogen in humans; the circulating blood level of estradiol rises during the follicular phase of the reproductive cycle and drops when ovulation occurs
  33. developing organism from the second month after conception to birth
  34. the period of pregnancy
  35. nonspecific term applied to a nodular inflammatory lesion containing macrophages and surrounded by lymphocytes
  36. a misnomer because it does no contain pus, but contains blood vessels and inflammatory cells
    'pyogenic' granuloma
  37. within the womb; not yet born
    in utero
  38. child younger than one
  39. occurring during childbirth
  40. a person who attends a women during delivery
  41. a registered nurse specializing in midwifery; requires additional education and special licensure in certain states and countries
    nurse midwife
  42. the branch of medicine that has to do with the care of the pregnant woman during pregnancy and parturition
  43. physicion who practices obstetrics
  44. chilbirth; labor; giving birth
  45. sudden or unexpected breaking off of the connection between uterine and fetal mucous membranes
    placental abruption
  46. pertaining to the period followin childbirth or delivery
  47. birth that occurs before the expedted delivery date; denotes an infant born prior to 37 weeks of gestation
    premature birth
  48. woman who has just given birth to a child
  49. producing pus
  50. nongenetic factors that cause malformations and disease syndromes in utero
  51. any drug, virus, or irradiation exposure that can cuase malformation of the fetus
    teratogenic agent
  52. a period of 3 months; one third of a pregnancy
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Comp Pt
key words for geriatric and pregnant pt