Comp Pt

  1. What are 9 'barriers' for the elderly pt? from (little)
    • reduced visual acuity
    • reduced hearing
    • vestibular dysfunction
    • dementia
    • musculoskeletal
    • foot disorders
    • postural hypertension
    • use of medications
  2. What are 5 barriers to treatment for the elderly pt in the outline?
    • attitude/perceptions
    • denture related issues
    • caries
    • OHI
    • xerostomia
  3. the anatomic or physiologic age of a person as determined by changes in organismic structure and function; takes into account features such as posture, skin texture, strength, speed, and sensory acuity
    biologic age
  4. the actual measure of time elapsed since a person's birth
    chronologic age
  5. What type of aging depends on the individual? And what type is due to the passage of time?
    • biologic
    • primary
  6. the type of aging described as minimal physiologic decline from aging alone; associated with healthier lifestyle - excersising habits, cognition
    successful aging
  7. type of aging that refers to more common mode of aging and is associated with decline in organ and sensory function
    usual aging
  8. Primary normal changes associated with aging
    physiologic aging
  9. What are 10 areas that can be affected in physical age related changes?
    • musculoskeletal system
    • skin
    • cardiovascular system
    • respiratory system
    • GI system
    • vision
    • hearing
    • Endocrine system
    • Immune system
    • Hepatic functions
  10. What are 2 cognitive areas that are affected in age related changes?
    • CNS
    • peripheral nervous system
  11. Age changes in bone mass, muscle function, and stiffened joints affect what?
    musculoskeletal system
  12. Age changes causing thinnes, wrinkles and loss of tone affect what?
  13. Age changes causing slow resting heart rate, increased size of left ventricle, heart valve thickening, atherosclerosis, and endocarditis affect what?
    cardiovascular system
  14. Age changes causeing decreased pulmonary efficiency, higher infection risk due to less effective cough reflex, and respiratory problems occuring under stress affect what?
    respiratory system
  15. Age changes causing decreased hydrochloric acid and other secretions, peristalis slowing, and a decreased rate of absorption affect what?
    GI system
  16. Age changes that cause slower cognitive function, complex tasks more difficult, decline in short term memory with long term memory still intact affect what?
    Central nervous system
  17. Age changes that decrease tactile senses and decrease depth perception affect what?
    peripheral nervous system
  18. Age changes such as presbyopia (far sighted) visual aciuty decrease, decreased peripheral vision, decreased function of pupil dilation, cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma, can affect what?
  19. age changes such as presbycusis (lessening of hearing), wax, high frequency tones hard to hear, and tinnitus can affect what?
  20. age changes such as deccreased thyroid function and thermoregulatory system altered affect what?
    endocrine system
  21. what declines with age and varies from person to person as we age?
    immune system
  22. liver weight declines due to blood flow lowering the number of hepatocytes, reduces ability to process certain meds, and must adjust drugs and monitor blood levels, in what age related change?
    hepatic functions
  23. Attrition is affected as we age, what are 5 factors of this?
    • diet
    • occupational factors
    • bruxism
    • chipping, brittle teeth
    • leads to loss of vertical dimensions of occlusion
  24. Denture-related __________ is the most common lesion in the mouth of aging patients
  25. What are 2 things in denture related candidiasis that allow the fungus to grow?
    • improperly fitting dentures
    • lack of salivary support
  26. What are 3 things related to the bone of oral findings in aging periodontium?
    • osteoperosis
    • depressed vascularity
    • reduction in metabolism
  27. What is 1 thing related to the cementum of oral findings in aging periodontium?
    increased thickness
  28. What are 3 things related to the gingiva of oral findings in aging periodontium?
    • changes result of infection
    • anatomic factors - recession
    • blood vessel density
  29. true or false. salivary function doesn't usually change in healthy older adults. It usually just affects older adults with chronic illness because of all their medication
    both are true
  30. true or false. In elderly patients their sense of taste and smell diminishes
  31. What are three conditions of the tongue that can occur as a result of aging?
    • atrophic glossitis (burning tongue)
    • dulled taste sensations
    • sublingual varicosities
  32. What is angular chelitis?
    • a condition affecting the lips in aging patients
    • inflammation of the lips
  33. what percent of all medications are taken by the elderly?
  34. What are 4 things that affect pt compliance in taking medication?
    • cost
    • lack of education
    • unacceptable adverse effects such as dry mouth or cognitive effects
    • complex medical regiments, and not feeling like they need them
  35. Process of care is based on what?
    individual patient needs
  36. What is the most common barrier to patient care in elderly patients?
    lack of perceived need
  37. true or false. Flouride intake of a pregnant women will benefit the mother and child
  38. flouride given to mothers in their _____ and ________ trimesters resulted in ______% of offspring being caries free for up to 10 years
    • 2nd
    • 3rd
    • 97
  39. true or false. Systemic prenatal fluoride was also proven to decrease premature delivery and increase birth weight
  40. Maternal periodontitis can have what affect on the fetus?
    • hinder development
    • low birth weight
    • premature
  41. Pts with what 4 viruses/infectious diseases are at high risk for caries and can cause their children to be at high risk for caries?
    • HIV
    • herpes
    • hep B
    • varicella
  42. The risk of teratogenicity is in the first _______ weeks of pregnancy
  43. Mothers taking respiratory depressants can cause what in the fetus?
    fetal hypoxia
  44. Mothers taking tetracycline during pregnancy can cause what 4 things in the fetus?
    • staining at 4th month of gestation
    • toxic action on ear (deaf)
    • 8th cranial nerve damage
    • bone growth inhibition
  45. When is HIV therapy best used at?
    after the 14th week
  46. Taking alcohol during pregnancy may cause what?
    • Fetal Alcohol syndrome
    • low birth weight
  47. using concaine while pregnant may cause what in baby?
  48. true or false. taking x-rays on a pregnant patient is controversial and should be avoided in the first trimester. don't take x-rays on pregnant pt unless you absolutely have to
  49. With a lead apron on the pregnant pt how many FMX series would we have to take to damage the baby?
  50. the risk of fetal defet from radiographic exam is what?
    9 in one billion
  51. What is the most common oral complication in pregnancy that is caused because of poor oral hygiene, or caused by changes in hormones that may alter tissue reaction?
    pregnancy gingivitis
  52. What can pregnancy gingivitis lead into?
    pregnancy tumors or pyogenic granuloma
  53. an overgrowth of tissue; a benign inflammatory lesion that usually occurs in the labial aspects of interdental area
    pyogenic granuloma
  54. What are 3 symptoms of gingival enlargements in the pregnant pt such as pyogenic granuloma?
    • bleeds easily, even on brushing
    • most often is painless
    • usually goes away with cleaning and after pregnancy
  55. What can be caused by morning sickness with vomiting; mostly seen on palatal surfaces of teeth, it is demineralization and acid erosion?
    enamel erosion
  56. If pregnancy does not increase the amount of caries, then what 2 things do?
    • diet during pregnancy - eating more sweets and more often
    • neglect of oral care - more lax due to nausea, and brushing may cause gagging
  57. during what trimester do we just assess and instruct and do a baseline prophy?
    first trimester
  58. what trimester is the best for general dental treatement?
  59. What are 2 common things to look for when reveiwing the HHx of pregnant patients?
    gestational diabetes and hypertension
  60. What is a common positioning adjustment you may have to make with pregnant patients?
    semisupine and on left side
Card Set
Comp Pt
module two