
  1. Hazardous materials that are shipped in the United States:
    Commonly travel by truck on busy highways
  2. Which organization should responders contact for product information and referral to the correct government authorities in incidents involving radioactive material?
  3. At which level of training will personnel first be trained to perform duties that require them to wear specialized protective clothing and equipment in an attempt to stop the release of a hazardous material?
    Hazardous materials technician
  4. Basic decontamination in incidents involving hazardous material exposure starts at what level of training?
    First-responder operations
  5. The crux of dealing with hazardous materials is:
    Identifying the material(s) involved as soon as possible
  6. Typically, law enforcement personnel fall into which category of training and knowledge?
    First-responder awareness
  7. Besides incident management training and a heightened level of resource awareness, on-scene commanders at hazardous materials incidents must be trained to at least which level?
    First-responder awareness
  8. Which of the following is the correct acronym for a computer program that helps responders to make operational decisions based on correct and projected conditions in incidents involving hazardous materials?
  9. When working with hazardous materials for extended periods of time, what protective respiratory device is recommended?
  10. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. You start to approach the scene to help your partner with triage, but she advises you to return to a safe distance. Your daily work uniform affords you what level of protection?
    Level D
  11. Gases like methane that displace oxygen available for respiration are called:
  12. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. Should you come too close to leaking chemicals, you run the risk of contamination. Hazardous materials may enter the body via which routes?
    Inhalation, injection, ingestion, and absorption
  13. Your crew is called to the scene of a chemical burn injury. As you arrive at the dispatch address, you observe a diamond-shaped placard with three numerical values listed inside the diamond. This symbol is a component of:
    The NFPA 704 System
  14. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. Where are you most likely to find the shipping papers that contain information about the contents of the trailer?
    With the truck driver or in the cab of the truck
  15. Hazardous materials in the North American Emergency Response Guidebook are listed:
    By both substance name and identification number
  16. You are called to a local office building, where a 23-year-old patient presents with fever, prostration, chest pain, and cough with bloody sputum. She also has abdominal pain and diarrhea. She notes that several of her friends who attended an outdoor concert with her two days ago are displaying similar signs and symptoms. This patient works in an open office area with many desks spaced closely together. Her co-workers are at risk for:
    Secondary infection and should be treated
  17. Biological agents that can be easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person, causing high mortality, have been classified by the CDC as:
    Category A
  18. A thick, amber-colored, odorless liquid resembling motor oil is:
  19. The mechanism of action of botulism is:
    Paralytic illness caused by nerve toxin
  20. Viral hemorrhagic fever is typically spread by:
    A sting or bite by an infected mosquito or tick
  21. You are called to a local office building, where a 23-year-old patient presents with fever, prostration, chest pain, and cough with bloody sputum. She also has abdominal pain and diarrhea. She notes that several of her friends who attended an outdoor concert with her two days ago are displaying similar signs and symptoms. Based on this presentation, you suspect this patient has been contaminated with:
    Yersinia pestis
  22. A typical presentation by a patient infected with tularemia is:
    Abrupt onset of high fever and GI complaints
  23. A Homeland Security Advisory System status of yellow means the risk of terrorist attack is:
  24. You are called to the home of a 50-year-old farmer with complaints of lesions on his hands. He reports that his hands started itching about 10 days ago, then developed lesions have now begun to turn black. This presentation is consistent with exposure to:
  25. You are called to a local office building, where a 23-year-old patient presents with fever, prostration, chest pain, and cough with bloody sputum. She also has abdominal pain and diarrhea. She notes that several of her friends who attended an outdoor concert with her two days ago are displaying similar signs and symptoms. Treatment for this condition includes:
  26. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. As you retreat to a safe distance, you note that your eyes are starting to burn slightly. From this you assume the chemical(s) involved may be:
  27. Informal methods of identifying the presence and type of hazardous materials include:
    Container characteristics
  28. Hazardous materials are substances capable of "posing an unreasonable risk to life, health, and property." For purposes of paramedic identification, hazardous materials are found in:
    Virtually every home, work, and transportation environment
  29. A chemical that will permeate clothes will:
    Flow through clothing on a molecular level
  30. The highest level of skin, respiratory, and eye protection is afforded by what level of protective clothing?
    Level A
  31. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. Your partner has been trained in the application and use of firefighter turnout gear and SCBA. She properly dons this gear and approaches the scene with what level of protection?
    Level D
  32. You are dispatched to a motor vehicle collision. On arrival, you observe a tractor-trailer truck T-boned in an intersection. The trailer has been breached and its contents are leaking from a tear in the shell. The driver of the other vehicle is still in his car. The driver of the tractor-trailer truck is out of the cab and walking around. What agency can you contact 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, that will notify the shipping company of the incident and provide additional assistance and follow-up?
  33. Most EMS personnel and fire fighters are trained to this level:
    First-responder operations
  34. When liquid phosgene is released, it:
    Vaporizes into a gas that stays close to the ground

    • The acronym B-NICE is used to:
    • Identify categories of weapons of mass destruction
  35. The use of biological agents is:
    Banned by international treaty since 1972
  36. The greatest concern for contamination by biological agents is via:
  37. Smallpox is an attractive agent for bioterrorism because:
    The virus is easily spread from person to person
  38. Mustard is an example of a:
  39. What effects should you anticipate in a patient poisoned with ricin?
  40. Drugs available in the Mark I kit to treat nerve-agent exposures include atropine and:
    Pralidoxime chloride
  41. One method of hazardous materials identification is the NFPA 704 System. The three properties the NFPA 704 System rates are:
    Health, fire, and reactivity
  42. Which of the following is true regarding the characteristics of the injuries associated with acids and alkalis?
    Alkalis may liquefy tissues as they penetrate them and therefore may burn more deeply and more extensively
  43. Your ambulance crew is called to assist at a hazardous materials incident. A fire occurred at a pesticide distribution warehouse, and chemical containers have been compromised. As you approach the scene, you observe that some of the water used to extinguish the fire has run off and is pooling across your access point. You should:
    Turn back and find another route to the scene
  44. Your ambulance crew is called to assist at a hazardous materials incident. A fire occurred at a pesticide distribution warehouse, and chemical containers have been compromised. The primary goal of prehospital decontamination is to:
    Reduce the patient's dosage, decrease subsequent contamination, and reduce the risk of rescuer injury
  45. Your crew is called to a fabrication plant for a 27-year-old male who was splashed with a chemical catalyst used in the manufacture of prefabricated shower stalls. When you arrive, the patient is in the restroom rinsing off his face, chest, and upper arms. He is complaining of a burning sensation. The plant foreperson informs you that the substance involved has "a very high PEL." This would mean the substance:
    Does not typically cause adverse effects to those working around it on a regular basis
  46. When assisting in the decontamination of a rescue worker exiting a hazardous materials incident, you should initially remove any powder-like contaminants by:
    Brushing it off with a brush or towel
  47. The U.S. Department of Labor requires Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for:
    Each chemical produced, stored, or used in the United States
  48. The most likely route for disseminating botulism in a case of bioterrorism is:
    Contamination of food
  49. Deaths resulting from a radiological dispersion device would probably be:
    Greater in number as a result of the explosion than because of the effects of radiation
  50. Prophylactic vaccination against smallpox is currently:
    No recommended because of the possibility of toxic or allergic reactions
  51. Several patients are rapidly reporting to the medical treatment tent at a local football game. Patients are complaining of headache, chest pain, and abdominal cramps. Two of the patients are seizing. One patient in mild distress reports smelling an odor that reminded her of Vicks VapoRub. You suspect these patients have contacted:
  52. The most potent lethal substance known to man is:
    Clostridium botulinum
  53. While relaxing in quarters, you answer a knock at the door. A helpful citizen saw a metal canister fall off a truck and has brought the canister to you for proper handling. The side of the container reads: "CAUTION: CRYOGENIC PRODUCTS ENCLOSED." The container should be handled with great care because of the inherent risk of:
    Severe frostbite
  54. Your ambulance crew is called to assist at a hazardous materials incident. A fire occurred at a pesticide distribution warehouse, and chemical containers have been compromised. The incident commander calls you on the radio and advises you to prepare to medically evaluate crews exiting the hazard area. You would anticipate that these crews would be decontaminated in the:
    Decontamination corridor
  55. A product identification system that identifies hazardous materials by specific hazard and not by specific chemical is the:
    United Nations Labeling System
  56. Immediate treatment for a patient with suspected ricin poisoning includes:
    Moving the patient to an area with fresh air and decontaminating her
  57. Factors to consider in protecting people from radiation include time, distance, and:
  58. When lewisite comes into contact with the skin, the patient:
    Reports immediate pain and irritation
  59. Your ambulance crew is called to assist at a hazardous materials incident. A fire occurred at a pesticide distribution warehouse, and chemical containers have been compromised. At this scene, where would you expect to find the command post and your staging area?
    In the cold zone
  60. You are responding to the scene of a train derailment. Which of the following indicators is the safest indication that you should stage far from the scene?
    You see a white placard that says chlorine
  61. Which level of responder is responsible for using survey instruments and equipment to identify hazardous materials?
    First-responder awareness
  62. Informal methods of identifying the presence and type of hazardous materials include:
    Container characteristics
  63. You are called to the home of a 50-year-old farmer with complaints of lesions on his hands. He reports that his hands started itching about 10 days ago, then developed lesions have now begun to turn black. After hearing your initial thoughts on the cause of his condition, the patient is concerned that his wife and children should also be treated. You tell him that:
    This disease is rarely spread from person to person, and treatment for his family is not recommended
  64. Poisonous gases were popular weapons in:
    World War I
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