Comp Pt

  1. During risk assessment for the pt, what is the best way to determine the severity, stability, and nature of the medical condition of your patient?
    look at medical history
  2. What are the 2 basic techniques used to obtain a medical history?
    • interview
    • printed questionnaire
  3. What are 2 ways to determine the functional capacity of the patient?
    • ASA classification
    • MET (metabolic equivalent level)
  4. A widely used method of expressing medical risk, a system that was originally developed to classify patients according to their risk for general anesthesia, but is now used for outpatient medical and dental use for all types of procedures
    ASA physical classification system
  5. normal healthy patient
    ASA I
  6. Patient with mild systemic disease that does not interfere with daily activity, or patient with a significant health risk factor like smoking, alcohol abuse, or gross obesity
    ASA II
  7. Patient with moderate to severe systemic disease that is incapacitating but that may alter daily activity
  8. Patient with severe systemic disease that is incapacitating and is a constant threat to life
    ASA IV
  9. A patients ability to perform common daily tasks can be expressed as what?
    Metabolic equivalent levels
  10. What provides a way of quantifying a patient's general physical status?
    metabolic equivalent level
  11. What is a MET?
    • a unit of oxygen consumption
    • the higher the MET, the more physically involved the activity
  12. A's in risk assessment
    • antibiotic
    • anesthesia
    • anxiety
    • allergy
  13. B's in risk assessment
  14. C's in risk assessment
    chair position
  15. D's in risk assessment
    • drugs
    • devices
  16. E's in risk assessment
    • equipment
    • emergencies
  17. What are 8 effective ways to reduce stress?
    • open communication about fear
    • short appointments
    • morning appointments
    • preoperative
    • intraoperative sedation
    • profound local anesthesia
    • adequate postoperative pain control
    • patient contacted on evening of the procedure
  18. What 5 areas should we pay special attention to in a physical exam?
    • skin and nails
    • face
    • eyes and nose
    • ears
    • neck
  19. Cyanosis can indicate what?
    cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency
  20. yellowing of skin and nails can indicate what?
    liver disease
  21. petechiae or ecchumoses can be signs of what?
    bleeding disorder
  22. The following alterations in the fingernails indicate what?:
    splinter hemmorrhage
    • cardiopulmonary insufficiency
    • cirrhosis
    • malignancy
    • bacterial endocarditis
  23. The following abnormal varieties in the face can indicate what?
    pale edematous
    moon facies
    dull puffy
    unilateral paralysis
    • nephrotic syndrome
    • cushing's syndrome
    • myxedema
    • bell's palsey
  24. What are some of the most common sites for sctinic keratosis and basal cell carcinomas?
    • bridge of nose
    • infraorbital region
    • ears
    • back/dorsal of hands
  25. The following eye irregularities may indicate what?
    lid retraction/wide eye stare
    scleral yellowing
    red conjunctiva
    • hyperthyroidism
    • hypercholesterolemia
    • hepatitis
    • sicca syndrome, allergy, or iritis
  26. An earlobe crease occurs more frequently in pts with what?
    coronary artery disease
  27. What are the six things that vital signs consist of?
    • blood pressure
    • pulse
    • respiratory rate
    • temperature
    • height
    • weight
  28. A blood pressure cuff that is too small yields false ___________ results, a blood pressure cuff that is too large yields false ___________ results
    • elevated
    • low
  29. The best way to consult the patients physician and to prevent the pt from coming in and starting the appointment with a condition that will compromise the appointment is what?
    a phone call
  30. What are three main types of treatment modifications?
    • preoperative
    • intraoperative
    • postoperative
  31. What are three main aspects of the patient to evaluate in risk assessment?
    • functional capacity - ASA
    • emotional status
    • planned procedure - type and magnitude
Card Set
Comp Pt
module one