Soc 338

  1. Unemployment
    • Frictional
    • Cyclical
    • Structural
  2. Frictional Unemployment
    Results from unavoidable delays netween jobs, such as when a person moves to a new location
  3. Cyclical Unemployment
    gap between available work and people needing work during a temporary economic downturn
  4. Structural Unemployment
    chronic gap between the number of jobs the conomy provides and the number of people seeking work
  5. Underemployment
    employment that is inadequate for the workers in terms of income, hours of work, or use ofthe worker's skills
  6. Marginal Jobs
    jobs generally viewed as inadequate because they do not meet community norms for wage, hours, or use of worker skills
  7. Contingent Jobs
    non-permanent employment whos continuity depends upon the availability of work
  8. Affirmative Action
    government mandated hiring procedures that attempt to compensate for past discrimination through hiring goals, preferncial consideration among otherwise equal candidates, or active recruitment of women or minority workers
  9. Glass Ceiling
    An invisable barrier thats said to keep women and minorities out of high level government and corporate jobs
  10. Tokenism
    Hiring of a few minorities or women in an occupation as token adherence to diversity goals
  11. Racial Quotas
    • Racial quotas in employment and education are numerical requirements for hiring, promoting, admitting and/or graduating members of a particular racial group.
    • Racial quotas are often established as means of diminishing racial discrimination against those racial groups.
    • Racial quotas are closely linked to notions of group rights, and special rights
  12. Goals and Time Tables
    These goals are directed to achieving a balanced work force. The nature of these goals is contingent upon the nature of any underrepresentations of women, minorities and persons with disabilities in any of the job categories/groups of the vendor's work force.
  13. Comparable Worth Discrimination
    occupational differences in pay that include unequal rewards for equal qualifications and job demands between jobs that have typically been filled by men and those that have been typically been filled by women
  14. Minimum Wage Policies
  15. Equal Employment Opportunity Laws
    • Civil Rights Act of 1964
    • Affirmative Action
  16. Dual Labor Markets
    • job markets that operate to preserve jobs with better pay and greater security for dominant groups
    • Primary- benefits, advancement
    • Secondary- low wage, no benefits
  17. Social Construction of Gender and Race
  18. Gender and Race as Social Categories
  19. Occupational Steering
    channeling of women or minorities into jobs considered "appropriate" for them under the previaling ideas of the cultural division of labor
  20. Gender-Typing
    cultrual division of labor characterizing jobs by ones thought most appropriate for each gender
  21. Occupational Segregation
    channeling of minority groups or women into restricted sets of oppupations
  22. Statistical Discrimination
    arises when employer bases hiring or promotion decisions on the average qualifications of a group , rather than on the idividual's qualifications
  23. Institutional Discrimination
  24. Underclass
    refers to those in the lower class who have access to only the most insecure and poorly paid jobs
Card Set
Soc 338
H&S Ch 4, 14, MF Ch 5, P&P Ch 6, 17, 19, 20, 27, & 29