Integumentary System

  1. 3 types of epithial membranes
    • Cutaneous membrane
    • Serous membrane
    • Mucous membrane
  2. 2 types of Serous membranes
    • parietal: lines the walls of a body cavity
    • visceral: covers the surface of organs found in the body
  3. mucotaneous junction
    the transitional area that serves as a point of "fusion" where skin and mucous membranes meet
  4. synovial membranes
    line the spaces between bones and joints
  5. bursae (bur-sah)
    cushion like sacs that are found between many moving body parts
  6. synovial fluid
    a thick color-less lubricating fluid secreted by synovial membranes
  7. sebaceous glands
    oil glands
  8. 2 layers of the skin
    • Epidermis - outermost layer
    • Dermis - deeper of the two is thicker made up largely of connective tissue
  9. subcutaneous tissue
    aka hypodermis
    • thick layer of loose connective tissue and fat
    • fat in this layer insulates the body from extreme heat and cold
  10. stratum germinativum
    innermost layer of the epidermis
  11. keratin
    a tough, waterproof material that provides cells in the outer layer with a horny, abrasion-resistant, and protective quality.
  12. stratum corneum
    tough outer layer of the epidermis
  13. dermal-epidermal junction
    the junction between the thin epidermal layer of the skin above and the dermal layer below
  14. papillary layer (dermis)
    • the upper region of the dermis characterized by rows of tiny bumps called dermal papillae
    • dermal papillae - form the ridges and grooves that make up your fingerprints
  15. reticular layer (dermis)
    deeper area of dermis filled with a dense network of interlacing collagen fibers
  16. hair papilla
    a small, cap-shaped cluster of cells where hair growth begins
  17. arrector pili
    • goose bumps
    • Latin meaning "errectors of the hair"
  18. Pacini corpuscle
    (deep in the dermis)
    receptor that is capable of detecting pressure on the surface of the skin
  19. Meissner corpuscle
    (closer to the surface of the skin)
    receptor capable of detecting both light and touch
  20. free nerve endings
    receptors that repsond to pain
  21. Krause end bulbs (bulboid corpuscles)
    receptors that detect low frequency vibration
  22. 2 types of sudoriferous (sweat) glands
    • eccrine sweat glands - far more numerous, important, and wide-spread in the body - produces sweat
    • apocrine sweat glands - found primarily in the armpit and around the gential area - begin to function in puberty
  23. sebaceous glands
    • secrete oil for the hair and skin called sebum (which lubricates hair and skin)
    • grow where hair grows
Card Set
Integumentary System
Integumentary System