- urge for reciprocal intimacy (thats why not satisfying to love someone that does not love you back)
- fxn: to keep ppl together (attached)
- complex dynamic system
4 stages of attachments (Bowlby)
- Preattachment
- Attachment in the making
- Clear-cut attachment
- Goal-corrected partnership
- birth to 6 wks
- phase of indiscriminating sociability
- dont respond any differently to their primary care giver (mom) compared to others
Attachment in the making
- 2-7 months
- phase of discriminating sociability
- clearly know their mother and respond differently to her compared to others
- start developing expectations from their mother
Clear-cut attachment
- 7-24 months
- proximity-seeking phase
- experience stranger anxiety, now show upset over strangers picking them up
- response system is active under certain situations –> the attachment system is what gets activated
Goal-corrected partnership
- after 2 yrs
- phase of reciprocal relationship
- reduction in the stress when separated from the primary giver
- mental model developing about self and others
- attachment system activated when under threat
Infant attachment styles (Ainsworth)
- Observed 28 Gandan mothers and infants
- attachment followed Bowlby's sequence
- individual difference in attachment security
Baltimore Longitudinal Study (Ainsworth)
- Strange situation: novel environment (motivates exploration and security seeking)
- Separation activates attachment system
- Parent seated, baby plays (2)
- parent returns, greets baby (5,8)
Individual Differences in Attachment Styles
- Secure
- Anxious-resistant attachment
- Avoidant attachment
Secure (65%)
- caregiver = secured base (share with mom)
- comforted by their caregiver when distressed
- actively seeks contact upon reunion
Anxious-resistant attachment (12%)
- Near mother, still anxious
- Poverty of exploration
- Not comforted by reunion
Avoidant attachment (23%)
- Independent exploration (do not share with mom)
- Little preference for stranger vs. mom (easily comforted by stranger or their mom... no preference)
- Active avoidance upon reunion
Secure shows what when they are older?
- experience much less fear/anxiety
- Those with secure attachment become confident over time
- Responding to what their parent is doing
- They think they are worthy as those with anxious think they are not worthy
Adult Attachment Styles (Hazen, Bartholomew)
- 3 Behavioral systems (Shaver and Hazen)
- Adult Attachment (Batholomew)
3 Behavioral systems (Shaver and Hazen)
- Attachment system
- • Feel sad when they leave
- • Fascination in partner
- Care-giving system
- • Responsive of the others needs
- • Overwhelming feeling to make them happy
- Mating (sexual reproduction)
- • Oxytocin released during orgasm = attachment
Fxn of adult love
- Sexual attraction –> procreation
- Attachment –>increases parental health, stability and investing in offspring
- (Advantage for ppl to be together because 2 parents are better than 1, biological perspective on fxn of adult love)
Adult Attachment (Batholomew)
- 4 Categories of attachment
- • secure
- • preoccupied
- • dismissing
- • fearful
- 2 Dimensions
- View of self -/+ (am i worth, am i not)
- View of others -/+ (are they lovable, or not)
Secure in adult attachment
independent, prefer autonomy
want relationships; fear rejection, mistrust others