Pharmacology 6

  1. Benzodiazepam
    • Used to relax, calm, and promote sleep
    • Safer than barbiturates, less chance of lethal overdose
    • Subject to tolerance and physical dependence
  2. Benzodiazepam MOI
    • Potentiate effects of GABA, especially GABAa
    • GABAa1 has alpha (sedation)
    • GABAa2,3 ( Decreased anxiety)
  3. Temazepam
    • Restoril
    • Hypnotic agent
  4. Triazolam
    • Halcion
    • Hypnotic agent
  5. Estazolam
    • ProSom
    • Hypnotic
  6. Quazepam
    • Doral
    • Hypnotic
  7. Flurazepam
    • Dalmane
    • Hypnotic
  8. Diazepam
    • Valium
    • Anti-anxiety
  9. Alprazolam
    • Xanax
    • Anti-anxiety
  10. Clonazepam
    • Klonopin
    • Anti-anxiety
  11. Lorazepam
    • Ativan
    • Anti-anxiety
  12. Halazepam
    • Paxipam
    • Anti-anxiety
  13. Barbiturates
    • Very addictive
    • Potentiate inhibitoy effects of GABA
    • Bind to GABAa at a site different than GABA or Benzodiazepams
  14. Zolpidem
    • Ambien
    • Affect GABAa1 by causing GABA to bind more effectively increasing CL= conductance and level of inhibition
    • Mediates sedation without producing other side effects
  15. Zaleplon
    • Sonata
    • Affect GABAa1 by causing GABA to bind more effectively increasing CL= conductance and level of inhibition
    • Mediates sedation without producing other side effects
  16. Alcohol
    Activate GABA1 receptors increasing GABA mediated inhibition.
  17. Buspirone
    • Buspar
    • Increases the effects of serotonin in areas of the brain
    • Less sedation and psychomotor impairment then benzos, less risk of tolerance and phys depend
    • Moderate efficacy
  18. Propranolol
    • Inderal
    • Beta blocker that decreases anxiety probably through sympatholytic effects.
Card Set
Pharmacology 6
Pharmacology 6