What are the flattened sacs inside the chloioplast?
Where does the Calvin Cycle occur?
What is the solution surrounding the grana called?
What pathway do plants go through by fixing Carbon Dioxide to 4 carbon compounds in hot, dry climates?
C4 Pathway
What pathway do plants go through by fixing Carbon Dioxide to 4 carbon compounds in very dry climates by opening the stomata at night?
CAM Pathway
Small pores located on the undersides of leaves are called?
The incorporation of Carbon Dioxide into organic compounds is called
Carbon Fixation
An organelle found in plants and algae
Reaction when the sun's energy is captured and converted to chemical energy stored as ATP and NADPH
Light Reactions
Process converts light energy to chemical energy
An important pigment that gives plants their green color
Compounds that absorb light
Enzyme assisted reaction in which organic compounds by using carbon dioxide and energy stored in ATP and NADPH
Calvin Cycle/Dark Reactions
The synthesis of ATP
Chain that transports excited electrons from one molecule to another
Electron Transport Chain
The acceptor of electrons lost from chlrorphyll a
Primary Electron Acceptor
Organisms that eat other food
Organisms that produce their own food
The Light Reactions occur here
Thylakoid Membrane
A cluster of pigments and proteins
Stacks of thylakoids
These absorb the photons of light
The least helpful color that is reflected in photsynthesis is:
This scientist determined that the plant's mass come from outside sources (discovered it didn't come from soil, but water in soil)
Jan Von Helmont
This scientist discovered plants produce oxygen by using a candle and a glass jar
Joseph Priestly
This scientist discovered that plants only produce oxygen when exposed to sunlight
Jan Ingerhousz
The waxy, protective layer of the leaf that prevents too much water from entering and leaving
The photons of sunlight enter through here to start photosynthesis
Where carbon dioxide enters, oxygen exits, and water enters and exits
Where water diffuses on the leaf
Guard Cells
The layer of photosynthetic cells
Spongy Layer
Layer of cells rich in chloroplasts
Palisade Layer
Brings water and nutrients to the leaf
The two parts of light
Waves and Photons
A particle of light
Longest waves with lowest frequency on Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio Waves
Waves that pass through some objects and heat others
Waves that heat dark but reflect light material
Infared/Heat Waves
The smallest part of electromagnetic spectrum, visible to humans
Visible Light
Waves that cause surnburn and destruction of ozone
Ultraviolet Waves
Waves that penetrate muscle but not bone
Waves used in cancer
Gamma Waves
The first step of the light reaction
Light Absorbtion
When the excited electron breaks the water molecule it creates
Hydrogen Ion, Electron, Oxygen
The purpose of the Calvin Cycle is to turn carbon dioxide into this
Glucose or other monosaccaharides
A 5 carbon sugar combines with carbon dioxide to form
3-Carbon Compounds
ATP and NADPH are used to convert the two 3 – carbon compounds to
2 PGAL/G3P molecules makes one
An opposite process of photosynthesis is
Cellular Respiration
3 energy storing compounds are
Carbon Dioxide is used in the
Calvin Cycle
Energy is stored in
The complete balanced equation of photosynthesis
6H2O + 6CO2 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2
The waves and photons of light are divided into
The Electromagnetic Spectrum
3 Factors that effect photosynthesis are
Light, Temperature, Carbon Dioxide Levels