BC #23.txt

  1. What is the diff b/t primary and secondary malnutrition?
    • Primary: General nutrients, amino acids are missing
    • Secondary: Items missing due to deficiencies or physical demand
  2. What are the two dangers of refeeding a marasmus patient?
    • 1) Repletion heart failure: heart weak from fasting, can't take extra calories and glucose
    • 2) Hyopophosphatemia: phosphate trap (less ATP)
  3. What is used to measure Kwashiokor and what is its value?
    • Albumin <2.8
    • **Lymphopenia, bad wound healing, easy loss of hair or edema are also present
  4. What are classic lab findings for Marasmus?
    reduced seruym protein anemia
  5. Is Cachexia a primary or secondary cause of malnutrition?
  6. What happens to RMR in cachexia?
  7. When is Enteral nutrition used?
    • During times of malnutrition when there are ingestion/digestion problems
    • absorptive capacity adequate
  8. When is Parenteral nutrition used?
    When GI tract is nonfunctional
  9. How many days do you need in order to start nutrtitional support?
    At least 5 (if less, then you can't do it)
  10. If a person is expected to die of a disease b/f malnutrition, do you treat with nutritional support?
    No, waste of resources for someone that is not in need
  11. What are the two types of parenteral nutritional support?
    • 1) TPN: fed into central vein, can require surgery
    • 2) PPN: short term
  12. Should you give a hyperglycemic patient a TPN?
    No, it exacerbates the problem
  13. What are the four advantages of Enteral nutrition over Parenteral nutrition?
    • 1) Physiological
    • 2) Immunologic
    • 3) cost
    • 4) safety
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BC #23.txt
BC #23