Global Connections

  1. Modernity
    That state of a society's development in which the rate of change becomes so rapid that the members of that society regard it as a matter of course that the world will change radicaly and unpredictably during the course of their lives.
  2. Who were the 3 unifers of Japan?
    • Oda Nobunaga: brutal, "iron fist", conquered both Hideyoshi and Ieyasu
    • Toyotomi Hideyoshi: compromise
    • Tokugawa Ieyasu: Clever, politicaly gifted, great surrendering deals
  3. What were the effects of Urbanization?
    Stabalized local areas Cut ties of Samuri to land (absence of elite class led to bureaucracy) Developed local administration Helped to bring large furtile merchant class into being (^ in wealth and power) Market eco. > specialized agriculture Improved transportation Diverse urban culture
  4. Battle of Sekigahara. ID. Date. Significance?
    • 1600-1868 // Edo Period
    • Battle between 2 coalition armies - E/W Japan
    • Tokugawa beat Yoshito
  5. Daimyo. ID. Date. Significance.
    • Fuedal lord // constant terror for loyalty
    • 3 levels:
    • Shimpan members of Tokugawa branch families, collateral houses, VP, Shoganate but no idea what's going on
    • Fudai retainers of the Tokugawa house, allegiance before BOS, Admin of Bakufu
    • Tozama allegiance after BOS, not trusted, scattered regions
  6. Bakufu
    Military government
  7. Flan
    Fuedal Domain
  8. Shogun
    • hereditary military dictator
    • highest military power
    • 794-1867
  9. Tokugawa Control Mechanisms
    • confiscation/reassignment of land
    • sankin koai (alternate attendance)
    • sakoku (closed country)
    • ideology neoconfucianism (div. society/4)
    • 1467-1573
  10. Genroku Culture
    • 1680-1730
    • "ukiyo" - floating world
    • more femine approach (pleasure qaurters, tea houses, theatres, bath houses
    • peace
    • developed bushito to keep warrior life alive
    • growth in social class (first time commoners became culturally impt) <> spread of literacy, leisure for rding, rapid publishing industry growth
  11. Deshima
    • the island harbor where the Dutch were allowed trading. They were kept under closed guard as if it was prison.
    • 1641-1853
  12. Yoshimune's Decree
    • 1720
    • Western books were allowed as long Christianity wasn't mentioned
    • furthered learning
    • 1770's german medical book translated: more accurate than chinese book
  13. Rangaku (Dutch Studies)
    • translated a german medical book
    • dutch schools now in existence
    • scientific / technological revolution
    • basically is what transformed / modernized Japan
  14. Kokugaku (nat'l learning)
    • study of Japanese philology and philosophy originating from the Tokugawa period
    • came mostly from shinto tradition and Jap's ancient lit.
    • tried to rid chinese learning
    • men - terrible books - classical lang.
    • women - good books - basic lang.
  15. Mito School
    • mito (dominant domain during Edo period)
    • complete history excluding the emperor
    • development of new religions: women: "i had a vision"
  16. Class System within Neoconfucianist class
    • samurai
    • peasants
    • artisans (makers)
    • merchants (sellers)
  17. Gono
    • wealthy peasants in the Tokugawa period who were important in the village
    • ?many people who stimulated the industrial growth came from here?
  18. merit ideology
    • most merit in charge
    • study: wealthy b/g
    • successful (exams): legitamacy
    • merit > hereditary (brains>blood)
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Global Connections
Japanese history