
  1. Predicting danger
    The ___ something is, the more ___ it is to predict..
    rarer, difficult
  2. Predicting danger
    The mentally ill are more likely to commit murder than the average person..

    True or False
  3. Predicting danger
    What is the best predictor of future behavior?
    past behavior
  4. Duty to warn
    What is Duty to Warn?
    responsibility of the therapist to breach confidentiality if a client or other identifiable person is in clear or imminent danger
  5. Duty to warn
    When does Duty to Warn apply?
    • when the client has expressed an intent to harm another person, has the ability or the means to carry it out, and has identified a potential victim
    • all three conditions must apply
  6. Confidentiality
    How old is a child in the mental health world?
  7. Confidentiality
    What are the limits to confidentiality?
    • danger to self
    • danger to other (Duty to Warn)
    • abuse of a child/elder
    • subpoena
  8. Legal and ethical issues
    When do mental health issues become legal ones?
    • competence to stand trial is in doubt
    • a defendant uses an insanity plea
    • decisions need to be made about involuntary commitment to a mental hospital
    • when the rights of mental patients are legally tested
  9. Legal and ethical issues
    Define Insanity defense
    • legal argument used by defendants who admit the've commiteed a crime but plead "not guilty" due to mental illness
    • "insanity" is a legal term NOT a mental health term
  10. Criteria for judging insanity
    What is the M' Naghten Rule?
    • "right/wrong" test
    • morality test
    • could the person comprehend that the act was wrong?
  11. Criteria for judging insanity
    What is the Irresistable Impulse test?r
    a test proving that the defendent is not ciminally responsible if he or she lacked the will power to control his or her behavior
  12. Criteria for judging insanity
    What is the Durham Rule?
    • the "products" test
    • the individual is NOT responsible if the unlawful act was a product of a mental illness
  13. Criteria for judging insanity
    What is the purpose of the American Law Institute (ALI) Guidelines?
    assist jurors in judging insanity on a case by case basis
  14. Criteria for judging insanity
    What are the three criteria in competency to stand trial?
    • does the person have a factual understanding of the proceedings?
    • does the person have a rational understanding?
    • can the defendant rationally consult with a lawyer in a productive way?
  15. Psychology Ethics Principles
    What is beneficence and nonmaleficence? (1/5)
    • beneficence = attempt to help those under your care
    • nonmaleficence = above all, do no harm
  16. Psychology ethics principles
    What is Fidelity and Responsibility? (2/5)
    • fidelity = "faithfulness to obligations or duties"
    • act professionally
    • uphold the standards of the profession
  17. Psychology ethics principles
    What is Integrity (3/5)
    • how you advertise yourself
    • be honest
    • be accurate when conveying professional information
    • keep promises, and don't make promises you can't keep
    • do not use deception unless absolutely necessary
  18. Psychology ethics principles
    What is Justice? (4/5)
    • your actions
    • be fair
    • do not knowingly give unequal treatment to clients
    • excercise reasonable judgment
    • understad your limitations
  19. Psychology ethics principles
    What is respect for client rights and dignity?
    • clients have a right to privacy, confidentiality, and self-determination
    • be aware of and respect culture
  20. What are Dual/Multiple Relationships?
    knowing a client in a context outside of therapy
  21. Multicultural Competencies
    Dimension one Awareness: (1/3)
    "...a culturally skilled counselor is one who is actively in the prccess of becoming aware of his or her own assumptions about human behavior, values, biases etc."
  22. Multicultural Competencies
    Dimension two Knowledge (2/3)
    • "...a culturally skilled counselor is one who actively attempts to understand the worldview of his or her culturally different client without negative judgments."
    • the counsler does not have to hold the same views, but does has to respect them as another legit perspective
  23. Multicultural Competencies
    Dimension three Skills (3/3)
    "...a culturally skilled counsler is one who is in the process of actively developing and practicing appropriate, relevant, and sensitive intervention strategies."
Card Set
exam one chapter seventeen