187 quiz 1

  1. What are the 5 components of heath related fitness?
    • 1. flexibility
    • 2. muscle stregnth
    • 3. cardiovascular/cardiorespitory
    • 4. muscle endurance
    • 5. body composition
  2. What is S.M.A.R.T.?
    • Specific
    • Measurable
    • Actionable (eg. has meaning to the individual)
    • Realistic
    • Time-oriented
  3. How many METS do most ADLs require?
    3-8 METS
  4. What is S.O.A.P.?
    • Subjective data
    • Objective data
    • Assessment
    • Plan of action
  5. What does subjective data consist of?

    What is subjective data used for?
    • Exercise history
    • Medical history
    • Reason person is coming to you
    • Current limitations/problems
    • Medications

    Used to determine which tests to use!
  6. What is objective data?
    • screening/test to characterize exercist capacity
    • quantify limitations in PHYSIOLOGICAL TERMS
  7. What does the assessment include?
    Using subjective AND objective data to generate a list of specific problems. (numbered list)
  8. What does a PLAN consist of?
    • Short and long term goals; realistic time frames
    • evaluate benefits and risks
    • consider cost
    • consider unique circumstances
    • establish exercise prescription
  9. ACSM risk stratisfications: LOW RISK?
    asymptomatic w/ <2 risk factors
  10. ACSM risk stratisfication: MODERATE RISK?
    asymptomatic w/ ≤ 2 risk factors
  11. ACSM risk stratisfications: HIGH RISK?
    1 or more signs/symptoms or known cardiovasuclar, pulmonary, or metabolic disease
  12. ACSM recommendations: LOW RISK?
    medical exam & diagnostic BEFORE starting?
    physician supervision recommended DURING exercise test?
    • moderate exercise: not necessary
    • vigorous exercise: not necessary
    • submax testing: not necessary
    • max testing: not necessary
  13. ACSM recommendations: MOD RISK?
    medical exam & diagnostic BEFORE starting?
    physician supervision recommended DURING exercise test?
    • moderate exercise: not necessary
    • vigorous exercise: necessary
    • submax testing: not nec
    • max testing: necessary
  14. ACSM recommendations: HIGH RISK?
    medical exam & diagnostic BEFORE starting?
    physician supervision recommended DURING exercise test?
    • moderate exercise: necessary
    • vigorous exercise: necessary
    • submax testing: necessary
    • max testing: necessary
  15. ACSM def of moderate exercise
    • 40-60% VO2 max, within current capacity, comfortably sustained for ~45 min
    • about 3-6 METS
  16. ACSM def of moderate exercise
    • > 60% VO2 max, substantial cardiac challenge
    • > 6 METS
Card Set
187 quiz 1
risk factors, benefits, programming, testing