What are the unalienable rights that all men are endowed with?
Life, liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
Where did the Anglo-American law originated?
The authors of our Declaration represent the thinking of what man?
Sir William Blackstone
Who influenced the perspective law in England?
juristheologist Saint Thomas Aquinas
What 4 categories did St. Thomas Aquinas develop his thoery on?
Eternal law, Natural Law, Divine Law, and Human Law
What was St. Thomas Aquinas "reason"?
That communication is between Man & God. (faith & spirit)
What are the 4 categories that Sir William Blackstone divided his theory into?
Law of Nature, Law of Scripture, Natural Law, and Human Law
What was Sir William Blackstone's "reason"?
That communication is between Man & Man. Man finds about God for himself.
Who's "reason" had the most influence on America?
Sir William Blackstone
Who said, "that Englad was but the suburbs of Europe and was distined to occuy a much more central position in the future as a bridge between the old world and the New"
John Donne, 1622
Where was there still a significant # of Roman Catholics during the Protestant dominance?
What was the difference of influence between England & the Colonies?
- England: Anglican (the church of England)
- the Colonies: Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Baptist & Quaker
What functional advantage did the government experience with a more open, tolerant position?
Jails were emptied, the Improverished were sent, Adventureer's were enlisted
What is "local autonomy"?
- 1) self control of life/direction of congregation
- 2) minsiter is central voice (preaching/teaching)
- 3) the laity have voting perogatives (controls who will be minister)
- 4) own property out right (not controlled by domination)
What was the death blow to the idea that a whole community would belong to just 1 church?
Thomas Jeffereson's Bill of Religious Rights, 1786
Who started the 1st black church in SIlver Bluff, SC?
David George & George Leile, 1775
What are the English dominations?
Anglicans, Congregationalist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Quakers & Roman Catholics
What are the Continental Dominations?
Mennoites (minno Simmons), Moravians, German Lutheran & Reformed, Jews, and Dunkers Trinitarian Baptismal formula: Father, Son, Holy Spirit
What is the latin word for religion?
ligare: a linking back from the human divine
Define sacred.
A state of deep relationalship with God
spiritual reformation: practice of obedience of religious moral & ethical codes
Exislentialism states:
- God is "wholly other" and can never be identified with anything finite.
- Jesus Christ was only a man who hid his divinity.
- God & Christ can never be fully known.
Who were in the the Taino Tribe?
Pre-Hispanic Amerindian's (includes: Haiti, Cuba, DOminican Republic, Puerto Rican, Jamaica, and Bahamas)
Key points of the Taino Religion:
- -worshipped spiritual beings called "CEMI"
- -oral tradition states that the sun & moon came out of caves
- -and that the ocean came from a flood: father murdered son; put his bones in a gourd; bones turned into fish; gourd broke and all water came puring out into world
Which illustration of Native Worldview told story about origin of humanity, corn & tobacco?
Penobscot Indian Story: Kloskurbeh, the All Maker (lived on Earth)
Which illustration of Native Worldview told story of creation?
Osage Story: Sun & Moon progenitors
Which illustration of Native Worldview told story of people?
Sioux Story: rattlesnakes are cousin
Which illustration of Native Worldview told story about myth?
Pottawatomie: maiden sings to a fish that turns into a child
Which illustration of Native Worldview told story about a myth of a girl who married a rattlesnake?
Who was the eternal center figure of the Cherokees?
someone Powerful
Who was the eternal center figure of the Cheyenne?
The Great Medicine
Who was the eternal center figure of the Yakima?
"Great Chief Above"
Who was the eternal center figure of the Hopi?
a Woman
Who was the eternal center figure of the Apache?
a pregnant maiden from the sun & water who gives birth to the Song of God
Who was the eternal center figure of the Penobscot?
Kloskurbeh, the All Maker
What areas of daily life did belief systems influenced?
- - knowing when to hunt & fish
- - rituals that communicate history
- - concepionn & pregnancy
- - "rights of passage"
- - going to war
- - last rites & rituals of death
- - art
What is Worldview?
a way of explaining the world around you through a concieved set of moral premises that give definition to what you see.
What was Martin Luther's Key argument for the Reformation?
95 Thesis, "Justification by Faith": supported the notion that a person could achieve a union with God by faith alone instead of deeds that the Catholic Church required
Johann Tetzel?
- - a Domincian Priest
- - raised money for St. Peter's Basillica by selling "indulgences" ( penance certificates that were purchased before you committed any sin)