1. How much plasma is normally filtered per minute?
    120 ml/min
  2. The maximum amount of glucose that a transporter can reabsorb/minute
  3. The amount of glucose that is filtered / minute
    • "Filtered load of glucose"
    • 0.6 mmol/minute
  4. Why does glucose appear in the urine
    "Filtered load of glucose" is more than Tmax
  5. These 2 conditions can cause glycosuria (starts with D and F)
    • Diabetes Mellitus (high plasma [glucose] )
    • Familial glycosuria (Tmax is lowered)
  6. This is reduced in old diabetics
  7. How does all that reabsorped stuff get back into the blood once inside the cell?
    Pressure going IN capillaries is more than pressure going OUT
  8. How much blood is filtered every day?
    160 L!
  9. How much urine is excreted each day?
    1.5 L
  10. 70% of filtrate is reabsorped here
    Proximal tubule
  11. 20% of filtrate is reabsoped here
    Loop of Henle
  12. Salt and water balance happens here
    Distal tubule
  13. This polysaccaride is used to measure GFR
  14. These cells are connected by tight junctions
    Epithelial cells
  15. These cells sit on the basement membrane of capillaries
    Epithelial cells
  16. This side of the cell faces the lumen
    Apical side
  17. This side of the cell faces away from the lumen
    Basolateral side
  18. This is reabsorped in the early proximal tubule
    Amino acids; Glucose; Bicarbonate
  19. Hartnup disease (a genetic defect in protein transporters) can cause this
  20. This transporter is messed up in Hartnup disease
    • Phenylalanine
    • Alanine
    • Tryptophan
    • Serine
  21. This transporter is messed up in Cistinuria
    • Cystine
    • Arginine
  22. This is reabsorped in the late proximal tubule
  23. What is the normal level of glucose in blood?
    4-5 mmol/L
  24. Glucose Transport:
    Image Upload 2
  25. How much glucose can you have in the plasma before it starts appearing in the urine?
    • 14 mmol/L
    • The transporters cant handle more than this
Card Set
Tube function