Cognitive Science Midterm 1

  1. The term ghost in the machine refers to which concept?

    A. that there is a nonphysical mind that resides in the brain
  2. Which of the following monist theories states that the world only exists in an individual's mind?

    C. solipsism
  3. According to functionalism, it is best to characterize minds

    B. in terms of the operation they perform
  4. According to libertarians,

    B. determinism is false
  5. While nativism claims that ideas are innate, rationalism claims that

    B. reasoning capabilities are innate
  6. The Chinese room scenario demonstrates that

    D. following an algorithm does not always demonstrate understanding
  7. TRUE or FALSE:
    Reductionists wish to reduce psychological phenomena to small-scale neural functioning.
  8. TRUE or FALSE:
    Qualia refers to the subjective feeling of a cognitive process.
  9. TRUE or FALSE:
    For Searle, there is no distinction between conscious mental states and physical mental states.
  10. TRUE or FALSE:
    By the multiple drafts model of consciousness, processing occurs through different parallel pathways.
  11. The field of cognitive science can best be described as

    B. a collaborative, interdisciplinary study of the mind
  12. The word animal is an example of which kind of representation?

    B. concept
  13. The rules by which units of language are combined and transformed are called

    D. syntax
  14. Memory, language, attention, and perception are all examples of

    C. mental operations
  15. When a computer follows a software program to reach a certain output, which level is it operating on?

    B. algorithmic level
  16. Cognitive psychology arose as a backlash against

    D. behaviorism
  17. TRUE or FALSE:
    Propositional representations are both verbal and visual.
  18. TRUE or FALSE:
    In the connectionist view, knowledge is represented locally in the form of symbols.
  19. TRUE or FALSE:
    Philosophy, like psychology, operates according to the scientific method.
  20. TRUE or FALSE:
    Robots programmed to process from a bottom-up approach are programmed with a lot of information about the world.
  21. Which of the following accurately states the relationship between the dependent and independent variable in an experiment?

    are manipulated by the experimenter.
    C. Change in the dependent variable is measured as the independent variable is manipulated by the experimenter.
  22. Seeing a cat and noting that it is black reflects our

    A. immediate experience of the cat
  23. According to James, substantive thought occurs when

    A. thoughts are focused
  24. According to Gestaltism,

    C. the whole is more than the sum of its parts
  25. Suppose you shine a light into the aquarium each time before feeding your goldfish. Having done this several times, the fish now rise to the surface to feed in the presence of the light before receiving the food. The light is an example of

    C. a conditioned stimulus
  26. Since being thirsty may influence the behaviors associated with getting a drink of water, Tolman considers thirst

    A. an intervening variable
  27. TRUE or FALSE:
    For Titchener, the strength of a sensation can be described in terms of clearness.
  28. TRUE or FALSE:
    Freud believed that we are aware of the unconscious mind.
  29. TRUE or FALSE:
    Introspection was the behaviorists' main ethodology.
  30. TRUE or FALSE:
    Behaviorists believed that the mind could not be studied scientifically.
  31. The argument that language develops as a result of an innate mechanism that is not dependent on the environment is proposed by

    A. Chomsky
  32. In cognitive psychology, process models are used to represent

    D. the independent stages through which information processing proceeds
  33. Which aspect of the Pandemonium model would represent the overall appearance of a letter?

    D. an image demon
  34. You are looking in your closet for your green wool sweater in a pile of black pants. Detecting the green sweater requires

    B. pre-attentive processing
  35. In Broadbent's theory of attention, a filter selects information to be attended to based on

    C. physical characteristics
  36. The fact that we can recognize a frying pan when it is viewed from the top and from the side is accounted for by

    D. invariance
  37. TRUE or FALSE:
    In Triesman's parallel search, items are scanned one at a time until the target stimulus pops out.
  38. TRUE or FALSE:
    The dichotic listening task was developed to study selective attention.
  39. TRUE or FALSE:
    According to Kahneman, attentional capacity is optimal during periods of high arousal.
  40. TRUE or FALSE:
    It is more difficult to recognize an object when the junctions between geons are occluded.
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Cognitive Science Midterm 1
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